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Breve listado de Mods para Civ5

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  • Breve listado de Mods para Civ5

    Buenas a todos. He leido que muchos sufren (como yo, inicialmente) de la falta del sindrome de just one more turn en civ5. A esto les traigo una solucion, parcial si se quiere, al problema.

    En civfanatics (y en el hub de mods del civ5) se pueden encontrar multiples mods que ayudan a mejorar bastante el juego, tanto por temas de balance, interfaz, entre otros.

    Aqui un breve listado de los Mods que he encontrado los mas interesantes, espero no se me escape alguno por alli
    • Balance - Combined : este mod nos trae una serie de modificaciones al juego en pos de la busqueda de un balance y jugabilidad adecuados
      Communitas is a community-made expansion pack for Civilization V. We started this project because we believe Civilization is a fantastic game, and we want to perfect it while remaining as close to the core experience as possible. Visit to learn more about the project...


      Originally posted by Thalassicus
      These are all available in the Civ V Mod Browser (Main Menu > Mods > Browse Mods, search for " thal "). Pick up ones on the list below; others are outdated mods I cannot remove due to a ModBuddy bug.

      You can click the links to go to the individual mod component pages and see details of each. I am also starting to include readme files (with pictures!) with newly updated mods which include overviews, details, rationale, update history and credits. I'm just now transitioning to this so it'll take me a while to include it in each mod, and I search for appropriate credits from suggestions. If you feel I've accidentally overlooked an important idea you contributed, please send me a private message right away.

      I've combined them here in a zip file attached at the bottom, at the request of some people who are having difficulty with mod browser bugs and/or access.

      • Unofficial Patch (v 15)
        Fixes bugs or critical issues regarding: Advanced Ballistics, Ancient Ruins, Angkor Wat, Brandenburg Gate, Free Thought, Harbors, Helicopters, "Lord Elizabeth," Louvre, Machu Pichu, Minutemen, Monasteries, Rocket Artillery, Sydney Opera House, Wealth, Workers, off-by-one error calculating turns until next policy, tech tree connectors, happiness calculation with garrisoned units.
        (Replaces and updates the old Ancient Ruins and Wealth components.)
      • Balance - Buildings and Wonders (v 3)
        Slightly improves a few buildings and wonders to make them somewhat worthwhile choices compared to alternatives available at each era or stage of city development.
        (Replaces and updates the old Fewer Bad Buildings and Fewer Weak Wonders components.)
      • Balance - City States (v 3)
        Capitals now receive the same bonus as other cities from Maritime, and Militaristic spawn rate increased 25%.
      • Balance - Civilizations (v 3)
        Improves a few weaker civilizations' traits, unique units or buildings. This increases the number of interesting leaders to choose from, when compared to counterparts like China, Greece, Babylon, etc.
      • Balance - Embarkation (v 2)
        Smooths progression of Embarkation advances. Optics allows 2, Compass is 3, and Astronomy is across oceans. Thank you Stalker0 for this idea.
      • Balance - Policies (v 4)
        Improves several less-useful social policies to be as interesting choices as their counterparts.
      • Balance - Specialists and Great People (v 2)
        Balances specialists and great people.
      • Balance - Terrain Improvements (v 5)
        Motivated by a feeling improvement strategies are rather limited. Trading post spam on everything but riverside plains stifles decision-making.
        * +1 to Mines and Lumbermills with Engineering
        * Forts deal 1 damage to adjacent enemies.
        * Great Person improvements slightly buffed.
        * +1 to each cows, deer, sheep, and bananas in a city with a Grocer.
        * +1 to freshwater farms with Fertilizer.
        * +1 on water tiles with a Harbor (maintenance increased by 1).
        * +1 on water tiles with a Research Lab.
        (Replaces and updates the old AI Enhancement, Farms, Forts, Mines&Lumbermills, Rancid Resources, and GP Improvements components.)
      • Gradual Research (v 3)
        Slows mid to late game tech progress slightly.
    • R.E.D. modpack : este mod lo que hace es re-escalar los graficos de las unidades, asi no se tendra una galera mas grande que un destructor. Tambien modifica las formaciones de las unidades y en algunos casos (varios) aumenta la cantidad de tropas por unidad. Quiza no sea muy bueno si ya tienen problemas de por si en ver las unidades.
      Regiment and Ethnic Diversity for Civilization V Description - Rescaling : all human and mounted units have been scaled down, no more giant infantry against tank ! Of course, the relative scale is nothing close to realism, but it looks way better IMO. The sea and air units are respectivly...


      Originally posted by Gedemon
      Formally known as Regiment and Ethnic Diversity, here's the civ 5 version of my modpack. Currently R.E.D. is a mod about formation and rescaling of most units of the game.


      - Rescaling : all human and mounted units have been scaled down, no more giant infantry against tank ! Of course, the relative scale is nothing close to realism, but it looks way better IMO. The sea and air units are respectivly better proportionned.

      - Formation : most units are now multiple figure, and the number of figures is raised in all human and mounted units. Existing formations have been reworked to reflect the change in scale, and new (12) formations have been added.
    • Unofficial Patch : como su nombre lo indica, este es un parche no oficial a una serie de bugs encontrados en el juego. Si no me equivoco, esta incluido en el Balance - Combined.
      Civilization V Unofficial Patch (CiVUP) I believe things should be intuitive to use. Civup improves this for the Civ 5 interface. It adds more useful information for players, and greatly expands tools for modders. There are as few "gameplay" changes as possible. Civup follows the footsteps of...


      Originally posted by Thalassicus
      (Replaces and updates the Free Thought, Ancient Ruins, and Wealth fixes into one component.)

      This patches various bugs in the default game. The goal is to provide fixes that have no effect on gameplay balance, or only do so when the issue is an obvious bug or critical gameplay issue (such as Artillery upgraded to Rocket Artillery still requiring set-up).

      It's available now in the Civ V Mod Browser (Main Menu > Mods > Browse Mods, search for " unofficial patch ").

      • Free Thought social policy tooltip displays the correct 1.
      • Tooltip of Monasteries clarified. It now uses the same sentence structure as the tooltip for the Mint building.
      • Tooltip of Angkor Wat clarified: only works in city it's built in.
      • Tooltips of Louvre and Brandenburg Gate clarified: the Great Person appears in the city these are built in.
      • Tooltip of Machu Pichu: requires mountain in cultural borders.
      • Tooltip of Sydney Opera House: must be on coast.
      • Harbor description clarified about :traderoute: trade routes, and now correctly states how Harbors can provide the +50% railroad bonus.
      • With luck a Scout could turn into a Rifleman or better before 3000BC and wipe out a continent. Ancient Ruins will now instead give one of the other possible rewards if a unit upgrade would provide such a dramatic tech leap.
      • Corrected promotions for Minuteman and Helicopter. The ground unit can now use roads, and the flying unit cannot. This was reversed, as shown by the domain-color on the promotions being swapped.
      • Building the "Wealth" city process now gives the same / ratio as training and deleting Scouts.
      • “Turns until next policy” display now shows correct number.
      • Fixed a display-related tech tree issue with technology links.
      • Happiness calculation now includes garrisoned units (display bug only, no gameplay change).
      • Advanced Ballistics quote matches voiceover quote.
      • No more “Lord Elizabeth” if Elizabeth has a Tradition policy focus.
      • Advanced Ballistics tooltip indicates Nuclear Missiles require 2 Uranium.

      The fixes for Ancient Ruins and Wealth are included in separate files within the installation folder, for easy deletion if you wish to use different solutions to these issues.
    • Extended Plot MouseOver Popup : aqui se aplia la informacion que se obtiene de las unidades y cada casilla (X turnos para X actividad, X de oro solo, X de oro por hacer mercado, X de oro... )
      Edit 21st June 2011: It became clear that I will not be returning to CIV5 for a good while due to shifting priorities and other factors. As such, this mod will not be developed any further in the forseeable future. Feel free to use any parts of it for your own work, but there really is no need...


      Originally posted by csebal
      Extended Plot MouseOver Popup

      While this mod is merely the result of a lab accident mixed with a healthy amount of stubborness, it turned out to be decent enough (or so I think) to be made public.


      From the ingame mod browser. Name is "CsebMod - Extended Plot MouseOver Popup (v. 2)"


      What the mod does:
      ++ It alters the original plot information popup in several ways:
      - Reordered the layout a little
      - Added the defense modifier given by terrain and improvements
      - Improvements being built are shown in yellow with the remaining time displayed next to them
      - Resource information now shows the neccessary improvement as well
      - Updated the yield display to show resources / happiness provided by the tile
      - Added a yield preview section where I list all available (limited by technology) improvements and the yields the plot would provide with them.
      ++ Removed the plot information panel originally displayed in the bottom right corner, as i did find that both redundant and badly placed (more often than not, the various turn event notifications were overlapping / blocking parts of the information there)
    • More Information - Top Panel : este mod nos muestra en mayor detalle informacion en la barra superior del juego sobre ciencia, cultura, oro, eras doradas, etc.

      (ir a la pagina para ver pantallazos con los cambios)

    Hay varios otros, por ejemplo hay 2 que agregan nuevos conceptos al juego, llamados Active City Defense ( y Emigration ( El primero hace a las ciudades mas dificiles de capturar, mientras que el segundo hace que si tienes mucha infelicidad tus ciudadanos comiencen a emigrar a otra civ donde haya felicidad.

    Me van a disculpar que no les tradusca los efectos de los mods pero es mucha informacion y no me da el tiempo o las ganas

    Disclaimer : no me hago responsable de posibles errores o problemas que tengan al instalar los mods, o si no tienen textos para las diferentes versiones del juego .
    Last edited by The Slayer; October 11, 2010, 17:01.
    Fortune and Glory, here I come!!!.
    Indiana Jones
    Spanish Empire Civ for Civilization 5 (in Spanish/en Español)

  • #2
    Originally posted by The Slayer View Post
    [*]More Information - Top Panel : este mod nos muestra en mayor detalle informacion en la barra superior del juego sobre ciencia, cultura, oro, eras doradas, etc.

    (ir a la pagina para ver pantallazos con los cambios)


    Me van a disculpar que no les tradusca los efectos de los mods pero es mucha informacion y no me da el tiempo o las ganas
    ¡Ha vuelto Slayer!
    Salamín, el de more information es un link a una página sin links.
    Cuando un dedo señala la luna, los tontos miran el dedo. (del Mayo francés)


    • #3
      Excelente... Ahora falta que tenga una pc que lo corra
      ¨Los ojos no ven lo que el cerebro no entiende¨ Proverbio Griego
      "Vivir no es Durar" Mafalda


      • #4
        Originally posted by DrGerry View Post
        ¡Ha vuelto Slayer!
        Salamín, el de more information es un link a una página sin links.

        Este link? . Pues es para que se vea todo lo que tiene el mod, no tiene porque tener links adicionales (supongo que vas al hecho de .. "y donde esta el link para bajarlo? ", pero buscas el mod por su nombre desde el mod hub del civ5 (mods->browse) y ahi lo tienes
        Fortune and Glory, here I come!!!.
        Indiana Jones
        Spanish Empire Civ for Civilization 5 (in Spanish/en Español)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lord Dami View Post
          Excelente... Ahora falta que tenga una pc que lo corra
          Estoy jugando en un Core 2 Duo 1,86 GHz de hace 4 años con 2 GB DDR2 de memoria (requisitos minimos) y una integrada Intel X4500 (G41) que está claramente por debajo del mínimo.

          Juego con todo al mínimo y va leeento (cuando cargo una partida, puedo ver como se dibuja el terreno ) pero puedo jugar.

          También lo he probado con el equipo recomendado. Un quad core (Intel i5-750) con 4 GB DDR3 y una ATI 4850. Parece otro juego


          • #6
            Lo que falta es el reloj


            • #7
              Do'h, sabia que se me pasaba alguno... pero hay como 7 mods de relojes en el juego, tan solo pongan en la busqueda del mod browser "clock" y ya!
              Fortune and Glory, here I come!!!.
              Indiana Jones
              Spanish Empire Civ for Civilization 5 (in Spanish/en Español)


              • #8
                Originally posted by The Slayer View Post
                Do'h, sabia que se me pasaba alguno... pero hay como 7 mods de relojes en el juego, tan solo pongan en la busqueda del mod browser "clock" y ya!
                Lo que queria decir es que tenia que estar en el juego, sin necesidad de ningún mod


                • #9
                  Y no hay ningún mod de alguna época histórica? Era clásica, medieval y algo así?
                  Clasificación APT 2009: 91 puntos () Clasificación APT 2010: 104 puntos ()
                  Clasificación APT 2011: 70 puntos (10°) Clasificación APT 2012: 87 puntos (12°)
                  Clasificación APT 2013: 90 puntos (12°) Clasificación APT 2014: 131 puntos ()


                  • #10
                    Los bajé, los instalé, los habilité y no pasa nada
                    Cuando un dedo señala la luna, los tontos miran el dedo. (del Mayo francés)


                    • #11
                      no me hagas mucho caso, pero creo que sólo funcionan si tienes el juego en inglés...


                      • #12
                        El idioma no deberia importar, en todo caso jodera con textos incompletos en algunas partes quiza, no sabria decirlo. Pero de que funcionan en todos los idiomas, funcionan, despues de todo, ya no estamos en la epoca del civ3.. (recuerdo el estupidisimo error de traducir los KEYS de cada cosa... era el infierno - ejemplo : PTRO_Musketman y PTRO_Mosquetero, eran la misma unidad, pero con keys traducidos... - fue uno de los demonios encontrados cuando hacias mods en civ3 )

                        Gerardo, quiza peque de obvio, pero para asegurar, veamos:

                        1)Descargas el Mod.
                        2)Instalas el Mod (en tu ventana de "Mods Instalados" si no hay nada esta el boton Instalar habilitado)
                        3)Activas el Mod(s) : esto es, en la fila de cada Mod hay un circulo al cual tienes que hacerle click para activarlo. Se vera un check verde confirmando que elegiste el mod (como un checkbox de una pagina web, vamos)
                        4)Vuelves al menu de mods (donde pone : Single Player y Browse Mods) y seleccionas Single Player.
                        Fortune and Glory, here I come!!!.
                        Indiana Jones
                        Spanish Empire Civ for Civilization 5 (in Spanish/en Español)


                        • #13
                          That's what I done. And my game language is english.

                          Las que balancean el juego y eso, supongo que se dará cuenta gente como Kramsib de si están funcionando o no, pero el de mouseover es muy notorio. Y no hace un pomo.
                          Cuando un dedo señala la luna, los tontos miran el dedo. (del Mayo francés)


                          • #14
                            Slayer, no se ve mal la lista de Mods

                            Ahora, no hay un Mod que haga que funcione el juego en Xp?
                            Viajero vagabundo, en busqueda del foro perfecto...
                            Matricula PG´s: 0024
                            Civ4Elo: Jeje
                            "Adaptandome a la nueva cara del foro"


                            • #15
                              Stardock Taps Fall from Heaven Creator to Lead Game Development Efforts

                              Kael, creador del mod Fall from Heaven para BTS, ha fichado por Stardock.

