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Dye Copper bug - a patch

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  • Dye Copper bug - a patch


    Some time back I was talking to a friend, a computer programming whiz and Civ player, about the research I'd done on the Supply and Demand list formulas. When I mentioned the Dye/Copper bug he said he'd look into it. He did, and came up with a patch that corrects the problem. Don't ask about the technical details though, what I remember is that he said there was an "unitialized variable" (I think someone here suggested that) and he found a way to fix it.

    I thought I would post the patch here, in case anyone is interested in seeing how trade Supply and Demand are supposed to work in the game.

    The patch is for version 2.4.2.

    If you load a saved game with the patch, the Dye/Copper demand problems in cities will not be automatically fixed. They will be corrected when the city goes through its next 16-cycle turn. If you start a new game with the patch, the S/D lists will be correct throughout the game.

    The patch eliminates the "SDC switch" which turns out to indeed be a result of the Dye/Copper bug.

    Unfortunately, the patch file is too large for the attachment limit at Poly. So I'll attach it in two pieces contained in two zip files. After unzipping them, join the pieces together with the DOS command:

    COPY civ2DC1.spt/b+civ2DC2.spt/b Civ2DCpatch.exe/b

    Attached Files

  • #2
    The second part.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Oh ... after joining the two pieces copy the file to your Civ2 directory and run it from there.

      Although I've tested and used this version and had no problems, I make no guarentee for it, use at your own risk etc.



      • #4
        I kind of like having the bug, because it can often be manipulated on or off to suit current supply or demand in other cities! However, I will download and try this when I can spare some time from playing RoN.

        Your friend must be really good, since I did not think it was possible to create a patch to the executable without having access to the game's source code.


        • #5
          Originally posted by solo
          I kind of like having the bug, because it can often be manipulated on or off to suit current supply or demand in other cities! However, I will download and try this when I can spare some time from playing RoN.
          Hi there, solo.

          I don't know if there's any interest in this thing or not, but it's been sitting around my email bin for awhile and I thought I'd give it a home here. As for using the bug, I'd say that's in the same class of exploit as caravan-rehoming.

          BTW, I recently read the threads of EL comparison games you posted. Very interesting stuff in there. Lots of well played games. Some new ideas and some old ones resurrected. Looks the early Republic vs. early Monarchy question is still open to debate, or at dependent on starting situation.

          Originally posted by solo
          Your friend must be really good, since I did not think it was possible to create a patch to the executable without having access to the game's source code.
          I don't know but I thought there were a number of handmade patches to the Civ2 engine out there. Maybe there's a difference in kind. I don't really know.


          • #6

            Yes, the new rule barring huts really changed how EL games play, probably for the better.

            It's good to see you again, back on these forums. I hope you are in good health and that things are going okay.

            Are you giving Rise of Nations a try, or just sticking with the irreplaceable and classic Civ II?


            • #7
              Welcome back, Samson. We still have not broken 500AD in the EL games - wanna give it a go?

              Seems like a pretty big patch to just tweak one variable initialization. Must be a Micro$oft compiler...
              Last edited by Elephant; July 2, 2003, 16:41.


              • #8

                Hi there. Good to see you again.

                The 'patch' is actually a fixed version of CIV2.EXE which is why it's so large.


                I think 'no huts' was an interesting experiment. It virtually eliminated exploration as an element of the game and made building MPE a must. As a consequence new strategies were tried and some succeeded. Personally I think the best landing dates in those games would be difficult to beat even with hut tipping.

                I think these games exposed the negatives of hut-hunting which is: less strategic control of the game's course due to dealing with the consequences of hut tips. If this is true (that hut-tipping doesn't help as much as we once thought) then the rule is unneccesary. To tip or not-tip should be a strategic choice. Perhaps the optimal strat would be to tip just a few huts early on.

                The big change I see, strategy-wise, is the shift in focus from science to infrastructure in the early/middle game. The problem with the science-focused path was always that technology outran production capacity, money, and trading opportunities. Specifically, that the early caravan-payoff reducers of Navigation/Invention and Railroad were acquired before trade could be exploited fully. In those ELCG games where the players focused on infrastructure, more caravans were delivered in the Ancient Age, for larger payments, providing more cash and allowing a middle-game tech catchup but with a more robust economy for late game play. Also by delaying science, more techs were acquired from AI via trades.

                Although this change in focus was more obvious in the games of players using early Monarchy, I think it may work with an early Republic approach, too. Zenon's ELCG #5 was pretty impressive. Yet the excess of production capacity (seen in freights, money and wonders built) at the end makes me suspect that the shift back to a science-focus could be done sooner. An earlier landing date may be possible with a leaner economy.

                Anyway, congrats to all who participated, it was fun to read and catch up on the ideas explored there.


                • #9
                  samson - good to hear from you again.

                  Originally posted by samson

                  I think 'no huts' was an interesting experiment. It virtually eliminated exploration as an element of the game and made building MPE a must.
                  This was not true in all games. MPE is crucial if you discover you are the only civ on your continent. However, if you have plenty of neighbours sharing your landmass early contact with them can bring big rewards. If the purple civ is found early you might be able to save the four caravans needed for Marco's.


                  "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                  "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                  • #10
                    The black hat bug

                    Hi Samson,
                    couldn't your friend clear the black hat bug?
                    I think this is the most annoying bug in the game, not only because ELG strategies with 30 cities are powerful (and fatiguing).
                    And its repairation could be easy: somewhere in the code there is
                    if BlackHat(VeryUnhappy) then VioletHat(Happy)
                    and should be
                    if BlackHat(VeryUnhappy) then RedHat(Unhappy)
                    But MGE would be more requisite than 2.42 - people play MP games with a given limit of 10 cities etc.

                    Originally posted by solo
                    I kind of like having the bug, because it can often be manipulated on or off to suit current supply or demand in other cities!
                    Solo, I think this is not a good argument. Similarly you could tell I like the black hat bug, because I can build 50 cities and land 500 years faster.
                    Rules should be compact and simple IMHO.
                    Last edited by SlowThinker; July 3, 2003, 23:11.
                    Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                    • #11
                      Re: The black hat bug

                      Originally posted by SlowThinker
                      Rules should be compact and simple IMHO.
                      Yeah ... I know what you're saying ST. But if they were that compact and simple would we still be discussing them over 7 years after the game was launched?


                      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                      • #12
                        "No huts" did not eliminate exploration, but it did refocus it on finding good city sites and finding other civs early. "No huts" gave us full control of our tech paths, and evened out the variation in game benefit from hut gold and units. Barbs still provide some random events (which killed not a few players EL games at different times, we were all running pretty lean). I think your point about infrastructure is something that we continue to refine, and seems to vary somewhat based on the starting conditions. Our shift from Early Republic strategies back to extended Monarchy is an outcome of that refinement. I continue to struggle with picking the right time to switch from build-up focus to max research and trade. It usually has to do with nearing completion of my SSC, but other issues can supercede that.

                        Did you get sidetracked by GalCiv or RoN like Solo?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SG(2)
                          But if they were that compact and simple would we still be discussing them over 7 years after the game was launched?
                          OK. there are two things:
                          1. compact (and natural) rules - I simply don't like a rule like: first 3 supported units need 1 shield of support, next 2 need no support, 8th unit needs 3 shield, and 9th-10th produce +4 shield (a negative suport)
                          (This is a similar example to the black hat bug)

                          2. simple rules - with simpler rules maybe we wouldn't be discussing about rules, but more about strategies - it would be more interesting. I don't enjoy to speak about rules very much - I do it because I must. (OK, a little bit of reverse engineering may be entertaining...)
                          Last edited by SlowThinker; July 3, 2003, 22:59.
                          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                          • #14

                            A good analysis, but when early huts provided some free cities and some early gold, this headstart was hard to compete with in games where we did not allow hut tipping. However, I was surprised at how well we were able to do without them, thinking that anything near 1000 AD would be much more difficult than it turned out to be.

                            As for MPE, I think it would make sense to build this even in hut tipping games. Contact with all AI (and the techs they had available for trades) is much sooner with MPE, and by monitoring and steering their research, I think players averaged 5 or more techs per game through trade. Previously, in our EL games, we put most of the onus of acquiring techs on ourselves.

                            In a game where we start on a large continent, I would agree with SG(2) that MPE is not vital. You don't need MPE for your key civ and others that have developed poorly, and could use diplomats to establish cheaper and permanent embassies with the AI who look like good candidates as research assistants.

                            Early Republic still works well, as was proven in my 615 AD game, but one of the reasons for this was that MPE helped me bypass Navigation and make the most of early caravan payments while acquiring a few more post-Navigation techs.


                            I was not really serious about preferring the copper/dye bug. This was one of the major flaws in the game, and I'm sure that trade would become much more fluid using the new version provided by Samson's friend.


                            One thing I really like about being "sidetracked" is they have done a great job in RoN of removing the amount of tedious micro-management needed to play Civ II. I certainly do NOT miss such repetitive chores such as incremental rush-buying or loading and unloading transports, or the sheer tedium involved in managing more than just a handful of cities. However, I do not think RoN has the detail and depth of Civ II, replacing this with a bigger variety of options. I think there is much less to learn to become a good RoN player.


                            • #15
                              Re: The black hat bug

                              Originally posted by SlowThinker
                              Hi Samson,
                              couldn't your friend clear the black hat bug?
                              I think this is the most annoying bug in the game, not only because ELG strategies with 30 cities are powerful (and fatiguing).
                              And its repairation could be easy: somewhere in the code there is
                              if BlackHat(VeryUnhappy) then VioletHat(Happy)
                              and should be
                              if BlackHat(VeryUnhappy) then RedHat(Unhappy)

                              What exactly is the black hat bug? I'm not sure what you're talking about.

                              And no, my friend does not have source code to the game (as least as far as I know). I think he just patched the .EXE file directly.

