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Coming Soon - War of the Ring

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  • Coming Soon - War of the Ring

    Hey all!

    This is the thread for my new upcoming scenario War of the Ring. This is my first really serious project that I will release.

    As most of you might've guessed, this takes place in Middle Earth during the Lotr books. Harlan Thompson has already made a scenario on this topic, but this one will be concentrating on the war. It will be an all out war scenario designed for multiplayer. All seven civs will be playable and it's 4 good civs vs 3 evil civs.

    I got a map that Mercator did in a program, and then I polished it and changed it to fit my scenario. It's a big one.

    You might not recognize some of the cities. That's because I wanted more cities on the map, so to fill certain spaces , I looked for cities on maps from the rollplaying game-creators Ice Crown Enterprise. So that's where I got the names from. I did it for gameplay, and it's not that many cities anyways.

    Right now the scenarios is very close to the playtest-phase, so stay tuned for more info, and check out the screenies below!

    The beautiful title is made by Sarsstock.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Arthedain; May 25, 2004, 16:43.
    "Peace cannot be kept by force.
    It can only be achieved by understanding"

  • #2
    Gondor will have to use all of its military resources to withstand Mordor when Sauron unleaches his armies.
    Watch out for the Eye of Sauron..
    Last edited by Arthedain; May 26, 2004, 11:57.
    "Peace cannot be kept by force.
    It can only be achieved by understanding"


    • #3
      Here are two ruin-types that Curt Sibling made for me. I also included Amon Sul which Favoured Flight made.
      Last edited by Arthedain; May 26, 2004, 11:59.
      "Peace cannot be kept by force.
      It can only be achieved by understanding"


      • #4
        Here's a screenie of Lothloriens eastern border. The elves will have to fight brave to win over the armies of Dol Guldur.
        Last edited by Arthedain; May 26, 2004, 11:59.
        "Peace cannot be kept by force.
        It can only be achieved by understanding"


        • #5
          All of the Free men will have to fight, luckily Gandalf helped the dwarfs to free Erebor so Dale could be rebuilt. King Brand and his men won't have an easy time though.
          Last edited by Arthedain; May 26, 2004, 11:57.
          "Peace cannot be kept by force.
          It can only be achieved by understanding"


          • #6


            • #7
              Screen 1:

              Screen 2:

              Screen 3:

              Screen 4:

              To make the screenshots visible, just use HTML code.
              "Son españoles... los que no pueden ser otra cosa" (Cánovas del Castillo)
              "España es un problema, Europa su solución" (Ortega y Gasset)
              The Spanish Civilization Site
              "Déjate llevar por la complejidad y cabalga sobre ella" - Niessuh, sabio cívico


              • #8
                Congratulations!!! This looks great!

                Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                • #9
                  Looking good as always Martin


                  • #10
                    Thanks Harry, Jasev, Cifer and Tom!
                    And Jasev, I fixed it so you can edit your post if you want to.
                    "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                    It can only be achieved by understanding"


                    • #11
                      Good stuff Martin

                      Chris's title screen is another beaut BTW


                      • #12
                        Really so nice
                        Keep on!
                        "Dilexi iustitiam, odivi iniquitatem, propterea morior in exilio" [PAPA GREGORIUS VII +1085] - ("He amado la justicia, he odiado la iniquidad, por eso muero en exilio") - ("I loved justice, I hated unfairness, that's why I die in exile") - (J'ai aimé la justice, j'ai détesté l'iniquité, c'est pourquoi je meurs en exil") - ("Ich liebte Gerechtigkeit und hasste Ungerechtigkeit, deshalb sterbe ich im Exil")


                        • #13
                          Looks cool.
                          David Disraeli
                          Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


                          • #14
                            Looks good
                            "You should count all humans as your kinfolk and the whole world as your foster country."
                            - Queen Kristina


                            • #15
                              Bumping myself!

                              Progress is going a bit slow atm, but hey, it's summer here.
                              I've managed to solve some problems and got some tip from Academia. I will continue the work on this soon.

                              Oh, I have yet to place more units and do the events, then the playtesting can begin.
                              Lazy me..
                              "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                              It can only be achieved by understanding"

