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Sports Games & Civ2

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mercator

    I suspect you might misunderstand what a goal kick is. It's when the keeper kicks the ball back into the field.

    Were you thinking of a penalty kick? Using the airlift as a method for that looks interesting...

    How do simultaneous multiplayer games work? That might make a penalty kick work without any extra weird contructions.

    Let me see, here's a fancy little drawing. If simultaneous moves means neither can see what way the other is going to move, both the keeper (K) and the ball (B) will have to choose a corner. The keeper can move 1 square per turn, the ball can move 3 per turn. The ball has to kill one of the "goal" units marked by the X's to score. The keeper will stop the ball by bribing it before it killed anything. You'd only need a house rule to make sure that once the attacker has chosen a corner with the ball, he can't change it. Otherwise he could always score.

    Oh, and I'm thinking of one tile being somewhere around 5x5 feet, possibly somewhat larger, like 2x2 meters.

    That would make the players (=unit graphics) proportional to the field size.
    Ah jeez, you're right. I was thinking of the penalty kick. God, it's been so long. A goal kick could use the airfield then, no problem.

    A simultaneous game, I think, either has a time limit for each turn or is completely simultaneous. I will have to look at the the details of this. Your goal kick idea would work in a simultaneous game, but with a turn based game, even a time limited one, there might have to be some sort of path to choose for the kicker. Sort of a "If Kicker (A) choose path 1 and Goalie (B) chooses path 2, then kicker scores. If A chooses path 1 and B chooses path 1, ball is blocked.

    The graphics will be a bit of a challenge, but I'm sure that can all be worked out.

    Here's a site I think could be useful for hashing out the mechanics.
    Last edited by Harry Tuttle; September 27, 2004, 11:55.

