First of all, as some of you already know, I firmly believe that CivDip is finished as a all-PBEM-stuff utility. I'll corect any bug and I'll provide technical support in the future, but I don't believe there is still too much to add.
So I've come with an idea about other utilty. I know, I know, I'm only making utilities, but as I'm a medrioce programmaner and a very ban scen desing is the only thing I can done to contribute to the community.
I'm thinking about an utility to allow you to deploy your troops inside your country at the beginning of the scen. Of couse I'll allow scen designers to limit the way it can be done...
I'm still thinking about the details
What do you think? Any idea or suggestion?
First of all, as some of you already know, I firmly believe that CivDip is finished as a all-PBEM-stuff utility. I'll corect any bug and I'll provide technical support in the future, but I don't believe there is still too much to add.
So I've come with an idea about other utilty. I know, I know, I'm only making utilities, but as I'm a medrioce programmaner and a very ban scen desing is the only thing I can done to contribute to the community.
I'm thinking about an utility to allow you to deploy your troops inside your country at the beginning of the scen. Of couse I'll allow scen designers to limit the way it can be done...
I'm still thinking about the details
What do you think? Any idea or suggestion?