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why do i keep losing Midgard Scenario?

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  • why do i keep losing Midgard Scenario?

    Ok, I've been playing the same Midgard game (humans) for a while now, and no matter what I do, I run out of time. The game is always telling me things about worms eating people and coming back to life (I might be wrong about that), the ability to befriend pixies, and some dragon. I killed the dragon once, but my game soon ended. I finally read the instruction book on that scenario and it told me that if I complete certain requirements some the length of time to finish the game extends. The manual listed the requirements and I notice some of them are technologies.

    Does anyone have a primer or faq on how to beat this scenario, or at least clues to look for. After I beat the dragon and ran out of time, I reloaded and went to look for that dragon, but it didn't show up again. Please help, as I like this game, but the requirements are perplexing.

  • #2
    There are 3 ways to go, world conquest, research, and the quests.

    Whatever you do, you must do atleast some of the quests, they delay the "befoulments" that the bad guy does. after he does 6 of them that is game.

    The following are spoilers about the quests(this is all from the prima guide, which is actually quite nice):

    The fly trap island quest is #1, find the island(its by the southern tip, to the left of it, of the continent you start on.)

    Fight your way to the center(the island except for 1 spot is covered with flytraps) and you get a 20 turn delay and the best realestate in the game.

    #2 is kill a dragon, this gives you a 20 turn delay, gold, and an advance that will eventually let you build dragons.

    #3 is the Unspeakable horror in Jormungands belly, along the north pole there is a gateway to the underworld(82,4 for the cooridnate),this gives you a delay and some other goodies once you kill the unspeakable horror.

    #4 is the Great worm, just kill a worm for the delay and other goodies.

    #5, be the first to bribe a frost Giant, and you get a delay, and more goodies.

    #6, bribe a dwarf first.

    #7, Build a Jackolantern

    #8, Build the Brian's expedition wonder.

    #9, find and destroy the underworld dragon gaurding the great hoard at(118,140).

    #10, sack the city of rot.

    Another thing you can do to delay the badguy is capture every enemy capital, this delays the next befoulment is delayed for 200 turns.


    • #3
      Hey thanks. I didn't know there was a Prima guide. It's probably super old by now. Thanks again!


      • #4
        helluva long spolier there.

        Which civ do you find its easiest to play this scenario? Frankly I stuck to the random generated maps rather than play midgard.


        • #5
          Same here -- I never had the patience for the quests. Once I found the great dragon almost right under my capital, though.
          No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


          • #6
            Ok, digging up old stink, here. Forum seems slow.

            Which civ do you find its easiest to play this scenario?
            Humans and Elves - they can build fairies (spies). Then it's easier to bribe Goblin Miners and go all over the underground (and build tunnels) early. I had a pretty easy time with Goblins and Merfolk, Stygians are pretty good, but a serious dent is their inability to produce caravans, so no quick-build wonders for them. I thought the Buteos were the toughest, as they can't go underground or in the ocean, and the sky is a little poor for trade.

            NEAT TRICK: gang up 3-4 dwarves on a bedrock square near or in your underground cities' radius - best is in the radius. Now, have them transform the terrain. It takes time, but the result is cool: you now have a "river" you can irrigate from, plus, the square generates one food, but much trade. BEWARE: irrigation, mining or further transformation will transform this new square to blue room (IIRC) either that very turn or the very next one at latest. Only build a road/ley line (RR) if you want to keep this new square.

            There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives. :)

