This scenario was designed by JayBee (Jesus Balsinde).
Here is what he wrote in the ReadMe file, about playing as the Catalans:
Catalans (the Yellow)
I once read in the encyclopaedic readme of the "Age of Piracy" scenario
that if you were able to succeed with I-do-not-remember-now-what tribe,
the author would eat a bug. I guess I would have to promise the same
if you succeed here with the Catalans. They have nothing. Let me repeat
that; they have nothing. They begin with only four cities; they are
caught between the Franks, the rich Aragonese and the Al-Andalusí; they
have no decent army; they have no money. Finally what is worse: they
are a despotism (dubbed as "County"). The only thing that favors them a
bit is that the terrain they occupy is easy to defend. So, if you
really want to be humbled, try the Catalans. All others, forget about
this civ.
Of course, this induced me to have a try
... and the early game was tough: careful micromanaging of my 4 small cities under despotism, until I felt strong enough to attack my neighbours (the Aragonese), mostly because they owned the Abizanda Watchtower (the equivalent of the Great Wall).
After that, my top priority was to fill a huge tech gap (about 30 techs), by stealing techs from the Andalus: quite a job, believe me!
I finally got quite powerful Siege Weapons, then very powerful cannons and a long and bloody war really started (casualties: about 270 units on my side and close to 2000 Andalu units
The Franks and the Fatimids sneak attacked in the meantime, so the endgame was hectic (and quite a job, since I had more than 500 units to move each turn!).
Al Andalus finally were destroyed in 1466: the Catalans had "liberated" the whole Iberian peninsula (+ a few Frankish cities, north of the Pyrenees).
Here is what he wrote in the ReadMe file, about playing as the Catalans:
Catalans (the Yellow)
I once read in the encyclopaedic readme of the "Age of Piracy" scenario
that if you were able to succeed with I-do-not-remember-now-what tribe,
the author would eat a bug. I guess I would have to promise the same
if you succeed here with the Catalans. They have nothing. Let me repeat
that; they have nothing. They begin with only four cities; they are
caught between the Franks, the rich Aragonese and the Al-Andalusí; they
have no decent army; they have no money. Finally what is worse: they
are a despotism (dubbed as "County"). The only thing that favors them a
bit is that the terrain they occupy is easy to defend. So, if you
really want to be humbled, try the Catalans. All others, forget about
this civ.
Of course, this induced me to have a try

... and the early game was tough: careful micromanaging of my 4 small cities under despotism, until I felt strong enough to attack my neighbours (the Aragonese), mostly because they owned the Abizanda Watchtower (the equivalent of the Great Wall).
After that, my top priority was to fill a huge tech gap (about 30 techs), by stealing techs from the Andalus: quite a job, believe me!
I finally got quite powerful Siege Weapons, then very powerful cannons and a long and bloody war really started (casualties: about 270 units on my side and close to 2000 Andalu units

The Franks and the Fatimids sneak attacked in the meantime, so the endgame was hectic (and quite a job, since I had more than 500 units to move each turn!).
Al Andalus finally were destroyed in 1466: the Catalans had "liberated" the whole Iberian peninsula (+ a few Frankish cities, north of the Pyrenees).