Originally posted by our_man
Might I suggest adding my "How Few Remain" to the list if you haven't tried it already.
It was generally well accepted - about the only complaint I had was that it was too easy.
Might I suggest adding my "How Few Remain" to the list if you haven't tried it already.

It was generally well accepted - about the only complaint I had was that it was too easy.
Standard Civ2 terrain/cities. no sound. I'm sure it was wonderful if you read all the tuttle books (I only read the first of the series to do with the lizard invasion during WWII) and could identify with the geopolitics but for me its a tad plain.
I found some other gems at the civfan scifi collection not too often mentioned. Recommend you guys try some of them out.
Aliens - LV426 Colony
Jumpship trooper
Sagan Earth 3000
Star Contact 1 - Star Wars
Star Contact 2 - Star Wars vs Star Trek (really fantastic graphics)
also thought of Crisis of a new world order for my collection