Sorry for English.
I started deep in the north. The land around was very bad for long run. Fortunately I got great leader and nation which combined opened me some extra opportunities.
My land was bad but I got a lot of forests in my capital and in the area in general. With indian fastworkers you can use it as crazy boost for expansion. Also I got 3 hammer tile under the city which took me 2 turns of walking but provided me one of the quickest openings ever. Also I had gold to cover the gap in early techs, though it made me stay with the capital size of 1 for a long while.
So I had weak start but a few aces in pocket and I was lucky to be almost in the corner and not to have many neighbors. I knew I could chop 2-3 settlers quick, chop some army and pick someone to rush.
Meanwhile Hammurapi killed 2 nations on T23 and T25 and got at least one extra city. It turned out that he was my only neighbor. Unfortunately for me he found me and made a lot of pressure with warriors. By that time though I got 3 workers and settler and was spamming my own warriors working gold mine.
Once I got rid of that early threat my plan was to get horses, chop them and deliver to his capital in one turn using advantage of fastworkers. I knew I dont have much time if he can recognize my attack so I had to be sneaky.
On like T66 I entered his borders and took Babylon razing the small sattelite city nearby. But he was still controling Bibracte, the former capital of celts. It had cooper in 2nd ring which I couldnt deny him. May be I should sent more chariots in that direction and take a shot on it but I ddidnt know that with Babylon it was going to be that easy. So I had to let it be.
I was happy to get control over babylonian land because it was rich with many food, rivers and wood. I also new that one more of his neighbors got killed so that land wasnt going to be contested heavily.
I decided to chop Oracle but failed for like 1-2 turns or even same turn I dont remember. But I got lucky with Pyramids and Hanging gardens which provided me GE later which I never used till T219 for golden age
I started exploring map. I knew I have close neighbor Gringo but to be honest he never made me worry too much except stealing some wonders (GreatLib and Statue of Zeus). I found Frederick and Carlo to the south beyond the jungles and Monte and August far to the east much further than babylonian new cap was. Also my workboat found Suleiman and Dario on the other edge of the continent. So I knew that the map consisted of a single continent. And I had many trade partners though some people refused to trade and prefered to stay in stone age for long.
My plan was to research Horseback, build barracks and stables and whip out a lot of HAs to get rid of annyoing Hamurappi. I knew I could wait for catapults and elephants but. My land was wide and it would take a lot of time to gather them. And I personally prefer HA. With proper promotions they are very good. I was hoping to get some more opportunistic conquest after Hammy because people do not often build proper military here. I thought to bring down Gringo or Frederick who both were doing well in economics and were going to form nice alliance against me if I leave them alone. I know how big empire die being isolated!
But Hamurabi simply refused to die. He had just 2 spears in the flat city but I got really unlucky turn and ~15 horse archers failed to kill a single unit. I lost like 7-8 of 65% winning chances in a row and continued losing after that. Hilarius.
I had to return very much later with elephants, and at that moment I had very high chances to lose game.
But I managed to steal Music from Gringo by one turn and constructed MoM, so I had almost free long golden age. My plan was to tech nationalism, pop some GS and get Military Tradition with Liberalism.
While preparing 3rd campaign against Hamy I got borders with Frederick capturing a land near Athens ruins. Interesting that there was barbarian city size of 7 and nobody cared to take it. Frederick was unhappy with that of course but I believe he could be faster. We signed NAP because I couldnt let them hit me from 2 sides with Gringo while having slow stack in the other place fighting with the rest of babylonian forces. During NAP Frederick consumed Toro. He did it so easy so it made me worry. In fact I believe he should also go for Carl who had no army, no tech and really strange micromanagement.
So finally I conquared which got 4-5 cities while I was collecting a new army. I also got many settlers to fill the land behind him. Unfortunately to me August who seemed to have eternal with Monte had finally won it and started expanding like crazy. I had some concerns about him because his land was good with many gems and calendar commerce resourse in his jungles. But I knew he couldnt maintain so much cities so my plan was to make an attack on Gringo-Frederick couple. With Frederick I still had NAP so I was aiming on Gringo. I had to attack them before they consolidate and attack me or form embargo against me involving other minor nations.
But August wrote me strange message warning me that I would not settle the land he considered his own. That was pretty strange move because I wasnt really pressing on him, locking him or doing anything except claiming the former land of Babylon. And by that time I had like 3 times more soldiers than he did. So what was his plan? I cant understand, but I turned my stack back to the east.
To be continued....
I started deep in the north. The land around was very bad for long run. Fortunately I got great leader and nation which combined opened me some extra opportunities.
My land was bad but I got a lot of forests in my capital and in the area in general. With indian fastworkers you can use it as crazy boost for expansion. Also I got 3 hammer tile under the city which took me 2 turns of walking but provided me one of the quickest openings ever. Also I had gold to cover the gap in early techs, though it made me stay with the capital size of 1 for a long while.
So I had weak start but a few aces in pocket and I was lucky to be almost in the corner and not to have many neighbors. I knew I could chop 2-3 settlers quick, chop some army and pick someone to rush.
Meanwhile Hammurapi killed 2 nations on T23 and T25 and got at least one extra city. It turned out that he was my only neighbor. Unfortunately for me he found me and made a lot of pressure with warriors. By that time though I got 3 workers and settler and was spamming my own warriors working gold mine.
Once I got rid of that early threat my plan was to get horses, chop them and deliver to his capital in one turn using advantage of fastworkers. I knew I dont have much time if he can recognize my attack so I had to be sneaky.
On like T66 I entered his borders and took Babylon razing the small sattelite city nearby. But he was still controling Bibracte, the former capital of celts. It had cooper in 2nd ring which I couldnt deny him. May be I should sent more chariots in that direction and take a shot on it but I ddidnt know that with Babylon it was going to be that easy. So I had to let it be.
I was happy to get control over babylonian land because it was rich with many food, rivers and wood. I also new that one more of his neighbors got killed so that land wasnt going to be contested heavily.
I decided to chop Oracle but failed for like 1-2 turns or even same turn I dont remember. But I got lucky with Pyramids and Hanging gardens which provided me GE later which I never used till T219 for golden age
I started exploring map. I knew I have close neighbor Gringo but to be honest he never made me worry too much except stealing some wonders (GreatLib and Statue of Zeus). I found Frederick and Carlo to the south beyond the jungles and Monte and August far to the east much further than babylonian new cap was. Also my workboat found Suleiman and Dario on the other edge of the continent. So I knew that the map consisted of a single continent. And I had many trade partners though some people refused to trade and prefered to stay in stone age for long.
My plan was to research Horseback, build barracks and stables and whip out a lot of HAs to get rid of annyoing Hamurappi. I knew I could wait for catapults and elephants but. My land was wide and it would take a lot of time to gather them. And I personally prefer HA. With proper promotions they are very good. I was hoping to get some more opportunistic conquest after Hammy because people do not often build proper military here. I thought to bring down Gringo or Frederick who both were doing well in economics and were going to form nice alliance against me if I leave them alone. I know how big empire die being isolated!
But Hamurabi simply refused to die. He had just 2 spears in the flat city but I got really unlucky turn and ~15 horse archers failed to kill a single unit. I lost like 7-8 of 65% winning chances in a row and continued losing after that. Hilarius.
I had to return very much later with elephants, and at that moment I had very high chances to lose game.
But I managed to steal Music from Gringo by one turn and constructed MoM, so I had almost free long golden age. My plan was to tech nationalism, pop some GS and get Military Tradition with Liberalism.
While preparing 3rd campaign against Hamy I got borders with Frederick capturing a land near Athens ruins. Interesting that there was barbarian city size of 7 and nobody cared to take it. Frederick was unhappy with that of course but I believe he could be faster. We signed NAP because I couldnt let them hit me from 2 sides with Gringo while having slow stack in the other place fighting with the rest of babylonian forces. During NAP Frederick consumed Toro. He did it so easy so it made me worry. In fact I believe he should also go for Carl who had no army, no tech and really strange micromanagement.
So finally I conquared which got 4-5 cities while I was collecting a new army. I also got many settlers to fill the land behind him. Unfortunately to me August who seemed to have eternal with Monte had finally won it and started expanding like crazy. I had some concerns about him because his land was good with many gems and calendar commerce resourse in his jungles. But I knew he couldnt maintain so much cities so my plan was to make an attack on Gringo-Frederick couple. With Frederick I still had NAP so I was aiming on Gringo. I had to attack them before they consolidate and attack me or form embargo against me involving other minor nations.
But August wrote me strange message warning me that I would not settle the land he considered his own. That was pretty strange move because I wasnt really pressing on him, locking him or doing anything except claiming the former land of Babylon. And by that time I had like 3 times more soldiers than he did. So what was his plan? I cant understand, but I turned my stack back to the east.
To be continued....