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ToT - Problems! Please help me stamp out a bug!

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  • ToT - Problems! Please help me stamp out a bug!

    I am in the final stages of converting a well-known scenario of mine to ToT...

    But now the bugs (which have kept themselves at bay) make their presence known!

    As soon as the scenario loads, the game crashes to desktop, no message, no reason.

    My other ToT scenarios work fine...So it is not the game.

    Using debug, I eliminated all problems from the events (I hope),

    Removing rules and events files from the scen folder led to a normal (if chaotic) startup.
    I recopied in the events and startup was normal.
    I then added the rules and the crash happened.

    So I am humbly requesting anyone to help me look through these rules and spot any mistakes.

    Keep in mind that I do these edits at 3am mostly;
    and it is likely I have been staring at the stats too long!
    I may be looking the error in the face and cannot see it!

    Any help is hugely appreciated!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    And to be certain, my ToT version is legitimate and fully patched to 1.1, and is a clean install.

    Here are the events in case anyone wishes to compare them to the rules...

    Attached Files


    • #3
      Ah, Curt - you're gonna have to zip those files - the formatting is gone.
      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


      • #4
        Roger that!
        Attached Files


        • #5
          And here's the events...

          Attached Files


          • #6
            I am pretty much convinced that my trouble lies in the techs.
            I switched these @CIVILIZE values for the default CIV2 ones, and the scen launched OK...
            When reinstated, these @CIVILIZE values are causing a desktop crash after the opening event message.

            This indicateds a tech loop - But I cannot find any here - Talk about frustating!

            Can anyone spot anything odd within this structure?

            ALL TECHS
            American Techs
            American Democracy, 1, 0, nil, nil, 3, 4 ; Dem
            American Patriotism, 1, 0, Dem, nil, 3, 4 ; E2
            American War Industry, 1, 0, Dem, nil, 3, 4 ; Aut

            Hollywood War Movies, 4, 0, Aut, Cor, 3, 4 ; The

            Lend-Lease Plan, 5,-2, Aut, Cor, 3, 3 ; X4
            Supply Route to Russia, 5,-2, X4, Cor, 3, 4 ; X5 99
            European War Plan, 4,-2, X4, X5, 3, 4 ; X6 90
            D-Day Preparation, 6,-2, X6, CoL, 3, 4 ; X7

            British Techs
            British Monarchy, 5, 1, nil, nil, 3, 3 ; Mon
            British Parliament, 5, 1, nil, nil, 3, 3 ; Rep

            Russian Techs
            Communism, 0, 0, nil, nil, 1, 4 ; Cmn
            Stalinism, 6,-2, Cmn, nil, 1, 4 ; Feu

            Soviet Purge, 6,-2, Feu, Mys, 1, 4 ; Mob
            Soviet Partisans, 4, 1, Cmn, Csc, 1, 4 ; Gue

            German Techs
            Nazism, 0, 0, nil, nil, 0, 4 ; Fun
            Lebensraumpolitik, 0, 0, Fun, nil, 0, 4 ; Phi 60
            Blitzkrieg Doctrine, 0, 0, Fun, nil, 0, 4 ; Inv

            Barbarossa Plan, 7,-2, Inv, Csc, 0, 4 ; Mas

            V-Weapons, 6,-2, Inv, Roc, 0, 4 ; Sup

            Waffen SS Expansion, 7,-2, Inv, Plu, 0, 4 ; Mas

            Improved U-Boot, 3,-2, Inv, NP, 1, 3 ; Min


            Japanese Techs
            Japanese Empire, 0, 0, nil, nil, 2, 4 ; Ind
            Looting of China, 4,-1, Ind, nil, 2, 4 ; Gun 35

            Pacific War Plan, 8,-2, Gun, CA, 2, 4 ; Pla

            Industry Techs

            Western Commerce, 0, 0, nil, nil, 0, 1 ; Tra
            Capitalist Banks, 0, 0, Tra, nil, 0, 1 ; Ban

            National Currency, 4, 1, nil, nil, 0, 1 ; Cur
            Industrial Economy, 4, 1, Cur, nil, 0, 1 ; Eco
            National Railroad, 4, 1, Eco, nil, 1, 1 ; Bri

            Wartime Industry, 4,-1, Eco, Csc, 1, 1 ; Cor

            Improved Railroad, 0, 4, Bri, Eng, 1, 1 ; RR

            Synthetic Fuel, 4,-1, Cor, Che, 1, 1 ; Ref

            Population Relocation, 5,-2, Cor, MT, 2, 1 ; San

            Mass Production, 5,-1, Cor, Eng, 1, 1 ; MP
            Total War Production, 6, 1, MP, San, 1, 1 ; Too
            Automated Production, 5,-2, Too, Uni, 1, 1 ; Rob

            Science Techs

            Science Development 1, 5, 1, Eco, nil, 1, 3 ; Alp
            Science Development 2, 0, 0, Alp, nil, 1, 3 ; Wri
            Science Development 3, 5, 2, Wri, nil, 1, 3 ; Lit
            Science Development 4, 4, 0, Lit, nil, 1, 3 ; Uni 85

            Improved Engineering, 4, 0, Alp, nil, 1, 3 ; Eng 45
            Improved Electrics, 4,-1, Eng, nil, 1, 3 ; Mat

            Improved Combustion, 4, 0, Wri, nil, 1, 3 ; Cmb
            Improved Explosives, 4,-1, Cmb, nil, 1, 3 ; Rec

            Improved Chemistry, 4, 0, Lit, nil, 1, 3 ; Che 10
            Improved Medicine, 4, 0, Che, nil, 1, 3 ; Med

            Electronics, 4, 0, Uni, Mat, 1, 3 ; E1
            Atomic Elements, 6,-1, E1, Che, 2, 3 ; Ato
            Nuclear Fission, 6,-1, Ato, Rec, 2, 3 ; NF
            Manhattan Project, 6,-1, NF, Aut, 2, 3 ; FP

            Code-Breaking, 4, 1, MT, E1, 1, 3 ; Cmp


            Army Techs
            Military Tradition, 4,-2, nil, nil, 0, 0 ; Chi
            Enforced Patriotism, 4, 0, Chi, nil, 0, 2 ; Mys
            War Propaganda, 5, 1, Chi, nil, 1, 2 ; MT
            Conscription, 7,-1, Chi, MT, 0, 0 ; Csc

            Home Guard Regiments, 5, 0, Csc, nil, 0, 2 ; Cer
            Civil Defences, 4, 0, Csc, nil, 0, 2 ; Cst

            Basic Weapons, 3, 0, Chi, nil, 0, 0 ; X1
            Improved Weapons, 3, 0, X1, Wri, 0, 0 ; X2
            Advanced Weapons, 3, 0, X2, Uni, 0, 0 ; X3

            Modern Army, 4, 0, Csc, X2, 0, 0 ; Plu
            Infantry Tactics, 4, 0, Plu, Whe, 0, 0 ; PT
            Amphibious Tactics, 5,-1, PT, Sea, 1, 0 ; Amp
            Airborne Tactics, 5,-1, PT, Rad, 1, 0 ; CA
            Commando Tactics, 6,-1, CA, Amp, 1, 0 ; Tac
            Armoured Tactics, 5,-1, Bro, PT, 3, 0 ; Ldr

            Tank Development 1, 6, 0, Ldr, nil, 3, 0 ; Hor
            Tank Development 2, 5,-1, Hor, Eng, 3, 0 ; Whe
            Tank Development 3, 6,-1, Whe, X2, 3, 0 ; Bro
            Tank Development 4, 7,-2, Bro, Cmb, 3, 0 ; Iro
            Tank Development 5, 7,-2, Iro, Mat, 3, 0 ; Stl
            Tank Development 6, 7,-2, Stl, X3, 3, 0 ; Lab

            Airforce Techs
            Air Force, 5,-1, Chi, nil, 1, 2 ; Rad

            Basic Aircraft, 4,-1, Rad, nil, 1, 2 ; Fli
            Improved Aircraft, 4,-2, Fli, Eng, 1, 2 ; AFl
            Advanced Aircraft, 4, 1, AFl, Ref, 1, 2 ; SFl

            Long Range Fighters, 6,-2, SFl, Cmb, 1, 2 ; Exp

            Tankbuster Aircraft, 6,-2, SFl, Roc, 1, 2 ; Las

            Strategic Bombing 1, 6,-2, Rad, AFl, 3, 2 ; Met
            Strategic Bombing 2, 4, 1, Met, SFl, 3, 2 ; CoL
            Strategic Bombing 3, 4, 1, CoL, Exp, 3, 2 ; Pot

            Propellants, 4,-1, Che, Rec, 2, 2 ; ToG
            Rocketry, 6,-2, ToG, Uni, 2, 2 ; Roc

            Jet Engine, 4,-2, Roc, Eng, 2, 2 ; Phy
            Jet Aircraft, 4,-2, Phy, SFl, 2, 2 ; U1
            Improved Jet Aircraft, 3,-2, U1, X3, 2, 2 ; Sth

            AA Defences, 4, 0, Rad, nil, 0, 2 ; U2 65
            Improved AA Defences, 3, 0, U2, Roc, 0, 2 ; U3

            Navy Techs

            Merchant Navy, 0, 0, X1, Eco, 2, 1 ; Map

            Naval Warfare 1, 6,-2, Chi, nil, 2, 1 ; Sea
            Naval Warfare 2, 6,-2, Sea, Eng, 2, 1 ; Ast
            Naval Warfare 3, 6,-2, Ast, Cmb, 2, 1 ; Nav

            Submarine Wafare, 6,-2, Sea, nil, 3, 1 ; Mag 80

            Aircraft Carriers, 4,-2, Nav, Fli, 2, 1 ; Esp

            Super Battleships, 6,-2, Nav, MP, 2, 1 ; SE 75

            Closed Cycle Engine, 4,-2, Mag, ToG, 3, 1 ; NP

            Evil Techs
            Racialism, 5,-2, nil, nil, 2, 1 ; Gen
            Slave Labour, 5,-2, Gen, nil, 2, 1 ; Env
            Forced POW Labour, 5,-2, Env, nil, 2, 1 ; Rfg 70


            • #7
              Here are the current rules in zip format for anyone willing to take a look for loops...
              Attached Files


              • #8

                Problem solved it seems - A little loop was spotted in 'Tank Development 1'.

                Now the scenario plays OK!
                I can get testing now!



                • #9
                  Great news!
                  "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                  It can only be achieved by understanding"

