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LF's Three Arrows

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  • LF's Three Arrows

    I've just re-read this useful thread in the great library. One thing that seems different from my experience is the beakers required to discover technologies.

    LF said:

    "Tech #1: 10 beakers, tech #2: 18 beakers, tech #3: 24 beakers, tech #4: 36 beakers, tech #5: 45 beakers."

    My experience is

    tech 1 - 10 beakers; tech 2 - 22 beakers; tech 3 - 33 beakers; tech 4 - 48 beakers and tech 5 - 60 beakers.

    Am I miscounting? Does it depend on game version? Is something happening with the key civ that distorts things? (I usually play with the orange civ and no starting techs.)

    My numbers seem to agree with Samson assuming there is no modification, but there is a third set of numbers from Caeser the Great.

    RJM at Sleeper's
    Fill me with the old familiar juice

  • #2
    Map size influences the number of beakers, and LF's numbers look like they came from a small map game, while yours definitely are the ones used on a standard sized map.


    • #3
      Re-reading Shakespeare or Victor Hugo is always a pleasure
      I think solo gave the answer: size of map.
      Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


      • #4
        Caesar the Great's numbers were not all correct. Map size explains the difference between Samson and La Fayette, but I do think La Fayette's numbers may also have been altered by key civ factors; it just doesn't seem likely to me that the cost would increase by a decreasing amount. But I don't play small maps much, so maybe my "common sense" is wrong.

