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Calling up for Civ II players.

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  • Calling up for Civ II players.

    We are about to start the IV Progressive Game for Civ II MPGE in the Spanish Forum and we would be very pleased if more players would join the game.

    Here is the link.

    And here are the Rules:

    Translated and restructured by Yaroslav



    1. The game is composed of an organizer-moderator and players; the organizer can be also a player, but this is not mandatory.


    2. The game is divided into rounds. In each rounds the players get some points: the player with more points at the end of the last round is the winner.

    3. The number of rounds is six; the number of turns of each round depends upon the difficult level the game is play at (see Settings, below):



    1st Round 4000 BC - 1 AD
    2nd Round 1 AD - 1500 AD
    3rd Round 1500 AD - 1850 AD
    4th Round 1850 AD - 1900 AD
    5th Round 1900 AD - 1950 AD
    6th Round 1950 AD - 2000 AD


    1st Round 200 Turns.
    2nd Round 100 Turns.
    3rd Round 100 Turns.
    4th Round 50 Turns.
    5th Round 50 Turns.
    6th Round 50 Turns.


    1st Round 150 Turns.
    2nd Round 100 Turns.
    3rd Round 100 Turns.
    4th Round 50 Turns.
    5th Round 50 Turns.
    6th Round 50 Turns.


    1st Round 100 Turns.
    2nd Round 100 Turns.
    3rd Round 100 Turns.
    4th Round 50 Turns.
    5th Round 50 Turns.
    6th Round 50 Turns.


    1st Round 100 Turns.
    2nd Round 75 Turns.
    3rd Round 75 Turns.
    4th Round 50 Turns.
    5th Round 50 Turns.
    6th Round 50 Turns.

    4. At the end of each round (or at year a victory was achieved), the players must post their saved game. Along with the save, the players must post their current score, several demographics and, if they have won the game, the kind of victory (spaceship or conquest). The organizer will take this data and will make a ranking based on the Kram Indicator.

    Data to include: (in the given order if possible)

    Player Name:
    Mfg. Goods:
    Land Area:
    Military Service:
    Victory Year / Kind of Victory :

    5. The players will continue playing the next round starting from the file they’ve posted.

    6. When a player win the game, that rounds is considered the last round. All the others players can end this round until the last year of the round or until they won (what happen first), but no more rounds will be played. The final classification will be made after that round, giving bonus to all the players who won their game in the last round. This bonus is giving according to a “the earlier the victory, the bigger the bonus” scheme.

    7. Each round must be played in approximately TWO WEEKS (14 days). The first round is usually started in Monday, and ending 12 days after (Friday). The next rounds start in Friday, and last 14 days (that is from a Friday to a Friday). The weekend after the end of each round is used by the organizer to post the partial classification updated to this round. [N.B.: The organizer can give more time for playing a round, if that is needed].

    8. For commentaries about each round, a special thread will be opened (called ‘The HALL’). In these treads sensitive information can be published so all the players must keep from enter in this thread until they finished the round in course.


    9. The settings of the game are voted at the begging of each game; with these settings the organizer starts a game, and post the file as the initial file which all players must start from. This is the beginning of the first round.


    10. Only one saved is accepted by round and player.

    11. The save file should be posted ONLY in the adequate thread, and they must be at the end of the last turn of the round. Please keep in mind the last year of the round, and try to not trespass it; however, in this case a roll-back to the AUTOSAVE can be accepted (the moderator should take the decision)

    12. The players are asked to not end their rounds in ANARCHY, because this government has special rules who affect the point-calculation scheme.

    13. The players are asked to save often and to active the AUTOSAVE in order to no trespass the limit. However, rolling-back to “correct” a mistake is NOT ALLOWED.

    14. The players are asked to not consult others players save-game for each round until they’ve finished the same round.

    15. The players are asked to not enter in the HALL thread of a round they have not finished yet, because sensitive information is revealed in these threads.

    16. Cheat-mode, hex-editing and other ways of affect the score is NOT ALLOWED.

    17. Data-faking is penalized with immediate banning from the game.


    18. As it has been told before, the game ends at the end of the round where at least one player has won their game.

    19. The player who lost the game is considered to have ‘abandoned’ the game. There are three criteria for losing a game.

    a) When the AI reaches Alpha-Centaury prior to the human player.

    b) When the AI conquest all the human player’s cities.

    c) When the player reaches the year 2000 and he has not the bigger score of the game.


    20. For each round, the number of points is given by this formula:

    (500 * K) * (Turns Played / Turns of the round) + Victory Bonus.

    21. K is the Kram Indicator and is given by another formula:

    [ (Xn – Xn-1) / (Xn – Xn-1)’ ] + [ (Xn / Xn-1) – 1 ] / [ (Xn / Xn-1) – 1 ]’


    Xn is the civ-score that was get at the end of the n round.

    The ( ‘ ) means the highest result achieved by any player.

    In other words, the Kram indicator is calculated as the addition of 2 ratios. The first ratio compares the absolute variation of the score of each player with the highest absolute variation got by one of the players. Similarly the second ratio compares the relative variation of the score of each player with the highest relative variation got by one of the players. As both ratios can reach a maximum of 1, the maximum value of the Kram indicator is 2.

    22. The Victory Bonus is calculated by this formula:

    Victory Bonus = (2000 – year of victory)
    Is easy to understand why this formula favours the player who end the game before any other player.
    If you want to participate follow the previous link and vote for the features of the game.

    Thank you !!!.
    Attached Files
    «… Santander, al marchar te diré, guarda mi corazón, que por él volveré ». // Awarded with the Silver Fleece Medal SEP/OCT 2003 by "The Spanish Civilization Site" Spanish Heroes: "Blas de Lezo Bio" "Luis Vicente de Velasco Bio" "Andrés de Urdaneta Bio" "Don Juan de Austria Bio"

  • #2
    Please we need some Civ II players, we have carried out a great effort to translate the whole game.
    «… Santander, al marchar te diré, guarda mi corazón, que por él volveré ». // Awarded with the Silver Fleece Medal SEP/OCT 2003 by "The Spanish Civilization Site" Spanish Heroes: "Blas de Lezo Bio" "Luis Vicente de Velasco Bio" "Andrés de Urdaneta Bio" "Don Juan de Austria Bio"


    • #3
      If I understand this game correctly it is against the computer. MAybe you shuld post it in the Strategy section since it really isnt a Multiplayer game.


      • #4
        Yes, I thought the same thing. It would explain the lack of enthusiasm shown up to now.
        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #5
          people seem to confuse multipalyer with league play where your score is compared to others, people here generally prefer the interaction of the game
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • #6
            Even though you are comparing scores, you are still playing against the stupid AI... no fun at all.
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              exactly ...

              theres nothing like the dummy spit of a human when their plans go awry.....
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

