The unholy alliance between big business and the government continues to expand under the eye of USB President George W. Bush. The manufacturing and energy sectors are receiving a special amount of interest from the great leader. Government subsidies are at an all time high.
Because of his ties to the oil drilling industry, firms such as Haliburton have been called upon to begin a massive expansion of off shore oil platforms. Everywhere from the North Sea, to the Gulf of Texas is seeing the welcome presence of these monsters. WIth the lessening reliance of foreign oil, most importantly from the middle east, the USB economy is booming. Taxes continue to flow into the nation's coffers at an unprecedented pace, and production is now at this highest levels in human history.
The Bush administration has led to a massive increase in jobs and production. Over 460 Mega Tonnes of factory output is estimated for USB. However the union between corporate Britain and the Bush Presidency has given rise to many critics of the administration. Is President Bush in bed with the big corporations? And what consequences will this have for the USB way of life? Only time will tell.
Because of his ties to the oil drilling industry, firms such as Haliburton have been called upon to begin a massive expansion of off shore oil platforms. Everywhere from the North Sea, to the Gulf of Texas is seeing the welcome presence of these monsters. WIth the lessening reliance of foreign oil, most importantly from the middle east, the USB economy is booming. Taxes continue to flow into the nation's coffers at an unprecedented pace, and production is now at this highest levels in human history.
The Bush administration has led to a massive increase in jobs and production. Over 460 Mega Tonnes of factory output is estimated for USB. However the union between corporate Britain and the Bush Presidency has given rise to many critics of the administration. Is President Bush in bed with the big corporations? And what consequences will this have for the USB way of life? Only time will tell.