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Laugh at a Scouse Git again!

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  • Laugh at a Scouse Git again!


    I'm so disappointed.

    One of my favorite threads ever was the wonderful "Come! Laugh at a Scouse Git!", wherein the Gits invited us all to observe every turn of their game, and play along ourselves, in order to offer a detailed comparison of playing styles. I didn't play the game at the time, but for years I've wanted to play it and resurrect that brilliant thread.

    Now I've played out the game, and I find that I can't post to the archived thread. Sigh.

    But I can start a new thread, and link to the old one, and recommend that everyone who hasn't already read it should do so:

    And I can attach my own gamesaves, which, sadly, pale in comparison to most of those who played the original game: DaveV, arii, Lafayette, Smash, Carolus Rex, geofelt, and others. I conquered in 1770. So, I play about as well now as the weakest participants did three years ago.

    And I can post my log, but I have to tweak some of the symbols first so they'll display right on Apolyton.

    And finally, I can wonder: what happened to the Gits? As far as I've been able to figure out, they only posted saves up through about 420 AD. Stu? Did you fellows ever finish the wonderful game that you so delightfully gave to the rest of us?

    And finally, most importantly, I can thank the SGs both for all the pleasure and camaraderie and insight they've provided me and others over the years. You guys rawwk! Thanks, Stu, and thanks Ivor if you're somewhere that this message can reach.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    So, here's my log. In my Word file the tech advances and the cities built are bolded, but I suspect it won't come through here and I'm not about to do them one by one - sorry.

    One thing I've learned from this comparison game: I need to make up my mind and focus either on early conquest or on early landing. I've always enjoyed building a big, strong civilization, but that's not the way to win early.

    Gitlaugh (Carthaginians)
    large world (150 x 120); bronzeworking, ceremonial burial, horseback riding, mysticism

    3950 Absurdity; village 106, 94 yields archers
    3850 Amusement; village 112,96 yields settlers
    3700 alphabet
    3650 Belly Laugh
    3350 code of laws
    3300 village 107,105 yields mapmaking
    3000 village 99,109 yields barb horseman that kills warrior
    2950 kill barb
    2750 pottery
    2650 settlers in Absurdity and Amusement
    2550 settler in Belly Laugh
    2400 Boffo
    2300 Buffoon
    2250 Bust a Gut
    2100 monarchy; revolt
    2050 monarchist government
    1850 settler in Absurdity
    1700 settler in Amusement
    1650 settler in Belly Laugh; trireme; currency
    1500 settler in Bust a Gut
    1400 settler in Buffoon
    1350 Cachinnate
    1300 settler in Boffo
    1250 trade
    1200 Cackle
    1100 Caper
    1050 Chortle
    1000 Chuckle
    0975 Clown
    0950 writing; Sioux approach Clown
    0925 Sioux arrive, demand and get writing, make peace, no trades, won't ally; Comedy
    0900 Comical
    0825 Convulse
    0725 Hanging Gardens
    0700 Russian trireme visits Belly Laugh; literacy
    0525 most powerful: 1 Carthage, 2 Sioux
    0500 philosophy yields masonry; Marco Polo's Embassy; Vikings trade construction, make peace; Babylonians (#5) trade mathematics; give construction to Sioux, but when I demand tribute, they declare war
    0475 Crack Up; bribe Cedar Creek, 128-26 (size one, a single warrior); they still won't make peace so I pay 50 gp for peace
    0450 Crow; give literacy to Sioux
    0425 Russians visit Cachinnate, make peace, trade me polytheism and ironworking; Aztec trireme loses against my trireme
    0400 Russian elephant sneak attacks, kills two warriors, reduces Cachinnate two sizes; my horsemen lost against heavily wounded elephant!
    0375 Russian elephant, virtually dead, kills another warrior before my horse kill it; find Aztecs (#2), make peace; give philosophy to Sioux
    0250 village 131,109 yields NON elephant; give demanded ironworking to Sioux and they depart from my territory
    0200 astronomy; Dido; Die Laughing; first blackface
    0125 Copernicus' Observatory; contact Russians, refuse demand, war continues
    0100 village 67,109 yields Drollery; Babylonians trade seafaring
    0075 barbs capture Babylonian Ashur; Sioux-Aztec war; Elation
    0020 Aztecs capture Sioux Slim Buttes; monotheism; village 23,107 yields settlers
    0040 Michelangelo's Chapel
    0060 Sioux recapture Slim Buttes; give Sioux demanded trade; Facetious; give Sioux pottery and seafaring; they still won't trade me republic
    0080 village 71,71 yields bridgebuilding
    0100 village 74,94 yields NON crusaders; village 24,90 yields 50g
    0120 barbs capture Viking Roskilde
    0160 Farcical; village 32,86 yields Festive
    0180 Fits; give monarchy and monotheism to Sioux, but they still won't trade; Aztecs trade republic
    0200 Sioux-American war; Vikings trade university
    0220 village 26,84 yields 50g; give Sioux mathematics
    0240 navigation; village 48,96 yields 50g; encounter Americans, refuse demand, they declare war
    0260 Flippant; Foolery
    0280 find San Francisco, make peace with Americans
    0300 Magellan's Voyage
    0320 Frivolity; Frolic
    0340 Aztecs and Americans at war; Fun
    0380 Gales; Giggle
    0400 physics; village 33,69 yields Glee; caravan, silk, demanded, Boffo-Texcoco yields 192g
    0420 two barb legions by Facetious; caravan, silk, demanded, Belly Laugh-Tlaxcala yields 80g; Russians (#7) still demand cash so war continues
    0440 barbs capture empty Facetious, without demanding ransom! silk, demanded, Caper-Tlatelolco yields 168g; Grin; caravan, dye, demanded, Cedar Creek-Tenochtitlan yields 68g; bribe barb Ashur, 208-0, two legions, size 3
    0460 theory of gravity; give Sioux navigation
    0480 give Sioux university
    0500 Vikings sneak attack; Isaac Newton's Academy; Guffaw; caravan, beads, demanded, Chortle-Slim Buttes yields 104g
    0520 Haha
    0540 Aztec-Sioux peace; American-Sioux war ends; Americans & Sioux at war again!
    Americans capture Sioux Slim Buttes; caravan, dye, demanded, Boffo-Teotihuacan yields
    156g; refuse alliance with Sioux; give bridgebuilding to Sioux, they still won't trade; Babylonians trade wheel and banking
    0560 Aztec-Russian peace; magnetism; steal engineering from Viking Westness
    0580 caravan, copper, demanded, Crow-Wounded Knee yields 80g; caravan, silk, demanded, Buffoon-Tenochtitlan yields 234g
    0600 Babylonians trade medicine; revolt
    0620 American-Sioux peace; republican government; find Russian Odessa on tiny island; caravan, gems, demanded, Buffoon-Tlatelolco yields 198g; cease and peace with Vikings; caravan, dye, demanded, Belly Laugh-Little Big Horn yields 156g
    0640 invention
    0660 village 53,39 yields nomads; give Russians navigation so they'll make peace as their archer approaches my undefended Guffaw
    0680 American-Aztec peace; caravan, wine, demanded, Cedar Creek-Boffo yields 70g
    0700 bribe Facetious back from barbs for 52g, size 1 with two legions; caravan, dye, demanded, Amusement-Texcoco yields 172g; caravan, copper, demanded, Die Laughing- Tlaxcala yields 148g; silk, Bust a Gut-Teotihuacan yields 270g
    0720 steam engine; Heehaw; village 71,43 yields nomads (because I built Heehaw first!); gold, Elation-Absurdity yields 150g
    0740 Americans steal seafaring from Ashur; I build Shakespeare's Theatre; Hijinks; Hilarity
    0760 wine, Caper-Philly yields 225g
    0780 barb frigate does not attack my caravel with horsemen aboard!; railroad (fool!); silver, Drollery-Texcoco yields 137g; village 77,45 yields 25g
    0800 capture two barb chieftains that have been stuck in Babylon for ages - but only one payoff; silver, Comedy-Teotihuacan yields 227g; gems, Cackle-Boston yields 216g; dye, Convulse-Boston yields 144g
    0820 sanitation; village 73,37 yields legion
    0840 rushbuild Leonardo's Workshop for 956g
    0860 silk, Chuckle-Little Big Horn yields 140g
    0880 sewer in Absurdity; village 74,20 yields legion
    0920 gunpowder; bank in Absurdity;village 79,11 yields musketeers
    0940 Horselaugh; give railroad to Babylonians, but they won't trade economics
    0960 Aztec-Sioux war; America-Russian peace; village 28,24 yields 25g; Hysterical
    0980 village 81,5 yields In the Aisles; village 17,5 yields NON crusaders
    1000 Russian "sneak" attack, catapult kills musketeer but musketeer fights off crusader; village 67,9 yields nomads
    1040 village 72,0 yields 50g
    1060 economics; Japery; village 65,15 yields 100g; village 33,15 yields 50g; village 8,0 yields nomads
    1080 Darwin's Voyage yields industrialization and democracy; Aztecs trade theology and feudalism
    1100 bribe island Odessa 453g-84g, size 2, only a musketeer, get stuck with warrior code; Jocose
    1120 Russians make peace;village 136,0 yields musketeers; village 40,0 yields 100g; village 59,13 yields Jocularity
    1160 corporation
    1180 Bach's Cathedral; village 53,13 yields crusaders
    1200 Russian sneak attack; village 29,5 yields barb horse; village 104,0 yields nomads
    1220 Russian-Viking peace; chemistry; bribe Tblisi 392-102
    1240 village 113,5 yields Jocund
    1260 gold, Cackle-Drollery yields 116g
    1280 gems, Caper-Calixtlahuaca yields 336g; Joker
    1300 metallurgy; give Sioux railroad and invention; gold, Die Laughing-Teotihuacan yields 384g
    1340 dye, Die Laughing-Washington yields 276g; dye, Chuckle-Buffalo yields 232g
    1360 explosives; silk, Foolery-Absurdity yields 206g; gems Flippant-Comedy yields 150g; luxuries up to 40%
    1380 three barb knights capture undefended Jocose without offering to be bribed; spice Die Laughing-Tlaxcala yields 324g; silver Cackle-Tlaxcala yields 245; gems Chuckle-Buffalo yields 366; give Sioux industrialization; gold Belly Laugh-Comedy yields 108; rushbuy Adam Smith's Trading Company
    1400 conscription; gold Convulse-Tenochtitlan yields 390; bribe Sverdlovsk 93-42
    1420 peace with Russians; bribe back Jocose 26g
    1440 somebody's communism cancels Marco Polo
    1460 dye Cackle-Jorvik yields 132; gold Chuckle-Uppsala (no demand) yields 172g
    1480 electricity;dye Die Laughing-Trondheim yields 336; oil (no demand) Belly Laugh-Uppsala yields 150; silver Bust a Gut-Texcoco yields 425
    1500 hides Convulse-Trondheim yields 316
    1510 steel; oil (no demand) Caper-Hladir yields 172
    1520 Aztecs steal tech
    1540 Vikings destroy undefended Sverdlovsk, without any indication that we're at war! and take gunpowder; we re-make peace Farcical-Hladir yields 534; silver Foolery-Trondheim yields 505
    1550 chivalry Caper-Lindholm yields 455
    1560 hides Convulses-Trondheim yields 344
    1570 communism; dye Absurdity-Washington yields 596; dye Frolic-Uppsala 212
    1580 espionage
    1590 gems Farcical-Lindholm yields 570; gold Belly Laugh-Roskilde yields 390
    1600 United Nations; fundamentalism; hides Convulse-Trondheim yields 344
    1610 gems Frivolity-Babylon yields 702
    1620 leadership;dye Heehaw-Mowcow yields 240; gems Caper-Jorvik yields 312; gems Die Laughing-Uppsala yields 522
    1630 Jollity
    1640 gold Grin-Roskilde yields 432; Joshing
    1650 tactics;Lampoon; village 24,18 yields 100g; Lark; revolution
    1660 fundy;gift 20 techs to Sioux; 225g tribute from Sioux; Russians refuse tribute, declare war; Vikings, Aztecs, Babylonians, and Americans refuse tribute; I break treaty, attack Sioux, capture Little Big Horn; with luxuries at 70%, every city except Absurdity celebrates
    1670 bribe Three Forks 181-29; capture Moscow; bribe St. Petersburg 510-138; oil Absurdity-Amusement yields only 30g, routes = 9 w/ RR; dye Gales- Buffalo yields 288; luxuries down to 40%
    1680 bribe Minsk 243-216; capture Kiev 133, Smolensk 99; coal Tbilisi- Chicago yields 250; 100g tribute from Aztecs; Babylonians, Vikings, and Americans refuse; capture Tenochtitlan 235g, Sun Tzu, Colossus; capture Teotihuacan 194g, Tlatelolco 116, Tlaxcala 139
    1690 Sioux steal tactics from Three Forks;Vikings refuse tribute; bribe Texcoco 430-430!!; destroy Sevastopol 93g, destroy Russians; capture Wounded Knee
    1710 dye Dido-Lindholm yields 344; bribe Calixtlahuaca 207-162, destroy Aztecs
    1720 machine tools; Americans deny tribute; gems Caper-Washington yields 266; gold Boffo-Absurdity yields 74; dye Drollery-Uppsala yields 584; gems Crow-Uppsala yields 648
    1730 electronics; wine Heehaw-Smolensk yields 230; Laughter; dye Buffoon- Babylon yields 668; wine Convulse-Washington yields 635
    1740 miniaturization; dye Flippant-Hladir yields 556; gems Odessa-Trondheim yields 516; gems Hijinks-St. Louis yields 684
    1750 refrigeration; capture Killdeer 66 after four spies take down city walls; gold Bust a Gut-Aarhus yields 552; salt (no demand) Farcical-Kaupang yields 250; oil (no demand) Guffaw-Lindholm yields 146; sneak attack on Vikings; bribe Lindholm 1292-157; bribe empty Jarlshof 80-19
    1752 capture Uppsala 145, Pyramids, make peace; Levity; oil Buffoon-Trondheim yields 242; capture Bear Paw 53; Ludicrous
    1754 Viking sneak attack; refining;dye Clown-New York yields 396; capture Skara 51 and Jorvik 136
    1756 wine Comical-Philadelphia yields 565; bribe Philadelphia 2740-241; beads Flippant-San Francisco yields 280; salt (no demand) Comedy-NewYork yields 328; beads (no demand) Frivolity-Washington yields 200; peace with Sioux
    1758 atomic theory;capture Washington 249; dye Chortle-Aarhus yields 460; Sioux refuse to leave, declare war; capture New York 180, Boston 128, Atlanta 58, Chicago 126; Merriment; cloth Bust a Gut-Wounded Knee yields 240; Mirth; bribe American Slim Buttes 456-?
    1760 capture St. Louis 393, Buffalo 166, San Francisco 110; Peals; capture Trondheim 151; bribe Jarrow 429-123, Hladir 1100-121, Aarhus 750-75, Kaupang 880-84, Birka 767-69; capture Ravning Enge 72
    1762 bribe Westness 238-78; Regalement; Revel; bribe Viborg 390-190 ; gold Cackle-Tenochtitlan yields 278
    1764 bribe Detroit 91-291, destroy Americans; provoke Babylonians, they declare war; bribe The Udal 325-188; Revelry; Ridiculous; beads (no demand) Gales-Babylon yields 376; spice (no demand) Gales-Babylon yields 376
    1766 combustion; after saving the game and closing and then returning, I got the weird glitch where it's 1764 again, and several units suddenly have one movement point left; Risible; Roister; Romp; dye Farcical-Viborg yields 238; gems (no demand) Cedar Creek-Ur yields 322; gold (no demand) Odessa-Ur yields 320; cloth (no demand) Lindholm-Babylon yields 140; oil (no demand) Cachinnate-Babylon yields 308; capture Babylon, 106, Women's Suffrage, genetic engineering; bribe Ur 1172-133; capture Nineveh
    1768 automobile; Shenanigans; Simper; capture Roskilde 160, destroy Vikings
    1770 it's 1768 again!; about 14 of my active units get to move
    1770 Slapstick; Smile; Smirk; Snicker; oil (no demand) Clown-The Udal 130; bribe Akkad 186-69; capture Ellipi 35; bribe Uruk 324-28, destroy Babylonians, one Sioux zoo city remains

    Wonders built:
    -0875 Vikings Pyramids
    -0725 Rodent Hanging Gardens
    -0625 Aztecs Colossus
    -0500 Rodent Marco Polo
    -0375 Sioux Lighthouse
    -0350 Americans Great Wall
    -0125 Rodent Copernicus
    -0075 Babylon Great Library
    0001 Americans Oracle
    0040 Rodent Michelangelo
    0300 Rodent Magellan
    0500 Rodent Isaac Newton
    0740 Rodent Shakespeare
    0800 Aztec Sun Tzu
    0840 Rodent Leonardo's
    0800 Viking King Richard's Crusade
    1080 Rodent Darwin
    1180 Rodent Bach's
    1400 Rodent Adam Smith
    1560 Babylonians Women's Suffrage
    1600 Rodent United Nations


    • #3
      What a lovely idea for a bit of fun. Good on you, debeest!! Even folk who played this originally so long ago might enjoy a redo. I just wish my eyes would allow me to read your log more clearly...others will have to comment on your game, for now.

      BTW, for those who haven't checked the original thread, this .sav is from v2.42; and, I remember this as a very idea rich thread.

      so long and thanks for all the fish


      • #4
        I just finished re-reading the thread: THANK YOU, DEBEEST.
        That comparison game was GREAT, and I'm fairly sure that it helped many players improve their gameplay.

        Unfortunately Smash only posts once in a while at CFC and I haven't seen a post written by arii or Xin Yu for a very long time (not to speak about Ivor, that we all miss so much).

        Fortunately for me, I am still involved in 2 PBEM games where dave and Carolus are my friends ("7 player") or my foes ("crusty"), but I can tell you both games are fun

        Anyway, I hope that the one Mark is willing to start will be just as fruitful.
        Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


        • #5
          Thanks to debeest for resurrecting this thread--three years ago--from its origin 6 years ago. It is one of the great threads in the Civ2 archives, for the folk in it, for the knowledge displayed, and especially, for the spirit of community that was so special.

          I wanted to follow the lead of debeest and play the game anew, as he suggested. I remembered it fondly from my days as a lurker, long before I got up the courage to post my ideas. Finishing the game has been a long time acoming, what with all the RL issues. There were long stretches where the game lay dormant, and sometimes it was hard to remember what I had been trying to do when last I stopped playing. But, now it is done.

          AC Landing in 1495 with a spotless reputation. Not bad for the old Monk, if I may say!!

          Thanks to all who participated in the original thread, to Stu and to debeest. Civ2 has been very, very good to me.

          I am including the save of the beginning of the post launch period. Cheers...

          Attached Files
          so long and thanks for all the fish

