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Hola de nuevo¡¡¡

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  • Hola de nuevo¡¡¡

    Muy buenas de nuevo a todos¡¡¡ Desde ayer he vuelto a tener internet y vuelvo a navegar por la red

    Tras mi traslado de casa exitoso y despues de una espera de mas de 15 dias para que telefonica me lo montara todo, aqui estoy de nuevo.

    Aunque no me lo creo ni yo mismo, he estado casi dos meses sin tocar el pc, con el pobre metido en una caja. La desintoxicacion ha sido casi completa. Solo casi. Pues preparando mi vuelta he conseguido un monton de juegos nuevos

    Este fin de semana me piro al pueblo hasta finales de mes por lo que no tendre internet, pero en septiembre volvere a la carga.


    Rise from Erebus hace unos dias que ha sacado una nueva version, la 1.30. Segun lo que lei ayer no me lanzaria a jugarlo todavia ya que aun hay numerosos bugs y fallos tontos que tienen que corregir, y bastantes CTDs. Probarlo tras su primer parche seria mejor. La traduccion tendre que mirar si funciona con la 1.3, aunque seguro que no. Cuando vuelva del pueblo me pondre a ello. Actualizare los post del foro acerca de instalacion y demas.

    Si lo quereis probar este es el enlace:

    Downloads Required! Main Download Patches and Extras Soundtracks (optional, but main download does not contain any soundtracks!) Installation Rise from Erebus contains all files necessary to run; No other mod is needed in any way. To install, follow these simple steps...

    Aqui teneis un blog de los creadores explicando cosillas de la 1.3.

    Nos vemos en Septiembre¡¡¡
    Last edited by Maska; August 3, 2010, 06:28.

  • #2
    Hola de nuevo Maska
    Muy interesante el changelog, parece que han modificado seriamente a los D'Tesh aparte de 1 trillón de cosas más.
    Aquí tienen la primera parte, los cambios en los animales y en las civs, todavía quedaría los cambios en el motor de juego. Cuidado que es un tocho inmenso en inglés, de casi 20000 carácteres


    Only listing overviews. Check the pedia for full stats.
    -Bears – Strong but slow
    -Boars – Strong
    -Cats – Sneaky. All cats are invisible (seen by scouts), though they lose this for one turn after combat
    -Drakes – Typed Damage (based on Drake type), Flying, Breath Attacks. Mid game spawns.
    -Gorillas – Ranged
    -Griffons – Weak, Withdrawal
    -Raptors – Fast, Jungle Bonuses
    -Scorpions – Strong, Poison Strength + Effect, new Racials
    -Gained 5 new racials, ala the Spider racials. Each racial has new art.
    -Glacialis – Ice Bonuses
    -Mortalitas – Poison Bonuses (including a stronger Poison Effect, Crippling Poison)
    -Videlicet – Desert Bonuses
    -Aequor – Water Bonuses (Same as the Spider)
    -Rutila – Hill Bonuses, Burrow ability
    -Spiders – Strong, Invisible, Poison Strength
    -Stags – Defensive Only, Divine
    -Wolves – Default Animal (2 2 -> 4 2 -> 62
    -Elephant/Mammoth – Very Strong, Slow, Rare, Defensive Only
    -Wyrm – Strong early, average later. Fear. Rare.
    -Aquatic – Fast + Strong, are not replaced by their upgrades (all forms continue to spawn)
    -Each animal lineage (which excludes Wyrms and Aquatic animals) possess a single Blood promotion; The animal can be sacrificed to grant this promo to recon units.
    -Animals gain universal maluses to city attack. Doviello/Archos are exempt to some of this, for specific animals.
    -Animals no longer upgrade. Period. That wolf you captured shall remain a wolf forever. This is even true of the Doviello. The one exception would be the ----Archosian spiders/scorpions, and that may be removed (requires a set capital size, rather than unit level or tech)
    -Animals may not create their own lairs.
    -Many animal lairs removed; Only basic lairs remain.

    Civ Changes


    Now able to spawn Scorpions, as well as Spiders.
    Archos spawn function overhauled
    Split into doTurnArchos and doChanceArchos; Visual counter added to main screen, for both species.
    Specific Nest Population (NP) requirements changed slightly.
    4 NP – Baby Spiders, Scorpions
    8 NP – Spiders, Scorpion Swarms
    12 NP – Giant Spiders, Giant Scorpions
    16 NP – Strong promo
    Desert-based cities now affect just the Scorpion spawn odds; All other cities affect Spiders.
    Number of hills in the vicinity of the Nest affects Scorpion spawn odds.
    Spiderkin spawn bonus affects only spiders. There will be another, scorpion-focused leader.
    Only one unit may spawn each turn, and spiders have preferential treatment.
    All spider ‘racials’ now selectable by all spider forms, art applied correctly
    Scorpions gain their own racials; Check the animal section for more info.
    HN Animal units now display the Animal flag, rather than the Barb flag
    All Archosian spiders (but not scorpions) are Hidden Nationality. Standard spiders are not.


    Gain access to the Production Overflow mechanic.


    The ‘Boss’ unit has been expanded to the Big Boss and War Boss, all on the Recon path.
    The Clan gain the ‘Priest of Bhall’ druid UU. This unit does not require Neutral Alignment, and gains access to Fire spells rather than Nature. Also has a combat bonus vs Animals and Disciples, rather than Animals and Beasts.
    The Warrens python effect has been removed. It is now known as the ‘Agoge’ (Term used for the creche Spartan children were sent to; Has a Patrian ring to it, which is fitting for fallen Bannor, and fits the idea) and increases military production by 40%.
    The Clan now have the ‘Horde’ civ trait, granting the Production Overflow mechanic. Plays quite well with the Agoge.


    Doviello spawn function moved to CustomFunctions, split into doCityTurnDoviello, doChanceAnimalSpawn, doAnimalListDoviello. Visual counter for the Capital’s spawn odds added to the main screen, counter for each city visible in it’s city screen.
    Doviello spawn function changed massively.
    New animals: Will list them as Animal – Techpath that unlocks it
    Wolves – Recon
    Bears – Melee
    Boar – Siege
    Gorilla – Archer
    Griffin – Mounted
    Elk – Divine
    Pack spells removed
    World Spell redone
    Each unit you own gives a chance (Spawn chance of the Den (capital) + 25%) for an animal to spawn in the Den
    List of animals is compiled using doAnimalListDoviello
    ‘Mark of’ promotions removed; Switched over to using the ‘Blood’ promotions instead. These will be granted by the Animal Dens to units built in the city, as with the old Mark promotions.
    New state names for the Council of the Wilds civic, thanks to KillerClowns:
    Good – Brotherhood of the [CIVNAME] Wildmen
    Neutral – [LEADERNAME]’s Blood Brothers
    Evil – [LEADERNAME]’s Pack
    FoL – [LEADERNAME]’s Huntsmen
    Mezmerize Animal may be cast by all Doviello recon level 5 and higher.


    D’tesh are now subject to a city cap.
    Cap has been tested, method exposed to python. Slaves may now only add to the city if the current population level is below the cap… Even trying to add a stack at once does not work, fills the city to the cap and the rest just sit there. Cap is displayed when you mouse over the city.
    Civ trait is now Undying; Same as fallow, with addition of an initial cap of 6 population and -50% :gpp:
    All D’teshi UB’s influence cap.
    Palace – +12
    Eternal Council – +2
    Temple of D’tesh – +2
    Binding Stones – +4
    Halls of D’tesh – +6
    Morgue – +2
    Tower of D’tesh (New) – +12
    New building, Tower of D’tesh. Not technically new, brought back from one of the earliest versions of the civ.
    Requires Arcane Lore
    Changes city radius to +3 (Just like the palace; This allows all your cities to eventually reach that size, which helps when you are limited in number of cities)
    +12 City Pop Cap.
    D’tesh are now limited in number of cities
    New unit, Vessel of D’tesh.
    Replaces Settler
    Double Production for Arcane leaders (instead of Expansive)
    Limited to 4
    Cities count towards the limit
    Can’t actually do a true UU, as it needs it’s own unitclass in order to be limited; Only real Settler you’ll get is the first one, though, like with the Scions.
    Improvement Changes
    Mausoleum – Fort replacement. Three levels (Lesser/ /Greater). Only listing stats that change from the standard fort line, here.
    Basically, easier to control territory with forts but less defensible. Sacrifice units to your Fort Commanders ASAP.
    Lesser Mausoleum
    Upgrade time reduced to 10, from 20.
    All defensive bonuses removed.
    Cultural Control Range increased to 1
    Upgrade time reduced to 20, from 40.
    Defense modifier reduced to 10, from 25.
    Defense modifier of 5 up to 1 tile away, decreased from 10 up to 2 tiles away.
    Cultural Control Range increased to 2.
    Cultural Control Strength and Center Bonus increased to 2.
    Greater Mausoleum
    Upgrade time reduced to 30, from 60.
    Defense modifier reduced to 20, from 40.
    Defense modifier of 10 up to 2 tile away, decreased from 15 up to 3 tiles away.
    Cultural Control Range increased to 3.
    Cultural Control Strength and Center Bonus increased to 4, from 2.
    New “Pyre” improvement
    Buildable on Kelp/Kelp Forest
    Buildable on any organic resource (all sea resources)
    Removes Kelp/Kelp Forest/Reefs when built
    Slightly different art from the land version, same name.
    New “Funeral Barge” Work Boat UU.
    Can build Pyre
    Capturing a city reduces it’s pop by 1/3.
    Razing a city generates a new Vessel unit.
    D’teshi Commanders (Fort Commander UU) now have access to the Corrupt Fort spell.
    May be cast in any fort, other than the D’teshi unique line.
    Converts the improvement to a Lesser Mausoleum, fort equivalent for the D’tesh.
    Basically, cheap way for me to accommodate the “Field Fortifications” spell, without a load of new promotions. As a side benefit, you can convert captured forts as well.
    Unit line changes
    Will no longer be permanently invisible. There will be a period after attacking where they are visible; Under Thanatos, this will be 1 turn. Otherwise, 3.
    Handled via a total of 3 new promotions; Very lightweight system.
    No D’teshi arcane unit gains free xp, instead they gain higher attack strength.
    This is to encourage using them as your attacking force; Keeping them at home is now useless.
    Specific Unit Stats
    Binder – 3
    Chosen – 4
    Council of Four – 5
    Special for D’tesh
    When playing D’tesh, arcane units gain the “Necromantically Empowered” promotion. This has no direct benefits; Instead, it allows the unit to cast the “Dark Empowerment” spell.
    Dark Empowerment
    Requires a Melee unit in the stack
    Caster may not have the “Dark Empowerment” promotion
    Kills the weakest Melee unit in the stack (actual combat strength, and weighted by certain promos; Function by Odalrick, been in for a while, had not been used. Modified it to be able to search for a specific unitcombat)
    Caster gains the “Dark Empowerment” promotion
    Dark Empowerment (Promotion)
    +100% xp from combat
    +1 xp from combat
    +25% Attack Strength (Defense unaffected)
    Wears off in 10 turns
    Disciple Unitcombat
    +25% City Defense
    20% chance to generate a Slave
    D’tesh now start with one of these, rather than a warrior.
    Disciple Unitcombat
    +25% City Defense
    +25% chance to generate a Slave
    Requires Bronze Working
    Requires Barracks
    Death’s Head
    Disciple Unitcombat
    +25% City Defense
    +30% chance to generate a Slave
    Does not obsolete
    Requires Iron Working
    Requires Barracks
    Hand of D’tesh
    Disciple Unitcombat
    National Unit (4 Allowed)
    This needs testing, may need toning down.
    +25% City Defense
    40% chance to generate a Slave
    Requires Mithril Working
    Requires Weaponsmith
    D’tesh’s oldest friend, from before he found the Opalus Mortus.
    Is a former Amurite as a result (as most of the stronger D’teshi mages are)
    Is the leader of the strongest Council of Four
    Vanedis focuses on the new unitline, same way Thanatos focuses on Recon and D’tesh on Arcane.
    At level 5, these units are able to choose from 3 formations; These are free, and can be swapped at any time.
    These promotions are named for the other members of Vanedis’ council.
    Fist of Orn
    +50% City Attack
    -25% City Defense
    -1 Defense Strength
    Shield of Ramne
    +2 Defense Strength
    -2 Attack Strength
    Grasp of Karn
    +15% chance to generate a Slave
    -10% Strength
    New “Defile Crypt” spell.
    Can be cast by any Arcane unit.
    Can only be cast in your own borders, within the workable radius of a city. Spamming them around forts won’t work.
    Converts the improvement to a ‘Defiled Crypt’
    Permanent, cannot be razed.
    Harvests all resources the standard Crypt does, but does NOT grant bonus yields to the resource.
    Grants no innate yields.
    Basically, yield on the plot is reduced to that of the base terrain and resource. Improvement adds nothing.
    Spawns a Slave unit.
    This spell is meant to be an absolute last resort, and is very costly as a result.
    D’teshi Affinity
    This effect is acquired automatically by all non-civilian D’teshi Units.
    Mousing over the D’teshi Affinity promotion will display the exact effects for the unit, and will update whenever the effects change.
    Death Mana
    +10% strength
    Shadow Mana
    +1 First Strike Chance
    Every 5 grants one standard First Strike
    Entropy Mana
    Chance after combat to temporarily create Wastelands
    Chance equal to (NumEntropy * 5), effects both your own plot and the enemy’s plot.
    Effect lasts 10 turns on your plot, 5 on the enemy’s.
    Infused Ash
    +1% chance to generate a Slave.
    Low effect, but if doing it anyway I’d like to have Ash be useful beyond just a commerce boost for the city.
    D’tesh now correctly have unique event choices for the Sick City and Scale of Arawn events.
    D’tesh the Hero now has new unit art.

    Frozen have been updated to the latest version, and are far more balanced.


    New Pagan Temple UB, from Orbis: Dagda’s Memorial.
    Museum is now it’s own building class, comes at Education rather than Mysticism
    New ‘Citizen’s Forum’ building
    Requires Code of Laws, Writing
    Double production for Philosophical leaders
    -25% Maintenance
    Allows ‘Statesman’ specialists in the city to affect the Adventurer counter
    New ‘Homestead’ improvement
    Requires Grigori
    Upgrades from Farm/Pasture
    Provides 2
    Can work all farm resources, all pasture resources
    Gains 1
    New ‘Statesman’ specialist
    Grigori only
    1gold, 1culture
    With the ‘Legislative Assembly’, adds 0.33 to the Adventurer counter
    Memorial of the Refugee mechanic added to the Grigori
    Large mechanic; Should be interesting to test.
    Memorial of the Refugee National Wonder
    Req. Code of Laws
    +10% Defense
    +2 xp
    Can turn 1 citizen into a Statesman
    Allows Refugees to spawn in the city at a 4% chance
    Essentially a weak Adventurer
    Upgrades to Warrior, Scout, Adept, Medic, Settler
    Can be used to add one pop, provided you are not at the happy cap
    50% chance of receiving a random racial promotion
    Currently allowed racials: Fallen Angel, Dwarf, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc, Musteval, Lizardman, Goblin, Centaur
    10% chance of receiving Hero and a randomly generated name
    This gives a small (0.4%, 0.6% at max) chance of getting a free adventurer unit, with a random racial (and art to go with it, typically) and name.
    The name is generated the same way Big Bad barb names are; Ran several dozen of these, and they tend to be nicely done. Names are influenced by alignment and religion.
    Can build a Dwelling of Refuge.
    Dwelling of Refuge
    +2% Refugee chance
    +1 to Adventurer Counter
    Adventurers are free to upgrade to the Grigori Medic unit, which can then upgrade to the Luonnotar.


    Jotnar Giant spawn function moved to CustomFunctions, split into doCityTurnJotnar and doGiantSpawnChance, and visual counter added to the main screen


    The Kahdi civ has been removed.
    Kahd event for the Amurites added.
    Requires Sorcery, Amurites, non-capital city.
    Can only fire in 1/3rd of all games, but will fire immediately if it is available.
    Currently only three choices (fourth to be added after Field Marshals are added)
    Take care of him. Now.
    20% chance for nothing to happen; Kahd is captured.
    30% chance for hurry anger in the city; Kahd is captured, but the populace sympathizes with him.
    40% chance for Kahd to take over the city, spawn as a hero (with Mammon WS effects), spawn a Gate and the Monument of Avarice, a small army of summons (~10 units, Thades and Psions), and declare war.
    10% chance for Kahd to take over the city and all others (excluding the capital) within 4 tile radius, spawns as a hero (again, Mammon effects), spawn Gate and Avarice, a small army of units in each city claimed, and declare war.
    This is the ‘Big Bad’ option; Considering having it allow you to take over the new ‘Kahdi’ (Amurite, actually) empire.
    Allow him the freedom that he requires.
    Kahd takes the city, spawns as a hero (Oghma spell effects), weaker summons (Thades and Gnoslings), and a Gate.
    70% chance for Kahd to become your vassal.
    30% chance for Kahd to become your teammate.
    Allow him the freedom that he requires, but maintain control of the situation.
    City remains under your control, gains a Gate, but also gains the “Kahd’s Project” building; Reduces Hammers and Commerce in the city by 75%.


    now gets +1 food with all the Dwarven Improvements line


    Lamia art added. Simply a replacement artstyle.


    Pirate Ports are correctly only 3 tiles from each other, not 4.


    No longer build roads in Desert, and can instead trade on it as if it was Desert.
    New Camel Rider art


    Coatlann is now a Quetzel; Unit art, name, popup art, and text has been modified to take this into account.
    Worldspell still creates the Wyvern Monastery; However, the Monastery now allows the construction of up to 9 str 12 Wyverns.
    No longer Agnostic
    Temple of Omorr and Kalshekk were already UB’s for Empy and RoK respectively; Yields adjusted slightly to match, religions now required to build them.
    Priests of Omorr and Kalshekk now replace Empy and RoK priests, stats adjusted. High Priest variants added, still have access to their unique spells.
    All religions have lizard artwork for Disciple, Priest, and High Priest units.
    Basically, while you’d want Empy (Lugus is closest to Oghma) or RoK (Kalshekk is Kilmorph), you are now free to adopt other religions if you so choose.


    Ordo Machinarum removed
    Boris (non-Mechanos Machinarum hero) removed
    Mortar removed
    Steamtank moved to become a Mechanos UU
    Clocktower back to Mechanos UB
    Steamworks is once again the worldspell; more on this later.
    All stats adjusted where necessary.
    Steam Power (required Ordo) is now Mechanos only.
    Former Machinarum spells (all Adeptus spells) still work: They just require Divine and Mechanos, all other reqs remain the same. No affect for the player, basically.
    Dirigible Fleet now uses zeppelin art, only caries 7 cargo
    Blimp and Zeppelin are now the Thopter and Aquilan Thopter, respectively.
    Lenora uses Aquilan Thopter art.
    Worldspell is back to Steamworks; Creates the Steamworks building (yields boosted) in the city it is cast in, and grants research based on the number of Mills in your empire (Wattermill, Lumbermill, Windmill)
    Pillar of Creation (old worldspell) removed
    Mechanos affinity nerfed
    Only 5% damage limit, rather than 10
    Requires 2 Refined Mana for each instance of the Affinity promo.
    Exact effects will be displayed when you mouse over the promotion.


    Unhealthy Discontent adjusted for the new unhealth values.


    Planar Gate (Sheaim) function moved to CustomFunctions, split into doCityTurnPlanarGate, doPlanarGateChance, doListPlanarGate. Visual counter added to main screen.
    Planar Gate spawn odds now take hell terrain in the vicinity of the city into account.
    Chaos Marauders start Mutated
    Burning Eye unit (Gate Summon) added:
    Spawns with just the Planar Gate
    Fireball replacement
    Can see invisible land units
    Suicides after attack
    3 Air Range
    4 Air Combat
    Can kill with ranged attacks.
    Causes collateral damage
    Can bombard
    Starts with Flying, Sentry, and Sentry 2
    Duskbringer unit (Warrior UU) added:
    Arcane unitcombat, not melee.
    Sheaim have no melee units, aside from Pyre Zombies
    Upgrades to an Adept or a Disciple of any religion
    Starts with Channeling 1, Death 1.
    Never goes obsolete.
    Spell “Ignite Pyre” added
    Requires Sheaim, Bronzeworking.
    Creates a Pyre Zombie, removes one population from the city.
    AI will only cast the spell if an enemy unit is within 2 plots of the city
    Spell “Burning Eye” added
    Sheaim only Fire2 replacement.
    Creates a temporary Burning Eye rather than Fireball.
    Can build Barracks/Artisans Workshop.
    Planar Gate moved to Mysticism, dropped to 60
    Palace provides Dimensional, Death, Chaos, rather than Death, Fire, Chaos


    Mist Mechanic
    Mist requires a certain amount of perception to pass through.
    New “Hide City” cityspell.
    Creates mist around city, causing it to spread out from the city (in a completely predictable, plannable timeframe; Always the same)
    Creates “Hidden City” building which reduces workable radius, trade routes, etc
    Requires Knowledge of the Ether
    New “Clear mist” cityspell.
    Removes the mist around a city.
    Moves out from the city, just as Hide City.
    New Air 1 spell, “Gust of Wind”
    Temporarily removes mist around the caster.
    New Sun 1 spell, “Illuminating Light”


    • #3
      Bienvenido de vuelta Maska, yo me espararé al primer parche, como bien recomiendas. Por cierto, hay un wiki tambien, muy útil:

      Clasificación APT 2009: 91 puntos () Clasificación APT 2010: 104 puntos ()
      Clasificación APT 2011: 70 puntos (10°) Clasificación APT 2012: 87 puntos (12°)
      Clasificación APT 2013: 90 puntos (12°) Clasificación APT 2014: 131 puntos ()


      • #4
        Bienvenido Maska.
        Echaré un vistazo a la nueva versión del RIFE, en cuanto salga el primer parche


        • #5
          Rebienvenido, Maska.
          Yo personalmente no soy fan del universo que propone el Rife, pero mi hijo (el chiquitín doctor en biología de 30 tacos )está loco con la posibilidad de jugarlo en cuanto se lo conté, así que os rogaría me pusierais un link en este hilo de donde pueda descargar la última versión SIN FALLOS que exista.
          Gracias anticipadas.

          edit: Ah! y si hay otro link para el manual pues mejor, claro.
          ¡Hazlo, o no lo hagas... pero no lo intentes!
          (El Maestro Yoda a Luke Skywalker en Dagobat - Star Wars V)


          • #6
            Re-bienvenido Maska

            En cuanto puedas, revisate el foro, que tienes unos cuantos interesados por aqui en jugar el Rife (y otros mods)
            Viajero vagabundo, en busqueda del foro perfecto...
            Matricula PG´s: 0024
            Civ4Elo: Jeje
            "Adaptandome a la nueva cara del foro"


            • #7
              Bienvenido otra vez
              Participando en: Breda a tiempo parcial
              Tu Foro de Civilization en Español
              Originally posted by Magno
              esas ideas modernas no van con nosotros.. el mundo es plano y lo sostienen unos cuantos elefantes giganes sobre unas super tortugas y ya!


              • #8
                Gracias a todos

                Quiquejavi la version mas estable del mod es la anterior, la que esta requeterevisada en este hilo:

                Segun que civs tienen algun fallo pero es totalmente estable en mi caso, te aconsejo que use Griffon_Fix_R y Block_Jotnar alojados en el hilo de mods

                Gigante Verde actualmente me es imposible dedicarle a internet nada mas que unos minutos Tengo al padre de mi novia en el hospital y me paso casi todo el tiempo alli. En cuanto salga nos iremos al pueblo. En septiembre me pondre al dia


                • #9
                  Originally posted by monozulu View Post
                  Hola de nuevo Maska
                  Muy interesante el changelog, parece que han modificado seriamente a los D'Tesh aparte de 1 trillón de cosas más.
                  Yo que había conseguido una puntuación de más de 1.500.000 en deidad y van me capan las ciudades, que parece que solo tendrán tamaño 28 como mucho. Aunque hay unidades nuevas interesantes. Lo de dejar a las unidades de reconocimiento visibles despues de atacar es una puñalada trapera, se han dado cuenta de que eran prácticamente invencibles. Es en realidad como se le gana a la IA. Un sólo sombra podía arrasar civilizaciones enteras.

                  No se si colgar la guía que tenía preparada, ahora con el nuevo parche no tiene ningún sentido.


                  • #10
                    Hay alguna civ nueva con el parche 1.3?
                    Clasificación APT 2009: 91 puntos () Clasificación APT 2010: 104 puntos ()
                    Clasificación APT 2011: 70 puntos (10°) Clasificación APT 2012: 87 puntos (12°)
                    Clasificación APT 2013: 90 puntos (12°) Clasificación APT 2014: 131 puntos ()


                    • #11
                      .....Ayer descargué e intenté jugar al Rife 1.3.... Imposible! No me aparecen la mitad de los textos. Ni siquiera los del menu principal. Da "errores", se cuelga y toda una serie de monerias. He vuelto a instalar el 1.23, que no me daba problemas. Lo único que me dio tiempo a disfrutar es la música que parecia chula. Así que me slió la vena de chatarrero y voy a ver si lo destripo a ver que puedo aprovechar para tunnear el antiguo


                      • #12
                        Ah! Se me olvidaba (koningtiger) por lo visto trae dos nuevas civilizaciones.... pero yo solo vi una. Una especie de hombres que no usan la religión. Eso si con varios líders


                        • #13
                          Pues yo colgaría la guía... más que nada para los novatos... como yo
                          ¡Hazlo, o no lo hagas... pero no lo intentes!
                          (El Maestro Yoda a Luke Skywalker en Dagobat - Star Wars V)


                          • #14
                            Koning, según el changelog hay una nueva civ:

                            The Mekaran Order, a new Arcane civilization by Jheral, has been added.

                            Originally posted by quiquejavi View Post
                            Pues yo colgaría la guía... más que nada para los novatos... como yo

                            Pero si es una guía de como ganar en deidad, no creo que a los novatos como tú le venga muy bién

                            Originally posted by HUNK View Post
                            Yo que había conseguido una puntuación de más de 1.500.000 en deidad

                            ¿Es posible eso?, si es así eres mi nuevo ídolo del CIV, quitándome la plaza a mi mismo


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by monozulu View Post

                              ¿Es posible eso?, si es así eres mi nuevo ídolo del CIV, quitándome la plaza a mi mismo
                              1.540.534 para ser exactos. Y yo que pensaba que los 220.000 que conseguí en otra partida ya me parecía mucho...

                              Eso sí, imagina cuántas unidades maté: alrededor de 2.300, en menos de 500 turnos.

                              Tuve la suerte, qué paradójico con cualquier otra civ, de tener naciones cerca y rodeándome que eran muy guerreras y con ganas de invadirme, que me enviaban pilas de 20 a 30 unidades cada poco tiempo. Yo encantado.

                              Te pondré capturas de las gráficas y más cosas en el otro hilo. Y si te apetece y puedes verlo, el save un turno después de ganar, aunque ese es tan grande que tendré que meterlo en un rar.

                              Aunque ahora que recuerdo, tú eres pro-malakim, uno de mis rivales legendarios, así que no sé que hago dándote información privilegiada que puede derrotar a mis hermanos no-muertos

