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Parche civ4:colonization

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  • Parche civ4:colonization

    Pues eso, que por fin salio el parche para todos aquellos que echamos nuestras horitas a este juego.

    Parche desde página oficial



    Special thanks to Dale and Snoopy for their patch mod


    Released PITBOSS executable

    The end of the game is extended once a colony declares independence

    - 100 turns on Normal speed

    Missionaries now have a chance of failure to establish a mission.

    - A failed mission angers the native chief

    Added the ability to sail from Europe to the west edge of the map

    Changed text for when natives abandon their settlements to be less confusing

    Missions now always send converts to the player who established them

    Added warning message for when a settlement needs more raw materials

    Added warning for when stored goods are nearing storage capacity

    AI tries to produce more defenders in their settlements

    AI tries to prepare better for revolution

    AI uses King to transport treasure if no Galleons are available

    AI knows how to pick up treasures without bringing them to a settlement


    The Royal Expeditionary force increases less rapidly as the game progresses, depending on difficulty level

    AI colony leaders are less friendly

    AI native leaders are more likely to declare war due to proximity of borders

    Changed Europe width to be a percentage of the map size

    Europe plots are now at least four tiles from the near land

    AI gets some free money depending on difficulty level

    Satisfying the King’s demands delays increasing his expeditionary force

    Great Generals are born more frequently on Marathon and Epic speeds

    Crosses levels required for immigration increase more slowly

    Education points required for graduation increase more slowly

    Enforcing a 20-turn peace treaty between colonies at the start

    Population no longer affects score – just Land and Founding Fathers

    Increased price of horses in Europe

    Natives change their desired good only when supplied with that good

    Military ships (Frigate, Ship of the Line, Man-o-War) cannot enter native settlements

    The price of hurrying immigrants never exceeds the price of buying them

    Starting location is now randomized every time you lose all your ships

    Domestic Advisor no longer available when the trade screen is up

    Exploration points no longer scale with game speed

    Converted natives can no longer be educated in native settlements

    Converted natives can no longer become missionaries

    Traded goods through warehouse expansion count towards tax raises

    Boycotted goods no longer count for tax raises


    Armed Mounted Brave does not receive defensive bonuses

    Armed Brave receives defensive bonuses

    Fixed lost production bug

    Fixed bug with two citizens graduating in the same turn

    Fixed reversed labels on assign trade route tooltip

    Fixed some starting location issues

    King no longer asks for money after you have declared independence

    King no longer raises taxes after you have declared independence

    King no longer adds to his expeditionary force after you have declared independence

    Units ungroup when traveling to Europe

    Units ungroup when being educated by the natives

    Terrain double movement from promotions now works properly


    Automated pioneers will not remove features from an improved plot being worked

    Removed cap on production overflow

    Colonists can join settlements even after they have moved

    Units left in Europe after the revolution are eliminated if Elections are chosen in the Constitution

    Education point threshold increases per city, as intended, rather than per player

    King is more likely to have a balanced REF (rather than all troops and no ships, for example)

    Fixed exploit where gifting a wagon full of goods in a city would double the goods(!)

    Fixed gifted cargo disappearing

    Fixed text bug dealing with incorrect token

    Slavery gives extra hammers as well

    The building concepts section of the Civilopedia incorrectly indicates the level one buildings can only have one colonist working it. This was changed so both level one and two of each building can have two colonists working them.

    NOTE: On certain video cards, you may experience stuttering during the opening, revolution and victory videos. To eliminate this effect, simply turn the anti-aliasing down to 0x, or set your graphics level to low.

  • #2


    • #3
      Como que no hay muchos interesados en el Colonization?

      Cuantos de los foreros lo tienen?

      Yo no
      Viajero vagabundo, en busqueda del foro perfecto...
      Matricula PG´s: 0024
      Civ4Elo: Jeje
      "Adaptandome a la nueva cara del foro"


      • #4
        A mí no me convenció. Sigo prefiriendo el colonization clásico, y juego con el DosBox.
        "Son españoles... los que no pueden ser otra cosa" (Cánovas del Castillo)
        "España es un problema, Europa su solución" (Ortega y Gasset)
        The Spanish Civilization Site
        "Déjate llevar por la complejidad y cabalga sobre ella" - Niessuh, sabio cívico


        • #5
          Yo le jugaba, pero como que le faltaba algo... no me ocnvenció...
          ¨Los ojos no ven lo que el cerebro no entiende¨ Proverbio Griego
          "Vivir no es Durar" Mafalda


          • #6
            Yo tampoco... el Civ4 ya me sobra...
            "Vae Victis!" (Breno, Rey Galo, 390 a.C.)

            Visitad Ideas Telúricas


            • #7
              Yo tampoco.


              • #8
                Yo al 1 no jugué. Este 2 me lo regaló mi hermana y me he echado dos partidas. La verdad es que esta segunda ya me aburrí. Consiste basicamente en llevar mercancias de un lado a otro, se hace muy repetitivo. Y luego te independizas y la IA parece medio boba, desembarca un monton de tropas que van todas juntas al matadero: allá donde tengas una ciudad con fortaleza y 20 unidades metidas, allá es donde se suicidan todas ¡incluso con asaltos anfibios en el siglo XVIII!

                No, no me ha gustado, aunque me pica la curiosidad de ver como era el primero.


                • #9
                  El primero fue brutal!!!
                  Hasta la salida del Civ4, creo que fue el civ que más me gustaba, y al que más jugué
                  Tenía algo especial, aunque creo que como todo, no habrá envejecido bien...
                  Civ4 Progressive Games ID: 0006
                  LA PAREJITA DE GOLPE - Premio Mejor Blog de Sevilla 2014.
                  Participando en: --- TOTALMENTE DESINTOXICADO Y REHABILITADO :P

