A roaming Aryan invader sometime 4000bc stumbles upon the Harrapan river valley. A sizeable settlement of industrious yet fish refusing, predominantly Women natives are quickly coereced under his tribal rules and law. Invader Zylka decides not to return to his Caspian hunting grounds once called home. An empire will be built upon this fertile land and it's equally fertile women; instead.
No announcement yet.
TWIF A game story thread!
In a time before time, in an age of pure dream reality, a dusty red ball rose into the sky over a dusty red rock. One being had the dreamstrength to manifest a tangible reality, and a new age was born. He looked around, and there was nothing except the two dusty red balls. One on the hard dusty red ground, and one in the dazzling blue sky. The decision took about two seconds, and towards the dusty red ball in the sky he turned. It looked to be very far away. "Bugger" he thought.
For days he trudged through a harsh dusty red land, with nothing save his dreams to entertain him - yet these dreams created a multidimensional glorious world of deep insight and complexity. This period became known as 'The Dreamtime', and so blurred his perception of reality that nothing could ever totally anchor him to one world or another.
After many moons of walking the Dreamer wandered into a tumultuous mass of swirling blue water! The shock jolted him awake mid-dream, forever fracturing his psyche into a multidimensional kaleidoscope. He manifested physically in the tangible world he had initially created. Yet this one was radically different - interesting and useful and confusing at the same time. This was the result of his dreams? Whatever had he done?
"Bugger" he thought.<>---Cyber-Spyder---<>
weaving webs within the web...
Near 1000 years after Aryan invasion and following culture shock; and things have changed only subtly for this river valley people. A sort of male dominant martial law has been established within the now 20,000 large settlement of Mohenjo Daro. Her more nomadic sisters from the early days have take firmer habitat in the northern fringes of those grasslands along the Harrapan.
It is in underground cultures noticed that fermented berries from nearby hills make for a surprisingly debilitating aprhodesiac. In response, population only grows to what primitive agriculture can support. Post drunken rape creativity begins expanding minds of the tribal elders in perchance stranger ways than before imagined. Though more focus is put on a nearby shale found in rather eastern hills. This provides warmth when set afire.
The European people are blessed. They have started on a river system which can support a large population and countless cities. Trade is conducted along these rivers more readily and some of the crossroads of the European trade network, such as Copenhagen or Warsaw, see many travellers from all over the world.
But this was not enough for Ljube the Great, the wise leader of the Europeans. He wanted to attract scholars from all over the world. And so he invested most of the hard earned treasury collected over the course of centuries into a Great Library. This library has at least one copy of every book printed all over the world. Through this institution the Europeans got acquainted with the concepts such as philosophy and republic which enhanced their society greatly.
Years of peace and prosperity have been put in jeopardy by the reckless acts of a succession of Aryan kings. But let me start from the beginning.
The Aryans are the first nation the Europeans encountered. They have sent an emissary into our lands with a message of peace and cooperation. Euros believed the kind words and signed a peace treaty immediately.
Little while later we spotted an Aryan settler in the Caucasian mountain range which constitutes a natural border between our two spheres of influence. We never suspected the settler would head north when such oil rich land lay south in the Mesopotamia.
When the Aryans informed us of the existence of the city of Bombay on the mouth of our rightfully claimed river Volga into the Caspian Sea, we were furious at them, but our wise diplomats remained calm. The land in Europe is fertile, rich, the harvests are plentiful. So we let them settle there, along the Volga, but only if they didn't go further west. To protect the river Don, we built the city of London on its mouth into the Black Sea.
Years later we decided to populate the Don further north and we were very surprised to find someone trespassing on our hunting grounds northeast of our glorious city of Kiev. It was another Aryan settlement, Pondicherry, illegally founded west of our demarcation land. We decided to guard our forests with soldiers and our relations with the Aryans are at their lowest ebb. They have shown their true intentions and only the prompt evacuation of Pondicherry can prevent a war between us.
The Dreamer idly sits on a mountain, casting an eye over his empire. "These mushrooms are quite tasty", he thinks to himself.
Many years have passed since that first shock, and although he hasn't updated his journal things are going rather well. After establishing a few cities along minor river systems {all next to good surfing beaches of course} some of the younger warriors started teasing him about his stories of a lifeless red world. So he sends a few off west to rediscover the ancient lands. None of them return, but he is sure their journey has been one of discovery and not totally in vain. Not that rediscovering the desert really does anyone much good. And they were good lads.... One of them would have made a star half back. "Bugger" he thought.
After the third mushroom season the people of Sydney really get into the swing of celebrating. Other towns are busy procreating, but the hippies of Sydney transcend that and get into gardening instead. Soon a wonderous 'Hanging Gardens' are built, and across the land people celebrate. Being Sydney though it doesn't take long before some capitalist bastard starts charging people entry. "Bugger" he thought.
Soon enough the surfers make boards big enough to take into really deep waters, and they go in search of bigger and bigger waves. Along the way they happen to discover some interesting islands to the north - there are other masses of land in this world! This opens up the potential for other races to also exist. And the Dreamer worries that they will eventually hear about his mushrooms and want to claim some for their own. "Bugger" he thought.
Sure enough, it doesn't take long before new races are met. Some rice eating slanty eyed folk known as the 'Asians' are initially quite belligerent, kicking Australian explorers and settlers off a nice fertile patch of land with a *wicked* right hand break. " 'S cause we beat them in rugby, they got all pissed off. Blamed our pot for ruining their co-ordination", one of the surfing explorers explained. War is averted only by agreeing to stick to the islands off the Asiatic coast, but a smart piece of diplomacy {involving a blonde surfer babe, a huge joint and a very accurate charcoal sketch artist} secures Oceanic rights to all of those islands. "Wicked" he thought to himself.<>---Cyber-Spyder---<>
weaving webs within the web...
A historical story update to come later tonight, but for now...
In one of the most bizaree and complex webs of deviance and general mistrust - the World now finds itself quite the bundled ****** of back scratching and pseudo alliances.
The Indus empire - under authority of peace time General James IV, makes clear his own present state in this sticky state of diplomacy. He, as leader of the Empire, for the time remains in technical alliance with the Asiatic - but no more.
He remains simply neutral and dedicated agreement with old trading partner Africa. This agreement was in not to make any pre-emptive attack on her lands, and to validate between the two the Saudi Arabian penninsula and Africa Major/Minor to Afrikan's unimpended settlement.
He sits tense regarding the Euro's own flowering empire; and hostile at best. From historical Caucasian descent of earliest Aryan invaders, he proclaims the Caucasas region; sans Pondicherry - Indus own land.
He proclaims the strange yet helpful Oceanic tribe sister of Indus, and as far as trust goes in this Medieval world - best of Indus' friends.
He sits tense regarding the Euro's own flowering empire; and hostile at best. From historical Caucasian descent of earliest Aryan invaders, he proclaims the Caucasas region; sans Pondicherry - Indus own land.
The European empire hereby would like to thank the Indus people and leadership for their generous offer of handing over Bombay and Japur to European controll
The Caucasus / Inner Caspian are known more widely as ONE geographical entity, in Indus society
History: Of the Early Aryan Invaders
A bizarre story at best - the past which marks the present of this Indus story is ultimately of more confusion than clarity; of more ravaging than purity.
Such story began an estimated 4050bc, when small river hugging tribes had eventually banded together in creation of a peaceful, mid-valley settlement traced back as "Mohenjo". In its own infancy of community workings, the people of this; the World's earliest known settlement - focused only on creed of the ruling Mohenjo family daughters. That creed was simply enough of a peaceful and nurturing communal life which rejected any spiritual ideals or real political form.
Unfortunately enough for the last of the ruling daughters; a roaming band of Aryans from the Caucasas / Caspian region had at the same time set south and east in general hunting life and slaughter. By chance enough, the most notified leader of their two generation travels - a leader known as Zylka; eventually stumbled upon the mountain enclosed northern valley of the Indus river.
to be continued...
The African Daily Tablet, Vol 1.
A Melbourne carriage driver sticks a plump thumb in the air and barks "Africa OK!" A speaker addresses his Parliament about the cozyness of relations with his yet unseen ally. Several Oceanic dissidents question the motives of Oceana's latest alliance before they are put to death.
All over the island nation this year, citizens are intrigued with their nation's new alliance with the African nation. Many are convinced that it shows a new maturity from the previously stand-offish, isolationist regime. The keeness is derived from questions regarding the government's "don't ask don't tell" philosophy of describing its place in the geopolitical landscape.
African president John F Kerry was received warmly in Canberra as he presented Oceanic wise men the gift of trade. African monetary investment in the nation was substantial last year, and is likely to increase this year. The Oceanic parliament seems to be responding, if tentatively, to foreign pressure on human rights issues.
But questions linger as to Oceanic motives. Foreign attaches speculate that Oceanic foreign policy may be driven by other factors than Afican dubbed "South Sea Symbiosis."
Oceana's massive investment in exploration have led to contact with the Indians, Asians, and Europeans. Top diplomatic officials in Africa describe Oceana's stance on her diplomatic relations with those nations as "hush-hush," and fear the initial stages of imperialism.
The unease in Malaws was exacerbated last week with word of possible Oceanic espionage activity in Europe. Details on this breaking story can be found in next week's edition.
Kerry, admittedly unnerved at the silence from Canberra in recent months, claims to remain "confident" that the Canberra - Malaws pact will endure to the millenium and beyond. But he is quick to point out that, at this point, the alliance is a "one-way-street."
Chief of Staff Dylan Baker described the arrangement from Oceana's perspective as "Nixonian Triangular Diplomacy." He is the leader of a small movement within the African nation to support sanctions on her longtime ally until the full nature of her opaque diplomatic stances can be acertained.
Morning Waves ::*::
"...and she let out such a scream that it chilled the blood in an instant; forever freezing and robbing the life from the idle bystanders who had done nothing to help her."
" My how the level of culture and refinement had increased in this once barbaric land," the Dreamer thought to himself as he put the book down.
His brood had done well over the past few generations. A long living and skillful race, they had traversed the oceans and met the worlds inhabitants.
They had no enemies, and could see no point in having any. His skilled and cultured diplomats effortlessly assimilate into every other race they meet. Every culture had something positive to offer.
They were often too generous in negotiations, but then occasionally got wonderful gifts when most needed. There had been that one minor incident over in Europe, but the treasures they held had been worth the minor flap. The problem never really surfaced, the Europeans obviously too superior to be bothered about such a minor affair. He could just picture that annoying sneer. "Be charitable, everything has it's place," he reminded himself.
"The Africans, they were always the most fun," he thought fondly. The bond between them was strong. Such a beautiful race, and always up for a party. Not to mention the gifts they had bestowed in times of dire need. He fully intends to return the favour, and has sent out a wave-reader to discover what the Africans really need to evolve further.
The Dreamer is disturbed by some of the sensationalist tabloid gossip being spread about by certain African dissidents. "How little that shiny race perceive," he thinks; shaking his head. Surely they could see the benefits of having a strong, mature and wise world leadership. If they would merely accept the considered counsel of the Oceanic viziers their life and future would be greatly enhanced. Of course they would forever maintain their sovereignty, he had no wish to add such lands to his control.
The people at the top understood, but the Dreamer felt it his duty to help all Africans out - it was nothing less than an enlightened soul could consciously do. Missionaries were sent out, some brave empathic souls camping directly opposite the African banks.
Enlightened merchants were generously assisting the effort by setting up trading posts along the way. Dreamer idly cast aside any doubts about the Africans loyalty. Cultured races had no problems eliminating distracting noise pollution, he was sure the problem would be dealt with.
"More presents, they like shiny things," he notes to his secretary.<>---Cyber-Spyder---<>
weaving webs within the web...
History: End of the Ancient Rule
Zylka's first descent from the Northern Indus valley was random enough; although the second quick and with sudden intent. As record of the invasion tells - the settlement of Mohenjo had one day, in clear view, been spotted. Jewel of nothing these nomadic hunters had ever before seen. And to their knowledge, undefended.
After a retreat camp had been made; the follow through travel back to Mohenjo (and her subsequent rape), began. There was little real slaughter itself - just forced procreation repeated. Within the following half decade, and with Aryan authority fully established - the Mohenjo daughter family was forced into repeated public submission, and the Capital settlement's full name was changed to Mojenjo Daro. Dar, in ancient Aryan sanscript; meaning "quell". Daro, as "quelled" - but in more derrogatory linguistic use; conquered or humiliated.
Within a half century, the society turned into one without recognition of its previous, now Ancient dynasty. Remainder of the Caucasian band, mostly the Aryan women who had sat aside during the conquering of Mohenjo - had by then trecked further down the Indus. Smaller bodies of Indian blood found along the way were forced to group with them in Indus' second known settlement - Kolkatta (of the Indus delta). In current day study, the general population of Kolkatta is what would resemble most the physical appearance(s) of the early Aryan invaders. Even still, blood influence by their forced settlement has seemingly only blended to %45 genetic make up of the remaining Indus population. Within centuries - sans the mostly interbreeding Kolkatta community; the people of Indus became one face.