Three Harpies I got when I captured Mouth of Mire appeared on tile 0,0... They'll be flying for a while methinks...
No announcement yet.
BITTERFROST II - Development Thread!
Curt ... this is your best scenario so farInstead of sleeping I was playing it until deep into the night ... it is that gripping & those graphics are that unbelieveable good
You have now officially convinced me that ToT is by far better than MGE ...
Even though I am in the process of making the Readme, with a dedicated and full credit list:
I want to give a special thanks just now to that one creator
whom inspired me to kick off the entire Bitterfrost concept.
That person is the hugely-talented FavouredFlight, the genius
behind the Moria, Fellowship and Return of the King LOTR scenarios.
Without his ground-breaking graphics, I would never have been jolted into creating a fantasy effort.
His kind permission to let the community use his cities and units as basis
for many new creations, has led to a complete revolution in my own work.
That combined with the elements and actual tweaked work from Catfish
and Fairline included with BF2 has opened a whole new territory for me!
Now I feel ready to add this kind of graphic level to my other scenarios too!
*FavouredFlight, Catfish, Fairline, Bebro, Will Keenan, Jim Panse*
I salute thee!
Originally posted by jim panse Instead of sleeping I was playing it until deep into the night
In any case, I have some more comments:
You might want to increase the movement of ships. So far I only have the caravel, but with only 3 moves not only it takes ages to move around the map (especially due to the size), but a 1 move land unit moving along a road moves faster.
I just discovered Monarchy and got Galeena promoted to Priestess. IMHO, her stats are too low. Perhaps some more attack, and especially an extra HP will make her more on par with the best buildable units availiable so far. (A countess is 5/5/1 2/1). I'd put her (I don't know the stats of the other civs' units) more on par with the other heroes... (Bhurkis, Othmok, Goldfist, Irene and Lopaz I've got so far and they've got 4/4 or 6/6 HP/FP)
On most parts of the map, the 2 moves of the mounted units goes to waste... Why not something more close to 4?
Also, exploring is a PITA. I'd pay to have some explorer-like unit with 1 move that treats all terrain as roads (but doesn't ignore impassable terrain).
I've noticed that peasants can traverse mountains. I suppose this was intended so that they can improve said tiles, but it leads to easy ways of traversing mountains: the Bursars can get to the cities between Blackhand hills and Mortiis river as fast as the Coven if they want to. What about disallowing this? If you wanted to improve Mountains, you can always use Engineers (when they become availiable)
Nedlings can traverse mountains as well... I bribed a few of the Barbarian cities (Ishahn's gate and Toth's gate) (and quite cheap, too) and got some very useful 3 movers that can traverse mountains... Maybe you'd want to at least make the bribing more expensive?Indifference is Bliss
Originally posted by N35t0r
You might want to increase the movement of ships. So far I only have the caravel, but with only 3 moves not only it takes ages to move around the map (especially due to the size), but a 1 move land unit moving along a road moves faster.
You do realise there are three other species of ships?
All of them get faster and more capable....
If you reaserch 'Naval Superiority', capture one wonder,
and build another, you get 4 bonus movement to ships...
Originally posted by N35t0r
I just discovered Monarchy and got Galeena promoted to Priestess. IMHO, her stats are too low. Perhaps some more attack, and especially an extra HP will make her more on par with the best buildable units availiable so far. (A countess is 5/5/1 2/1). I'd put her (I don't know the stats of the other civs' units) more on par with the other heroes... (Bhurkis, Othmok, Goldfist, Irene and Lopaz I've got so far and they've got 4/4 or 6/6 HP/FP)
The kings and queens are not meant to be used in battle!
They are meant to be protected...Not used as attackers...
I have plans to reduce the capability of certain leaders...
Originally posted by N35t0r
On most parts of the map, the 2 moves of the mounted units goes to waste... Why not something more close to 4?
Originally posted by N35t0r
Also, exploring is a PITA. I'd pay to have some explorer-like unit with 1 move that treats all terrain as roads (but doesn't ignore impassable terrain).
Do you wish me to change their stats to one-move, all-moves-as-roads?
I was toying with that idea...
Originally posted by N35t0r
I've noticed that peasants can traverse mountains. I suppose this was intended so that they can improve said tiles, but it leads to easy ways of traversing mountains: the Bursars can get to the cities between Blackhand hills and Mortiis river as fast as the Coven if they want to. What about disallowing this? If you wanted to improve Mountains, you can always use Engineers (when they become availiable)
But it means you will lose the ability to mine mountians early on.
I guess the advent of engineers means better mining too...
I will fix this at your suggestion...
Originally posted by N35t0r
Nedlings can traverse mountains as well... I bribed a few of the Barbarian cities (Ishahn's gate and Toth's gate) (and quite cheap, too) and got some very useful 3 movers that can traverse mountains... Maybe you'd want to at least make the bribing more expensive?
I've been playing this one for hours as the Bursars and I've been quite active in getting a trade empire going.
Two observations:
The Bursar don't have to worry much about enemies in the south. They are far away from the action it seems (intended?).
The mountain ranges and no food/shield-winter/frost tiles go a long in preventing city sprawl. You can't go posting cities just anywhere. You have to choose your spots. After a while you see the Bursar slowly filling up the valley.
Finally, the Bursar have an excellent starting locationSkeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.
Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer
sounds cool, can't wait until it's doneI am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!
I wouldn't know... I think the Bursars do get quite a challenge. I can't seem to expand across the mountain range due to marauding hordes of Crusaders roaming about. Good thing I have Lopaz and Goldfist with me.
Curt, you have outdone yourself once again.