Tell you what. I'll give the powers that be a holler tonight and see what our options are.
No announcement yet.
Scenario League CivGroup
Ok I sent a message. I felt it was prudent to use the CivGroup "contact us" message writer in the CivGroup forums.
If we don't hear from anyone in a day or two I'll try a more direct approach and just start PMing Mods or go through the community forum. Here's hoping.
Hello Moderators & Site Owners,
A few days ago I took it upon myself to create thread concerning the possible creation of a Civ2 Scenario League CivGroup in the Civ2 Scenario League forums. The link can be found here:
Myself and a few others were wondering if it would be possible to create a CivGroup for our little niche much like the Spanish Civers and the Storywriting Guild have. We have discussed a few points as to the pros and cons of such a group, but I feel that more clarity could be given by the Moderators. So, if anyone could lend us a hand, tell us a little about CivGroups, beyond the FAQ's, and explain to us what benefit it would have for our talented group, we would be forever grateful.
I believe the motivation behind wanting to form a CivGroup is explained, at least partly, in the linked thread.
If you would so kindly, please reply to this message in the linked thread so that all of the Designers, the ones who spend so much of our free time here at Apolyton creating wonderful new ways to play Civ2, can here what CivGroups are all about.
Yours in Modding,
Harry Tuttle
EDIT: damn! a typo!
mail me an icon (15x19 gif)
(i'm almost certain there is someone around here who can draw one)
Last edited by MarkG; April 15, 2004, 12:00.Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog
Look up the page, Harry made a good one.
hmm, rather than just any old icon, we ought to make a shield.Visit First Cultural Industries
There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd
Got a directive from MarkG to set up an icon and a News Editor for the group. I replied that the editor and icon will be chosen by popular vote and availability of the editor.
So, first order of business.
Like any other CivGroup we need someone to act as facilitator of the news. This person needs to be available and be able to act as a collector and disseminator of the news. Who will be able to actively gather news, even if it is not announced directly to the news editor, and publish it? All it will take is some time, patience, and a bit of perusing and asking politely. Hell, we can have a whole news staff, but one has to act as head.
Please, only serious candidates apply (In this thread).
Second order of business.
An icon needs to be chosen. It needs to be the same size as all the other CivGroup icons, as MarkG has stated, and be a .gif, if I'm not correct. If you have one please post it. Multiple candidates, if there is no clear consensus, will be chosen by a poll, which will have to be posted seperately.
PLEASE, wait for a poll to be posted if it is necessary. We don't want spam galore.
Third order of business.
A seperate forum for civ creators is probably out of the question. As Mercator has stated the seperate forums are primarly for Diplogames. MarkG has verified this. I've asked for a little leeway in this as a way to relieve the burden of having a large number of topped threads clutter up the foums, but we'll see. It's all up to MarkG.
Fourth order of business.
I'd like to create a "Chamber of Commerce" for the Scenario League. I envision a group of people acting as goodwill embassadors to related sites and forums as a way to drum up talk of the Scenario League. Totally voluntary and totally non-demanding, this group will simply act as billboards and pervayors of word of mouth. Anyone interested?
Originally posted by Harry Tuttle
A seperate forum for civ creators is probably out of the question. As Mercator has stated the seperate forums are primarly for Diplogames. MarkG has verified this. I've asked for a little leeway in this as a way to relieve the burden of having a large number of topped threads clutter up the foums, but we'll see. It's all up to MarkG.
I think the new shield, civgroup, chamber of commerce, etc are great concepts -
but I think we have to combine some forums, not make more.
I would be willing to help out in news and diplomacy,
Also, these areas would be more efficient with a team of people, rather than just one person.
Just my tuppence.