Nice work - The icons are most definitely in!
I have an idea if you are doubtful of my email capabilities!
Why not crop and save off each flag in turn and I will put them together as I make the title...
I would prefer just using my standard email - I get enough junkmails as it is.
Signing up to more sites/mails/MSNs will only increase the spammm!
It might be better this way, as I cannot be sure if I
won't end up using a different design for the final idea...
I normally leave titles till last in a scenario!
I have an idea if you are doubtful of my email capabilities!
Why not crop and save off each flag in turn and I will put them together as I make the title...
I would prefer just using my standard email - I get enough junkmails as it is.
Signing up to more sites/mails/MSNs will only increase the spammm!
It might be better this way, as I cannot be sure if I
won't end up using a different design for the final idea...
I normally leave titles till last in a scenario!
