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SL CivGroup Sub Needed

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  • SL CivGroup Sub Needed

    Hey guys,

    As a few of you know I just bought a house and I am busy working on an addition to the house. Also, my DSL, which I ordered a while ago, has not been set up yet, presenting me with the only option of posting at work. This means I am unable to edit pictures and large articles for the news group as obviously my employers would not like me to spend my time on the clock in such a manner.

    So, after asking Merc if he could do it (he can't, he's busy too) and getting the go ahead from Mark, I've decided to ask some others to be a sub for an indefinate few weeks.

    I would like it if some of the new, more active members would step up, as it's good for the new guys to get involved.

    As for work to do:

    1) Curt needs a posting for his latest Dictator, complete with synopsis, new units, exciting features, art, etc... text and of course the obligatory picture (usually a title pic).

    2) Exile needs a pic for his posting and maybe some more text on the greatness of the scenario.

    This stuff is really easy, trust me. If you don't know how to code something just open up a new page in your broswer, go to the link called "moderate posts", then click on "edit posts" and then copy and paste any codes you'd like to use in the new posting.

    I'm accepting applications as of now, just post your name if you'd like to do it. If you're really good the job can be yours.

    Remember, I'd like some active people who can keep up on a day to day basis. And of course, be knowledgeable of Civ.



  • #2

    What say you all?


    • #3
      Well, I am not really good in coding or any whatsoever is needed but I would do that if someone explains it to me ...


      • #4
        I'm going to give the decision till 5pm Eastern Standard time just so a good many people see the thread.

        As for the coding:

        The CivGroup News page uses HTML. It's like the forum VB code, but different enough that you need to take notice. I just went off a tutorial that I found on the web to learn my initial stuff and whenever I post a new item I just open up another news item post to see how the coding works. I usually need to remember how the links are coded, how bold and center work, etc...

        For pictures I've been linking to my upload box. A news editor will have to link the pics to their own upload box, after uploading of course, but I can always copy the pic and link it to my upload after the period is over, however many weeks that may be.

        So really, piece of cake.


        • #5
          Jim! Congratulations, you've got the job! Post again and let me know you'll accept.

          And as for my DSL, low and behold they transposed my number, twice! Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y! I should have it up in two weeks!


          • #6
            Ok, Harry, I will do that - but I need really DETAILED information on what to do ... I am not the greatest admin ever


            • #7
              Ok, message sent to Mark to make the switch. Just PM me or something and I'll help you out anyway I can. Of course I can only use the computer a limited amount of time each day.

