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Guess the objectionable defeatist!

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  • Guess the objectionable defeatist!

    Z (3900 B.C.): map edge
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3750 B.C.): you want to restart?
    Z (3750 B.C.): yeah
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3750 B.C.): retire
    From Empress Catherine the Great (4000 B.C.): techs
    From Empress Catherine the Great (4000 B.C.): techs....
    From Empress Catherine the Great (4000 B.C.): clean
    Z (3650 B.C.): hut results are so ****ed up in duels
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3650 B.C.): yes because the huts change if you play with 5 people.
    Z (3650 B.C.): hahaha apparently
    Z (3650 B.C.): is player size the only affecting variable?
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3650 B.C.): i was being sarcastic...
    Z (3600 B.C.): you shouldn't be. it does change
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3600 B.C.): no it doesn't
    Z (3600 B.C.): I don't ever, EVER see weeds on my rah rules friday nights
    Z (3600 B.C.): trust me, it does
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3600 B.C.): ok well you go ahead and think what you want because obviously you know more than i do
    Z (3600 B.C.): and I usually gobble up at least 40% of the huts those nights
    Z (3600 B.C.): I'm not saying that
    Z (3550 B.C.): it's just a fact. deal with it
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3500 B.C.): obviously your huts aren't too bad if you have a tribe and units from huts.
    Z (3500 B.C.): obviously not, this game
    To Empress Catherine the Great (3500 B.C.): was I complaining?
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3500 B.C.): every game. i play every game from behind.
    Z (3500 B.C.): that's because you're a bad gatherer
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3500 B.C.): no it's because i get pottery my first hut 70% of my games.
    Z (3500 B.C.): your skill is in sprawling
    Z (3500 B.C.): oh
    Z (3500 B.C.): then God must hate you
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3500 B.C.): my skill is in sprawling? my skill is in everything. I know things about this game you will never know.
    Z (3500 B.C.): yeah
    Z (3450 B.C.): but you still suck ass at gathering
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3450 B.C.): this is dumb there is no way i can win this
    To Empress Catherine the Great (3250 B.C.): I am the gathering master.
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3250 B.C.): it's real easy to throw horsemen everywhere.
    Z (3250 B.C.): I built one horseman about 12 turns after discovering horse.
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3250 B.C.): you're like all the other talentless rookies. You just build mass horsemen and your expansion sucks.
    Z (3250 B.C.): oh
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3250 B.C.): yeah that is some serious skill. you are so skillful at getting units from huts.
    Z (3250 B.C.): then you obviously didn't read that I only built one late horseman.
    Z (3250 B.C.): moron
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3250 B.C.): i have gotten 2 units.
    Z (3250 B.C.): good for you
    Z (3200 B.C.): you don't rape your huts properly
    Z (3200 B.C.): so do it right or stop complaining.
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3100 B.C.): every ****ing time i get up
    Z (3100 B.C.): huh?
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3100 B.C.): if i hadn't gotten up that city would still be mine
    Z (3100 B.C.): don't get up next time
    Z (3050 B.C.): man
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3050 B.C.): problem?
    Z (3050 B.C.): none chariot swarm in the back map
    From Empress Catherine the Great (3050 B.C.): yeah it just sucks havign great huts
    Z (3050 B.C.): exactly
    Z (3000 B.C.): I keep cumming my pants
    Z (2950 B.C.): home emergency
    Z (2950 B.C.): **** self
    From Empress Catherine the Great (2850 B.C.): no ****ing way
    Z (2850 B.C.): yeah that's right.
    From Empress Catherine the Great (2850 B.C.): man **** this **** i can't compete with this kind of a start.
    From Empress Catherine the Great (2850 B.C.): that was a ****ing veteran archer on a mountain
    Z (2850 B.C.): you don't know combat intrinsics well enough.
    From Empress Catherine the Great (2850 B.C.): actually I do. That archer had a defense of about 6 or 7.
    Z (4000 B.C.): two setts
    From Empress Maria Theresa (4000 B.C.): clean
    From Empress Maria Theresa (4000 B.C.): clean


    From Empress Maria Theresa (2950 B.C.): i have 14 turn discoveries this kicks ass
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2950 B.C.): make that 15
    Z (2950 B.C.): build on some grapes!
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2950 B.C.): i dont have any
    Z (2900 B.C.): where is horsie?
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2900 B.C.): what horsie?
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2750 B.C.): are you building all these?
    Z (2750 B.C.): maybe.
    Z (2600 B.C.): gonna settle in and outbuild me, are we?
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2600 B.C.): should work if you're building all these units...
    Z (2600 B.C.): and if I'm not?
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2600 B.C.): then I'll just kill them. not much i can do against that many units from huts.
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2450 B.C.): give me a ****ing break
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2400 B.C.): you have got to be ****ing kidding me
    Z (2400 B.C.): oooh I'm lucky today.
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2300 B.C.): how'd you know my horseman was there?
    Z (2300 B.C.): LUCKY guess
    Z (2300 B.C.): aaaaahahahahahhahaha
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2300 B.C.): for that matter how'd you know i have grapes in my territory.
    Z (2300 B.C.): maby I'm map hacking?
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2300 B.C.): dont know
    Z (2300 B.C.): you'd consider it, wouldn't you.
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2300 B.C.): dont know
    Z (2300 B.C.): that's not like you, ****
    Z (2250 B.C.): that seems like a whiney markus thing.
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2200 B.C.): what the ****?
    Z (2200 B.C.): hi
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2200 B.C.): why isn't my screen flicking to units?
    Z (2200 B.C.): because
    Z (2200 B.C.): I'm tricky that way.
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2200 B.C.): something is ****ed up on my game it won't flick when a unit comes by
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2200 B.C.): i have show enemy moves selected what the ****?
    Z (2200 B.C.): yeah
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2200 B.C.): that's game over i have no way of defending
    Z (2200 B.C.): maybe you're multi clicking too fast.
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2200 B.C.): that's like the 4th game i've lost because my ****ing screen won't flick
    Z (2200 B.C.): you know, how you play this like a real time game?
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2200 B.C.): doesn't matter it should still flick
    From Empress Maria Theresa (2200 B.C.): i am going to reinstall
    Z (2200 B.C.): happy reinstillation.
    Last edited by Zylka; April 28, 2004, 21:21.

  • #2
    From Emperor Alexander (3950 B.C.): oh my god. pottery out of first hut now 8 out of 12 games
    From Emperor Alexander (3750 B.C.): you've got to be ****ing kidding me
    To Emperor Alexander (3700 B.C.): what now
    From Emperor Alexander (3700 B.C.): the only specials i have is wheat
    From Emperor Alexander (3700 B.C.): everywhere
    To Emperor Alexander (3700 B.C.): ah
    From Emperor Alexander (3650 B.C.): i don't understand it. every ****ing game if i could just get a half way decent start for once
    From Emperor Alexander (3500 B.C.): man **** this exchange maps
    To Emperor Alexander (3500 B.C.): jeepers
    From Emperor Alexander (3500 B.C.): what the ****?
    To Emperor Alexander (3500 B.C.): you haven't won a game today!
    From Emperor Alexander (3500 B.C.): what the **** is wrong with this ****ing mother ****er piece of **** ****ing god damn mother **** ****ing god damn mother ****er game

    From Emperor Alexander (4000 B.C.): clean
    To Emperor Alexander (4000 B.C.): near polar start. have fun
    From Emperor Alexander (4000 B.C.): dude who gives a **** i start every game near a poloe
    From Emperor Alexander (4000 B.C.): look at the saves of like the past 20 games
    From Emperor Alexander (4000 B.C.): this is my first non polar start in like 6 games
    To Emperor Alexander (4000 B.C.): so it must be civ that hates you!
    To Emperor Alexander (4000 B.C.): I'll look over those saves.
    From Emperor Alexander (4000 B.C.): you do that
    To Emperor Alexander (4000 B.C.): hahahahahahaha
    From Emperor Alexander (3650 B.C.): you're ****ed this game is over
    To Emperor Alexander (3650 B.C.): yep
    To Emperor Alexander (3650 B.C.): 3650. congrats
    From Emperor Alexander (3650 B.C.): i got a settler
    From Emperor Alexander (3600 B.C.): lol second hut city
    From Emperor Alexander (3600 B.C.): LOL HOLY **** FINALLY
    To Emperor Alexander (3550 B.C.): three tribes in 3550?
    From Emperor Alexander (3550 B.C.): this is more advanced tribes than I've had in like the past 20 ****ing games
    To Emperor Alexander (3550 B.C.): yikes. even I haven't been that LUCKY today
    From Emperor Alexander (3550 B.C.): i know it's lucky. but i shouldn't be getting a ****ing tech every single time i open a hut like i have.
    To Emperor Alexander (3300 B.C.): game over. well done, chap
    From Emperor Alexander (3300 B.C.): lets play again

    Well I finally lost one out of 7 or so

    Time to indulge in drink and repeatedly hit myself with a bamboo cane


    • #3
      Now, I really wonder who those Catherine, Maria Theresa and Alexander guys might be...

      Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
      Discworld Scenario:
      POMARJ Scenario:
      LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


      • #4
        Damn, I can appreciate a good whine, but this is beyond the enjoyment level. But I loved the huts change with number of people line.
        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #5
          rah you sl*t

          do you EVER see a weeds in our weekend 4 player games? do you see them one out of every 4 huts in duel?

          I rest my case!!


          • #6
            When you play deity/raging, weeds NEVER occur from huts. Speaking of those game, are we ever going to see you in one soon?
            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              50/50 tonight, definitely on for the late session tommorrow

              and I owe you guys a full haul, too


              • #8
                Nobody owes. It's for the joy of the game.
                Leave an Icq at ming's account when you get a better handle on it, so I know to save you a spot.
                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #9
                  Sound like enjoyable games to me.
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • #10
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #11
                      more time spnt whining than playing , was that Eyes back again !!!!!
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

