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  • #16
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Kandinsky-ResultadosManga1.jpg
Views:	183
Size:	54.0 KB
ID:	9388374

    Los puntos APT correspondientes serán consolidados en la clasificación trimestral del 31 de marzo
    Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
    Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


    • #17
      Impresionante, enhorabuena !!


      • #18
        Caray con Pacal, está intratable!
        Israel = apartheid


        • #19
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Kandinsky-SoresManga2.jpg
Views:	154
Size:	61.1 KB
ID:	9391352

          Pacal sigue intratable
          Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
          Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


          • #20
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Kandinsky-ResultadosManga2.jpg
Views:	133
Size:	57.2 KB
ID:	9392406

            Los puntos APT de cada jugador serán consolidados en la Clasificación Trimestral del 30 de junio, que será publicada próximamente.
            Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
            Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


            • #21
              ¡Señores cuenten algo! ¿Pueden con Pacal o no?
              C3C Escenarios: ”La Guerra Civil Española V2.00” ”MOD La Europa de Napoleón” "Fascist Tide & Day of Infamy"
              C4 BTS: Mis Mods BTS v3.19 / Mod Combat Revolution BTS v3.19
              ID: 0003


              • #22
                Por supuesto, lo tenemos justo donde queríamos


                • #23
                  Thanks for the fair game guys.

                  I also got the Covid-19. I am strong bastard and I am having it in soft variant - only some temeprature, headache, high blood pressure and back muscle pain, but I am worried about family and work and it still messes up with my normal life. Stay safe, wear masks and dont drink water from the same bottle, even with friends lol


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 2metraninja View Post
                    Thanks for the fair game guys.

                    I also got the Covid-19. I am strong bastard and I am having it in soft variant - only some temeprature, headache, high blood pressure and back muscle pain, but I am worried about family and work and it still messes up with my normal life. Stay safe, wear masks and dont drink water from the same bottle, even with friends lol
                    Hi champion!
                    My wife and me have got the Covid-19 too, since one week. My symptoms are near the same as yours. My wife lost the smell and taste senses too. All in all, we are doing well. This virus is less strong as expected, at least for us.

                    Take good care of yourself !

                    P.S.: BTW, are you still able to play the games ?
                    Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
                    Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


                    • #25
                      Yes, it is good the virus seems less strong than expected, especially for healthy younger individuals. Because as it seems the spread is almost uncontrollable.

                      Yes, I am able to play games, now I am 14 days quarantine at home.

                      Stay strong and take care, Astro.

                      And thanks again for organizing the games. Little brigh shine in our grey everyday life


                      • #26
                        My brother, my nephew, and their respective couples have already passed COVID. With the same symptoms you describe, they are already 100% recovered.

                        That you pass the COVID fast and well!
                        C3C Escenarios: ”La Guerra Civil Española V2.00” ”MOD La Europa de Napoleón” "Fascist Tide & Day of Infamy"
                        C4 BTS: Mis Mods BTS v3.19 / Mod Combat Revolution BTS v3.19
                        ID: 0003


                        • #27
                          Hola, Astro y 2mn, cómo la van llevando? ¿Parte positivo?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by HBHR View Post
                            Hola, Astro y 2mn, cómo la van llevando? ¿Parte positivo?
                            Por mi parte, estamos saliendo del hoyo. Casi restablecidos pero con un resto de cansancio importante, por lo que aún no estamos al 100%. Todo se andará
                            Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
                            Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


                            • #29
                              Me alegro de que os hayáis recuperado vosotros y/o vuestros allegados.
                              Israel = apartheid


                              • #30

                                Enhorabuena Pacal!!

                                Y a los que le siguen: valor!!
                                Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
                                Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games

