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Popularity of WWII

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  • Popularity of WWII

    Just a thought. The Second World War seems to be the most popular topic in military simulation, from computer games to those old board games (from simple ones like Axis & Allies to complex ones with miniatures or hex-grids and cardboard chits). I've noticed, in fact, a distinct plurality of Civ2 scenarios are based on this topic (including the classic non-edited one that came free with basic Civ2), and though I've only tried my hand at it with an installment in my 'History of Asia' series (and even then, only the Pacific Theatre), I've had some thoughts on its popularity. Yes, there's the scope, scale, and impact on today's world, but I believe it may also be that it was the most straightforward, aggressor-vs.-defender, bid-for-world-conquest war in history (as real wars go). Does anyone have any other opinions on this topic? I would like to try a really good WWII scen eventually, by the way, but as a credit to many Civ2 scen designers, frankly I'm intimidated by the competition. Please send your thoughts on WWII popularity if you have any.

  • #2
    I d/l and play those I think of as interesting. Since WWII scenarios tend to be very accurate when it comes to military details, I hardly ever play for more than a handful of turns, except when the scenario actually catches me. Despite the great popularity, I never felt tempted to make a WWII scenario.
    Many WWII scenarios are truly outstanding work, but I must honestly admit that I feel bored by accurate tank descriptions or the calibre of the artillery that was used between October 1943 and January 1944. This kind of stuff really turns me off, and that's a shame because these scenarios are really superb craftmanship.
    Follow the masses!
    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


    • #3
      The popularity of these games is based on what you said. The other reason - at least mine - is changing history here in Civ2 or in the General series (Panzer, Pacific etc). In addition the WW2 was not only a war for territories or wealth, but a war between ideologies (fascism - communism - democracy). In my opinion everybody finds one of these ideologies more sympathetic than the other two. And since these ideologies are totally different and none of them tolerates the other two, the aim can be to destroy those. (The other way of playing when you just want to feel good and don't care about governments and tribes.)

      Anyway I LOVE the accurate military technics! Different tanks, artillery, troops, ships, planes are really making the scenario interesting. If you know something about these vehicles you don't even have to read descriptions (of course only if the scenario is really correct). And if you don't, read civilopedia! After a few turn everybody can use the altered units well.

      The only thing I hate in this scenarios (not in every of them), is something like "historical accuracy". For example when once I captured Stalingrad with the Germans, all of a sudden Operation Uranus happened, and I was overwhelmed with russian tanks. It's OK in a tactical scenario (like Stalingrad or Herbstnebel), but in a strategical? When the whole SU was in ruins because of my bombers? Where did the tanks come from??
      Flying is man's second biggest experience. lLanding is the first.


      • #4
        I personally like the chance to change history and uproot the accepted chain of war events.

        Victory at Stalingrad for Germany, or the USSR taking over Tokyo, etc...

        In WW2 scens that allow me to do so, I like to play as the Euro-Axis,
        fighting to stabilise the Easten front and then conduct a massive Atlantic battle with the Allies!

        Launching new BBs into the fray, and spreading havoc with subs!

        Nothing better!


        • #5
          I would like to play out the scenario where Germany ignores Russia and invades Britain.
          Then takes the middle east oil...Africa and India.

          Then with the aid of Japan, takes on Russia.

          America is not attacked by Japan so stays out of it.
          " There are no scientific facts, only historical ones and they are all biased."


          • #6
            Re: Popularity of WWII

            Originally posted by Patine
            I've had some thoughts on its popularity. Yes, there's the scope, scale, and impact on today's world, but I believe it may also be that it was the most straightforward, aggressor-vs.-defender, bid-for-world-conquest war in history (as real wars go).
            As far as Civ 2 scenarios go, a key reason for the popularity of WW2 scenario is that it's much easier to persuade Civ 2's engine to 'do' total wars then any other kind of wars. For instance, WW2 and the US Civil wars work well, but scenarios covering more complex wars such as the Napoleonic Wars struggle within the confines of Civ's limited diplomatic model.
            Last edited by Case; June 20, 2004, 06:52.
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            - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

