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Civ4BtS : CUMBREVIEJA - #41 Pitboss APT

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  • #16
    Felicidades, 2metraninja!!! Gran e indiscutible victoria!!

    Estoy muy corto de tiempo estos días.
    De momento os pongo esta información sobre la identidad de los jugadores:

    Jugador Lider
    astrologix Alejandro (you were wrong! )
    Vicente_Pisha Anibal
    Estilpón Churchill
    flv999 Justiniano I
    HBHR Mao Zedong
    Gigante Verde Moctezuma
    2metraninja Napoleon
    Dick76 Zara Yakub

    Este fin de semana estaré más libre y pondré algunos pantallazos.
    Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
    Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


    • #17
      Yo era Justiniano. Empecé muy bien, pero el francés me cerró bien el paso, no pude comerciar techs con nadie, me atrasé, y Napo fue pura potencia. Con alguna pequeña diferencia podría haber hecho una buena partida. Pero Napo no se equivocó nunca.

      Felicitaciones a 2metraninja


      • #18
        Bien, yo era Churchill, como ya se ha dicho. Mi más sincera enhorabuena a metraninja por su incontestable victoria.

        No parecía un mal lugar para mi capital, pero encontré demasiado pronto límites a mis ciudades. Casi toda la partida fuí quién menos ciudades tenía.
        La suerte es que Cartago apenas se expandió en mi dirección, supongo que ocupado como estaba capturando ciudades bárbaras por el sur. Pero prácticamente desde el inicio se negó a intercambiar tecnologías conmigo, lo que me llevó a la conclusión de que él tenía planeado que yo fuera parte de su almuerzo...

        Así que la estrategia que me quedaba estaba clara: me dediqué con ahínco a cultivar las relaciones con el resto de civilizaciones que conocía, especialmente con Moctezuma, mi otro vecino, para tener al menos a alguien con quién comerciar.
        Con Ciro y Alex tenía relaciones aceptables, pero estaban lejos para suponer una ayuda efectiva, y siempre pensé que Cartago estaba manipulándolos.
        Tal y como esperaba, Cartago me declaró la guerra en cuanto su expansión al sur se ralentizó.

        Pude sacar Construcción justo a tiempo y entre talas que tenía preparadas y aceleraciones, saqué un gran ejército de catapultas suficiente para evitar una entrada salvaje. Tácticamente tenía una ventaja defensiva que sería clave: había muy pocos puntos de entrada y con fronteras culturales bastante fuertes (las aceleré al máximo también). Sabía que Cartago tenía un GP artista para utilizar y muchos númidas, así que coloqué cuidadosamente las pilas fuera de cualquier alcance y saqué suficientes navíos para evitar razzias y obligarle a guarnecer sus ciudades costeras.

        Finalmente Aníbal fundó una ciudad junto a la frontera y activó la bomba cultural, alcanzándome una buena ciudad que atacó y arrasó (era la mejor ciudad productora de militares). No obstante, soló consiguió eso y la situació se estancó. Creo que movido por la desesperación o el atrevimiento, no sé, decidió atacar al azteca por el oeste (al cual ya le había advertido repetidas veces). Eso dejaba a Moctezuma en una situación muy comprometida ya que Ciro y Alex le atacaban por el este. Mi unica opción fue hostigar o amenazar la vía de comunicación hacia los aztecas (tenía varios espías por allí monitorizando oportunidades) y le cedí lo que pude (no recuerdo bien qué).

        Tuve la suerte de que Napoleón contactó conmigo, entendió la situación y pude comprarle/me cedió techs fundamentales, a cambio de información pormenorizada de la situación. Cartago ni lo vió venir, Francia hizo un ataque para debilitar su core y luego abandonar esas posiciones hasta la captura final. El resto supongo que ya es historia conocida.

        Mi única intervención exterior fue, cuando mi frente era ya muy sólido, apoyar al azteca enseñando los dientes por la frontera griega para evitar el colapso azteca.

        PS. ¿por qué no sale Zara en el mapa de Chinchin?
        Israel = apartheid


        • #19
          Originally posted by Estilpón View Post
          PS. ¿por qué no sale Zara en el mapa de Chinchin?
          No me había fijado. Tal vez por que no tuve contacto con él. Dick76 ¿por que no enviaste carabelas para tomar contacto con el otro continente?
          C3C Escenarios: ”La Guerra Civil Española V2.00” ”MOD La Europa de Napoleón” "Fascist Tide & Day of Infamy"
          C4 BTS: Mis Mods BTS v3.19 / Mod Combat Revolution BTS v3.19
          ID: 0003


          • #20
            Click image for larger version

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            Jugador Lider
            astrologix Alejandro
            Vicente_Pisha Anibal (eliminado)
            Estilpón Churchill
            CHINCHIN Ciro
            flv999 Justiniano I (eliminado)
            HBHR Mao Zedong
            Gigante Verde Moctezuma
            2metraninja Napoleon
            Dick76 Zara Yakub

            2metraninja - Medalla de oro
            HBHR - Medalla de plata
            Dick76 - Medalla de bronce

            Enhorabuena a 2metraninja y a sus dos compañeros de podio!!!
            Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
            Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


            • #21
              Fuí Alex en esta partida.

              A pesar de que Atenas salió en un excelente lugar con recursos marítimos, el resto del territorio en sus inmediaciones era pobre: tundra al norte, desierto al oeste y selva al sur. Por ello me costó crecer y pronto me encontré con Moctezuma al noreste y con Ciro al sur, con el que compartía selva. El principio de la partida se convirtió en una carrera con Moctezuma por conseguir los pocos lugares interesantes que tenía al norte: fundé Corinto a lado de un recurso de oro y Tebas que me daba caballos al extremo norte. Pero las ciudades tenían dificultad para crecer. Al sur fundé Esparta, Argos, Micenas.

              Tuve la suerte de que Ciro se enfrascó en una guerra obstinada contra el incómodo e intratable Moctezuma. Ello me dió oportunidad de afianzar mi crecimiento y pude utilizar mi característica filosófica para sacar algun gran personaje y tener un par de edades de oro. Llegué a tener 13 ciudades en total.

              Pero pronto Anibal y Ciro me empujaron a una guerra que no me convenía demasiado contra Moctezuma. Tenía escaso ejército y hubiera preferido progresar pacíficamente. De cualquier modo la evolución del otro continente era inquietante. Napoleón crecía desmesuradamente: eliminó a Justiano y ya se veia por donde se decantaba la partida. Hasta que llegó su invasión por el lado de Anibal. Que no duró mucho. Y luego Ciro. Viendo el panorama, propuse dos o tres veces al francés hacerme su vasallo. No aceptó y después de casi eliminar a Ciro arremetió contra mí, que no puede hacer nada para evitar su avance. Afortunadamente había fundado dos ciudades en pequeñas islas y la última de ellas no era obstáculo para su victoria por dominación, así que me perdonó la vida y pude salvar el pellejo in extremis.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	Civ4ScreenShot0000.JPG Views:	1 Size:	307.3 KB ID:	9447660
              Last edited by astrologix; November 27, 2022, 06:32.
              Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
              Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


              • #22
                Si, yo fui Moctezuma...

                Me encontre rapidamente con Alex y despues con Churchill, mis territorios estaban rapidamente cercados y como Astro logro quitarme el unico recurso de caballos que habia por la zona... Me dejo muy complicado para buscar alguna expansion agresiva...

                Por lo tanto, no me quedo de otra que buscar amistad con Churchill y el Griego... hasta que claro, me di cuenta que el griego estaba "jugando" claramente a dos bandas conmigo y Anibal-Ciro...

                Originally posted by astrologix View Post
                Fuí Alex en esta partida.

                Tuve la suerte de que Ciro se enfrascó en una guerra obstinada contra el incómodo e intratable Moctezuma.
                Si, tan incomodo e intratable era yo ... al grado de que te ayude a conquistar ciudades barbaras para tu imperio y ni mencionar cuando estabas hablando de paz mientras al mismo tiempo me declarabas la guerra ... y me volvias a hablar de paz mientras aun me hacias la guerra

                Pero bueno, considero que sali bastante bien parado en esta partida al encontrarme en una situacion muy dificil de una guerra contra 3 civilizaciones al mismo tiempo en dos frentes y aun asi haber recuperado mis ciudades perdidas...
                Viajero vagabundo, en busqueda del foro perfecto...
                Matricula PG´s: 0024
                Civ4Elo: Jeje
                "Adaptandome a la nueva cara del foro"


                • #23
                  Bueno, pues yo era Anibal, efectivamente. Partida en la que si no hubiera cometido algún error estratégico y con un poco de buena suerte podría haber hecho mucho más y haber plantado cara a Napoleón. Gestioné bien el imperio pero fallé estrepitosamente en mis decisiones estratégicas.

                  Empecé la partida en un sitio ni bueno ni malo, con un sólo recurso de comida rápido (Maiz) y otro más lento (plátanos) pero con rio (importante al ser financiero) y mucho bosque para talar si era necesario. Tampoco estaba en costa, importante para los Cartagineses, pero al menos no había tundra, selva o desierto. No obstante, conseguí un buen desarrollo inicial y mis "demos" eran incluso mejores que las de Napoleón al principio de la partida.

                  Tal y como ha contado Estilpon al norte encontré a Inglaterra, y me encapriché de su recurso de Mármol. Además vi que me cortaría la expansión al norte por lo que me obstiné en conquistarlo. Sin embargo no fui capaz de realizar un ataque relámpago (primer error) así que decidí desarrollarme al sur que había buenas tierras e intentar tener catapultas antes que él y atacarle. Conseguí las catapultas, pero por suerte para él no suficientemente a tiempo para que Churchill negociara con Moctezuma y se pusiera al día tecnológicamente y pudiera formar un ejército que me hiciera inviable la invasión. Me obstiné en conquistarle (segundo error), porque no tenía otra opción para crecer, ya que había hecho amistad con Ciro al sur y nos habíamos repartido las tierras. Usé la bomba cultural pero tuve un golpe de mala suerte (o error de cálculo): por muy poco no conseguí una casilla en la que podía destruirle medio ejército. Entonces, al ver que no podía atacar a Churchill ofrecí a Ciro y Alex conquistar entre los tres a Moctezuma. Pensaba que así podría expandirme y amenazar a Churchill desde un frente más amplio. Pensaba que entre los tres lo dominaríamos rápido pero en el este los Persas y Griegos no conseguían doblegarle. Conquisté dos ciudades a Moctezuma pero entonces tuve el segundo golpe de mala suerte (o error grave al no darme cuenta de que Napoleón podía llegar tan pronto con un ejército invasor a mis tierras) y Napoleón contactó a Churchill y Moctezuma. Cuando Napoleón me atacó no pude hacer demasiado para detenerlo, ya que pronto defendía con caballeros contra caballerías.

                  En resumen, me obcequé en conquistar a Churchill, aunque de todas formas si no hubiera ampliado mi territorio no hubiese podido confrontar a Napoleón, así que tampoco había mucho que hacer.
                  "Los Bancos son mas peligrosos para nuestras libertades que los ejercitos en armas" "La burocracia se expande para satisfacer las necesidades de una burocracia en expansión" "Cualquier sociedad que renuncia a un poco de libertad para obtener algo de seguridad no se merece ni una ni otra y acabara perdiendo ambas"


                  • #24
                    As already being said, I was Napoleon in this game. My start was not very lush as it was, but I saw there is a potential in it. I moved and settled on the third turn of the game. What I achieved with those 2 waisted turns was that the only 2 early food sources available I was able to use with three cities. Which was very important later on, because I was able to whip settlers from all 3 cities with +10 food growth rate. I realised quite early that the rest of the land given to me was extremely awesome and I wanted to settle it as fast as possible. I was first to settle second city, despite there was IMP Justinian in the game. I was first to settle my fourth city and from there on, I was always with top number of cities. I was settling those gorgeous city sites but also produced enough units to protect those cities. I was lucky with having source of horses near Paris, so it was easy-peasy to keep good military.

                    My two neighbors I met first was Ethiopia and China and they were North from me and closer to each-other than to me and also there was the jungle belt between me ant them, so they were hurrying to settle against each-other and were not giving any attention to the green lush jungle belt. I was expecting Ethiopia to be angry due to my quite aggressive settling towards their capitol, but as I said, I had enough army to protect my settlements, so Ethiopia choose to not respond with aggression.

                    Very soon I had about twice the number of cities than any other of my neighbors, IMP Justinian included. I was a bit out-stretched with so many cities and I had no great infrastructure with roads and culture and big garrisons for each city and units to defend each worker who was improving my cities, so I wanted to prevent Justinian from exploring in my direction in general and especially with military units as to not threaten and disrupt my work. He had an exploring chariot and I had 3 or 4 chariots in my west flank. Justinian was moving his exploring chariot as if meeting 4 chariots in the open field is nothing worth noting. Next turn I put all my chariots in straight line in front of Justinian's chariot to form a line and to hint him I dont want him to go further, which he simply ignored. He simply went through my line and next turn he would had been in striking distance to my city and workers nearby. I wanted to not take any chances so I had no choice, but to declare war and kill his chariot. After this I immediately proposed peace, because the reason for me to declare was no longer present, but he did not accepted peace. After this I proposed peace few more times, but without result. When we finally got Alphabet and we could speak to each-other, I tried to make peace few more times so we can both try to live in peace, as I had secured big enough chunk of land and I was not sure how the guys on the other continent will be doing, so I needed each and every trade partner I can get on my continent. Justinian wanted me to not settle one good valley between us, to which I did not agree, as I had my settlers ready, my military there to protect from each agressive act from neighbors and Justinian was just wanting me to cede this lush land to him while we were in war for centuries, without anything to back his demands. I tried for the last time to make peace telling him he is not in position to make demands and that he have so much unsettled land to develop on, but he said he preffer I kill him earlier than later, so he will keep the war. At this time I decided I will have to indeed kill him, as he will be always a damoclean sword hanging over me if I let him live and he will never be good partner to me.

                    During this time, I had managed to build few world wonders, get some nice techs, showed Ethiopia and China I was valuable trade partner by trading techs and resources with them and in general we were going along pretty nice on our continent, except the Byzantines. I got the very good Horse Whisperer quest, which somehow determined my strategy for conquering Byzantines. I decided to go for knights, but there was a little problem. Justinian got a Great Spy and used him on me and was able to steal quite a lot of technologies from me and I needed a plan to not allow him get my newest military techs. I had my first Golden Age, ran counter-espionage mission on Byzantines and churned the last few technologies leading to Knights in rapid succession, ending with prebuilt knights to be whipped in all of my cities and well promoted HAs waiting to be upgraded to knights. In just 3-4 turns I had like 30 knights and 15 horsearchers standing on the border. I think I did not produced any catapult. On his side, Justinian had quite a lot of catapults, but my super-knights and the 3-way attack gave Justinian no chance to defend effectively. Very disappointing episode was when in the first or second turn of the war with a lot of battles, there was reload for something the guys on the other continent did, and I asked specifically that we try to replicate the moves we did before the reload, but then Justinian simply played absolutely different his units, whipped cities, etc, knowing from where my attacks will come. I won anyway and it was clear I will win anyway, but this made me bad feeling.

                    After conquering Byzantium, I had huge and extremely well promoted army standing. I could had attacked and conquered China and later Ethiopia, have 80 cities before Industrial epoch and appear on the other continent with tanks, or go for culture - especially since I was French with Salons, or simply go for space - this ridiculously good the land on my continent was. But I felt like not wanting to attack my neighbors and good partners, but go and see what the other continent guys were doing. Despite China almost got me to attack him due to him finishing some World Wonder 1 turn before me, the technology for which I gave to him. We never had agreement not to build the wonders, but I think it is common good manners to not compete for wonders with the one who is kind enough to give you the technology which unlocks them. Anyway, I decided to go for Astronomy and see whats the other continent were up to.

                    I had luck to have my main competitor scorewise - Anibal - just some 10 ocean tiles East from my core. The guys on the other continent had worse land overal and were 1 more - they were 5 competing for less quantity and quality land, while we were 4 and our land was slightly bigger and top quality. I realised immediately there was some solid 3-nations coalition - Cartago, Persia and Greece, who was fighting against poor norherners England and Aztecas. The big south coalition were a bit behind me in military techs, but not much. I had knights and they had knights. They lacked muskets, and I had my special musketeers, but otherwise we were quite equal on the battlefield. On the other hand, England and Azteca were quite backward and their cities were besieged and defeat was looking imminent. I decided I need to use this situation to my advantage and win the game there and for good. I fed the norhterners with all the military technologies I had for free and gave them money for upgrades. I also prepared few ships to hit Anibal in his exposed back, while his whole army was stuck in the norhtern mud. The attack was sounding success as I was even able to take not only few good coastal cities, but even Anibal's capitol, captured workers, pillaged towns, etc. I knew he will return his main army and I stand no chance with my raid party, but I wanted to force him to leave England alone, so I pretended I am going to defend on his territory. Anibal indeed lifted the sieges and returned the bulk of his army. I made some mistake thinking he cannot hit me this turn and was planning to retreat on my ships next turn, but I got hit and lost some good units on my way to retreat. Anyway, Cartago was severely weakened, England was saved and I was building fleet of galleons big enough to ferry the bulk of my army, which has managed to return from the far West Byzantium to my core in the East. I switched to Nationalism too to whip those sweet musketeers and with my veteran knights loaded my army and set sail to South Cartagenian lands. The geography was very good, as there was a narrow land passage, I took the city which controls that passage and conquered the half Cartagenian cities that were laying defenceless after this passage. Meanwhile I got to Rifles, Cavalries and Sannons, had ton of money to upgrade, I was whipping and drafting mercilessly, as I had the idea to finish the game with those technologies. I conquered the rest ot Carthago without much resistance and attacked Persia on speed even before fully finishing with Anibal. Ciro had some time to prepare for the incoming carnage as he proposed to vassalage to me, but I declined, so he knew I am coming for him too and got Muskets and Cuirassiers himself and managed to build and upgrade serious army. Of course I overwhelmed him with mass and better units, but he fought brave and managed to kill quite a lot of my units in the process, so I decided to show some respect and leave Persia alive in one small coastal city. Greece on his turn offered vassalage to me, but I declined to him too, as I was pursuing Domination victory and had decided I will not attack my neighbors on my continent and also I will not attack my new partners England and Aztecas on the other continent and I needed each tile of land I can get from the ex-Anibal coalition. Speaking of England - Churchill was fine gentleman with whom was pleasure to work, while Montezuma was initially weird, while in the end outright crazy. Seems not all nations were realising that we are in the endspiel and how close the end of the game is, so people were concerned with some old grudges and especially between Ciro and Montezuma. Montezuma told me Ciro deserves to be punished and wanted to take care for killing him, which was strange, because If I wanted him dead, I would had been finished him myself and now when I defeated and unarmed Ciro, just now Montezuma is brave enough to finish him. But even stranger was that when I told Montezuma that Ciro got the punishment I think he deserves, Montezuma started to sends me walls of text and ask from me explanations what I mean and what I will do if he decides to not comply with my desires and kills CIro anyway lol. I stoped replying and simply closed my borders with him, which threw all his units back to his own territory and Ciro's last city was some 30 tiles behind my territory, so good luck in reaching him against my will. It was at this moment I regretted I had settled so much cities on each small patch of land on the whole map and pushed so much culture everywhere to get to those 60% land for domination, that there were just 2 more turns until I reach domination, otherwise I would had killed Aztecas for moral reasons. But all is good that finish good. I had left Alexander alive too, just as Ciro, as I had nothing personal against them.

                    I ended with army more powerful than all other nations combined, even after all the massacres. My production was also 4-5 times bigger than my best next competitor, food was similar ratio. I had over 100 cities both due to conquest and due to settling a lot of cities to claim as much as possible land even from those useless tundra islands. I wanted to put some screens too, but find the pic posting mechanism not very handy, so it will be just plain dry text I guess.

                    What I coulld said as moral of the story?

                    For Justinian it is that wanting to die now is not productive, as death is so final, while life is full of opportunities. OK, we started bad, but later things could had developed completely different.

                    To Montezuma I wish to say that he had all the time the whole game to settle his rivalry or insult with Ciro and it is not manly to want to kick your enemy just after someone else knocked him down.

                    To Anibal - he already know it but screwing 2-3 times in war is a lot when you are anyway behind. You should had knew you guys are falling behind. There were a lot of hints. I think the only chance your continent could had competed with ours is if you were working together and you fought unproductive wars instead.

                    GG everyone.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by 2metraninja View Post

                      To Anibal - he already know it but screwing 2-3 times in war is a lot when you are anyway behind. You should had knew you guys are falling behind. There were a lot of hints. I think the only chance your continent could had competed with ours is if you were working together and you fought unproductive wars instead.
                      What do you mean with "screwing 2-3 times in war"?

                      I do agree we should have realized we were falling behind. But war is improductive if you don´t get profits. War was not improductive for you against Justinian. I could have killed England twice but I made mistakes and had bad luck. Ciro and Alex could have killed Mocte before you reached to our continent. In this case, things could have been diferent.

                      Yes, we should have colaborate but we know that now, not then. And anyway I don´t think we could have stopped you at that point. It´s not easy to get 5 nations to agree. But, yes, my mistake was not seeing that you where only 10 sea tiles from me and realizing you could get to my lands so soon with that economy and army.

                      I had better demos than you in some point, but I couldn´t compete with you in the future having double of cities than me in. That´s why I got obsesed with conquering more land.

                      Anyway the only moral we can draw here is that you have played extraordinarrily well. Thanks good this championship finish because I can´t stand playing against two invincible players (Macedon and you)
                      "Los Bancos son mas peligrosos para nuestras libertades que los ejercitos en armas" "La burocracia se expande para satisfacer las necesidades de una burocracia en expansión" "Cualquier sociedad que renuncia a un poco de libertad para obtener algo de seguridad no se merece ni una ni otra y acabara perdiendo ambas"


                      • #26
                        I mean that you failed to actually conquer England after 2 or 3 attempts, and usually 1 failed war is enough to set you behind in unrepairable position if facing serious competition in the game. Yes, you are correct that war is good, only when executed quick and clean. Long wars without clear gains or perspective are very bad. I actually had long war with Justinian too, actually we were at state of war like 1000+ years, but it was not hot war, I never built serious army before I war ready to actually conquer Byzantium. I had secured the land I wanted, settled and I was protected and developing it. So if you needed that land from England, do make sure you get it. I know sometimes things dont work as planned in war and luck plays big role, so this is why you dont let things depending on luck. Despite Sun Tzu teaches that to the good general luck is important, he also says that you first have to win the war and just then go to actually wage the war. I also agree that getting 5 nations to cooperate effective is very very difficult, if not outright impossible.

                        I was having not great demos, because I was spreading thin on huge territory, working very few actual tiles. Just few good food tiles and whipping those workers and settlers. I had 5-6 good established cities until very late, all else was whipping and chopping. But I was setting the foundation to a mighty empire in mid-terms. I also had what turned to be quite good leader and my heavy horizontal groth and expansion had nice synergy with the cheap courthouses to keep expenses manageable. Super-monuments also helped me keep unhappiness from all those whips manageable. In principle, I prefer to not stick out with higher score or monstrous demographics early, because people tend to not be willing to cooperate with what seems to be the clear leader.

                        Speaking of luck, as I said, we had the better luck being only 4 and having better land on our continent and I was quick to realise the potential of this green green land.

                        Mentioning Mack - ask me how I play with this guy already 15 years lol. It is not easy, but playing with strong competition raises your own level. If you cannot stand paying with impossible players then be glad you missed Ot4e, as he was another god-level player just like Macedon.

                        Thanks for the kind words and for the game. I guess I enjoyed it more than most of the rest enjoyed it. But when Caesar laughs, Pompeius cries.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by 2metraninja View Post
                          Mentioning Mack - ask me how I play with this guy already 15 years lol. It is not easy, but playing with strong competition raises your own level. If you cannot stand paying with impossible players then be glad you missed Ot4e, as he was another god-level player just like Macedon.

                          Thanks for the kind words and for the game. I guess I enjoyed it more than most of the rest enjoyed it. But when Caesar laughs, Pompeius cries.

                          Man, I was joking. It was just a way of saying you are both awesome players.

                          I completely agree with you. Playing with strong players make you strong. I don´t think I am a bad player, but I have not as much experience. I think I have played like 7 or 8 pitboss (Breda, Orion, Fra Mauro, Picasso, Titan, Umbriel and Cumbre Vieja). But I know what you say. When I started playing I thounght Manolo and Towers were awesome players but then Filon and BuDDaH played Orion and they showed us what really was playing CIV4. I have never played againts Ot4e but BuDDaH told me about him. Playing with these russians players make us much better now that we were 10 years ago. Chinchin, Astro, HBHR, FLV... I think we all play much better than we used. I have learned myself a lot from BuDDaH. I am glad you all came to this championship. It´s a pitty it finishs.

                          Originally posted by 2metraninja View Post
                          I mean that you failed to actually conquer England after 2 or 3 attempts, and usually 1 failed war is enough to set you behind in unrepairable position if facing serious competition in the game.
                          I will learn this for the future. Although I don´t know if I will play more PB now this championship it´s ending.
                          "Los Bancos son mas peligrosos para nuestras libertades que los ejercitos en armas" "La burocracia se expande para satisfacer las necesidades de una burocracia en expansión" "Cualquier sociedad que renuncia a un poco de libertad para obtener algo de seguridad no se merece ni una ni otra y acabara perdiendo ambas"


                          • #28
                            Thank you for taking time to write this great story, 2metraninja!

                            Congratulations again, you really deserved to win this game!

                            Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
                            Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


                            • #29
                              Yo era Ciro, la capital salió en un buen lugar, río, dos recursos de cerdos… Pero el resto del terreno circundante muy regular, al norte tenia selva, y al sur mucho terreno hasta Aníbal que estaba al sur-oeste.

                              Llegue a un acuerdo con Aníbal, que aunque él se quedo con más y mejor terreno, me interesaba, ya que Aníbal disponía de un fuerte ejército, y yo no, y teniendo al norte a Alex, muy flojo militarmente hablando, y la selva por medio, me permitía la seguridad necesaria para crecer tranquilamente. Y lo debí hacer bien, ya que puntué como segundo en la 2ª manga.

                              El problema con Mocte fue que justo cuando iba a conquistar una ciudad bárbara, muy cerca de mi capital, el turno anterior se me anticipo y la tomo él, yo con un ejército mayor le declare la guerra y conquiste la ciudad. Esto le supo muy mal a Mocte que me juro odio eterno. Por lo que la guerra siguió sin combate alguno, hasta la triple alianza.

                              Aníbal, al ver que no podía con Churchill, nos propuso terminar con Mocte, más débil que el inglés, para luego ir a por Churchill. Convencimos a Alex, que no estaba por la labor, y nos lanzamos. Pero entonces llego la ayuda francesa en cuanto a tecnologías, y aunque tomamos una ciudad no pudimos hacer mucho más, ya que entonces llego la invasión francesa a Cartago, y viendo que el próximo era yo tuve que retirar mi ejército.

                              Viendo que mi única opción era sacar caballerías y fusileros lo antes posible, ideé un plan para sacar 2 edades de oro consecutivas, tomar pólvora de Alex con el espionaje, se la regalo Napoleón, entendemos que por error, e investigar el resto de tecnologías metiendo toda la producción y comercio a investigación, y tomando oro construyendo la misma maravilla en varias ciudades.

                              Con 4 o 5 turnos más de aire hubiera estado muy cerca de conseguirlo, pero el ataque fulgurante de Francia arruino mis posibilidades, me quede en una edad de oro, perdí maravillas iniciadas y mi investigación bajo enormemente. Al menos pude sacar coraceros, que junto a toneladas de catas plantaron cara, y pude eliminar algún apilado que otro, pero al final caí por aplastamiento. Napoleón me perdono la vida, algo que agradezco.

                              Fue una partida muy divertida a pesar del desastre final.

                              Gracias a todos, y enhorabuena a 2metraninja de nuevo!!
                              Last edited by CHINCHIN; December 19, 2022, 06:39.
                              C3C Escenarios: ”La Guerra Civil Española V2.00” ”MOD La Europa de Napoleón” "Fascist Tide & Day of Infamy"
                              C4 BTS: Mis Mods BTS v3.19 / Mod Combat Revolution BTS v3.19
                              ID: 0003

