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Request: (after) the Day After Tomorrow?

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  • Request: (after) the Day After Tomorrow?

    Request: (after) the Day After Tomorrow?

    I was wondering if anyone was interested in creating a map or scenario to show how the USA would cope with life after the events shown in the movie the Day After Tomorrow?
    Basically, an ice age has started, almost all of the US is destroyed (as is Europe and north Asia). Most Americans have fled to Mexico and only Texas, Florida and Hawaii survive.
    What would America do?

    Any comments?

  • #2
    St. Leo created a fine scenario called 'The Little Ice Age That Could'.

    Set during the 1600-1700 period, it covered trading and empire building during a renewed frosty age.

    A modern day take on the idea may be interesting.
    Just don't aim to make it as trite as the appalling movie!

    Last edited by curtsibling; November 7, 2004, 16:27.


    • #3
      The Americans would certainly have to evacuate Florida so that we Canadians can take it over like we do every winter.
      Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

      Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
      Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


      • #4
        Originally posted by AGRICOLA
        The Americans would certainly have to evacuate Florida so that we Canadians can take it over like we do every winter.
        Case in point


        • #5
          I was thinking to myself earlier what such a scenariowould be like on a global scale. The great question being what would the world look like if the US and european powers were no more? What nations would rise to fill the great super power void?

          My top ten picks would be:

          Saudi Arabia
          South Africa
          Kingdom of Hawaii
          Southern China
          La Republica Argentina

          Now on a smaller North American/Central American scale the game could be just as interesting. Still, I would most like to see what the world is like 10 years after The Day After Tommorow, after the American and European refugee's have had time to re-settle for the most part and the legacy of African and Latin American debt is all but forgotten.


          • #6
            India Iran Saudi Arabia South Africa Australia Brazil Mexico Kingdom of Hawaii Southern China La Republica Argentina
            I agree except Australia was reportedly having the largest tsunami on record near the middle of the film, so maybe Australia is gone now too.

            Where do you think the Europeans would end up? According to one fanfic I read, most of the French would probably go to Algeirs. Thruthfully, the best Civ scenario for playing the USA leftovers, would be what happens immediately after the events of the movie. Where would america go?

            Any other ideas?


            • #7
              Perhaps there is a tech solution to the flooding?

              Making the US inhabited again? But a far-off goal?

              Maybe the engineer unit could be discovered later on,
              and it can change flood terrain to swampy, then dry?

              Some kind of water evapouration tech?

              Thinking of a long-term scenario goal here!



              • #8
                I thought that North would remain frozen after the movie? Was it thawing?

                Anyone interested in really creating a scenario?


                • #9
                  My understanding was that this was an ice age, and any natural thawing would take centuries if left to nature. So having said that I think Curt's idea is the best, for having a long term goal tech which allows engineers to be built who can turbo-thaw the thick blankets of ice.

                  Okay, no Australia then as it too would most likely be flooded. What would remain of Australia would likely be the scattered settlements in her interior, hardly enough to form a true super power in my judgement, though I admit since this is all speculation I could be wrong.

                  Okay, I like the idea of the French moving to Algeria, but where would the Brits relocate? India? South Africa? Whats left of Australia? Maybe they too would head for North Africa as it is closer. Egypt then? Perhaps we could see a new state created as a homeland for the displaced British people. What would happen to the middle east? With the United States gone, would the Arab powers seize an opportunity to invade Israel? I think in this scenario Iran would be in a good strategic situation.

                  Would scores of Russian's decended into Central Asia? Would Central Asia be any better than ice covered Russia? I wonder if Italy would try to relocate on mass to Libya, a sort of "repatriation" of their former colony.

                  I sense there will be allot of debate about what would happen after this catastrohpic event. Curt, where do you think the Brits would relocate if the Isles were rendered uninhabitable?


                  • #10
                    As for a map it would be a simple job of using an existing global Gigamap and turning much of europe and North America into an ice shield.

                    How's this for a title... "The World After Tommorow"


                    • #11
                      I´d say Central Asia would not be inhabited by too many people. Think of permafrost terrain and how cold it is in Siberia each Winter now. And then think about how cold it would be in Central Aiso when such a catastrophy would have happened. The permafrost zone would be shifted southwards, don´t you think?


                      • #12
                        World of Tomorrow sounds great (although I do believe its been used by Marvel Comics).

                        I think that the Brits would be hard pressed to be alive let alone be a nation. Remember in the movie that it was the change in the N. Atlantic Current that caused all the problems. The NAC is the only thing keeping the Brit Isles alive. Australia could have survived (at least the west coast) so although they wouldn't be a super power in the WoT (Sydney/Melbourne gone), they could be an excellent large land mass for displaced Euros and Asians.
                        Naturally we would think the Arab nations would take out Israel, but remember, the largest users of fossil fuels just disappeared, I think the Middle East would worry about where the paycheck is coming from first.

                        I think the natural physical borders of much of Europe and especially Asia would make it extremely difficult for many of those countries to survive. The worse would be the China/SE Asia border...tons of refugees.

                        Many of these non-country Nations (USA, Brits, French) would have to start any Civ Scenario with their first priorty to create new cities.


                        • #13
                          Well I'm glad you like my suggestion for a title, though my suggestion was actually "The World After Tommorow" and not "The World Of Tommorow" as you quoted it.

                          So do you think China could survive this event as a nation? Or would a South East Asian nation emerge as a powerhouse? Indonesia? Malaysia? The Philipines? Though I doubt even if left by itself the Philipines would rise out of its third world status.


                          • #14
                            My suggestion is to maybe make the scenario a year or two after the climate change. The Civ2 AI would react better to having a few outposts and cities already founded.

                            Also, to give the player(s) a sense of being overwhelmed by the climate shift it might be cool to make the map very large and just focus on a few parts of the world, mainly below the Northern Hemisphere. Since anything above the bulk of North America and a good part of Europe would be covered in ice it might be wise to leave out the majority of that part of the world and write it off as uninhabitable.

                            Maybe you could leave a few very valuable units up in the frozen wasteland and make them a nice find for the player. Think of that nuclear Apocalypse scenario that came with the Conflicts of Civilization add on where you could bribe some howitzers and almost immediately make a good empire for yourself.

                            Also, the use of "special" terrain tiles with a high food production value might be good to create strategic areas for colonization.

                            That's my two cents.

