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KAC Cup 3 - join third edition of our international tourney!

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  • #16
    Eso del pitboss hay que explicarlo mejor : sería

    1) un equipo (aliado permanente) de x hispánicos contra x polacos ?

    2) un pitboss de 24 horas por turno ?

    3) quién lo albergaría ?
    Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
    Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


    • #17
      Originally posted by astrologix
      Eso del pitboss hay que explicarlo mejor : sería

      1) un equipo (aliado permanente) de x hispánicos contra x polacos ?

      2) un pitboss de 24 horas por turno ?

      3) quién lo albergaría ?
      1) si, hispanos contra polacos
      2) ni dea
      3) ni idea...


      • #18
        los catalanes con qué equipo deben jugar?
        Yo me apunto a un pitboss entre civilizaciones
        puede ser antológico
        Vivo con tu madre,
        en un castillo.


        • #19
          Originally posted by kokot
          los catalanes con qué equipo deben jugar?
          Yo me apunto a un pitboss entre civilizaciones
          puede ser antológico


          • #20
            Originally posted by kokot
            los catalanes con qué equipo deben jugar?
            Escolta noi...
            Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
            Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


            • #21
              no podem fer una mica d'autocritica?
              a més a més, jo en tant que veí de Castelló, em sento més català que valencià.
              Coses de Rita i el blaverisme, que fan fàstig i donen vergonya.
              Vivo con tu madre,
              en un castillo.


              • #22
                Originally posted by kokot
                no podem fer una mica d'autocritica?
                a més a més, jo en tant que veí de Castelló, em sento més català que valencià.
                Coses de Rita i el blaverisme, que fan fàstig i donen vergonya.
                Això ja m'agrada més!


                • #23
                  Ostres!!! De cop tothom parla català aquí? Bé de fet som 7 milions que el coneixem.....

                  Els catalans amb els polacs, no?

                  Bueno chicos yo me apunto al pitboss pero la verdad es que nunca he jugado ninguno... seré una oveja negra en el equipo....

                  La civilización polaca en el civi deberia ser religiosa y agresiva ...lo digo poque si no recuerdo mal tienen un personaje historico del catolicismo que se llamaba Papa Gozzila.... jejeje

                  En fin como traduzcan esto ya temeos pique en el pitboss.....


                  • #24
                    Propongo dejar el català para otro rato y seguir en el topic, que si no nuestro amigo polaco no va a ganar para diccionarios

                    Yo lo del pitboss lo veo muy hipotético, no creo que haya que hacerse muchas ilusiones... pero en fin, igual se animan para hostear...
                    Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
                    Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


                    • #25
                      I've created thread for PitBoss game here: please do not post here about PitBoss, only about KAC Cup 3 games. We already have one volunteer from here, we're waiting for other players till 3th December. There is 50 players who applied already!
             - petition to add Poland as a playable civ in Sid Meier's Civilization
             - Polish club of Civilization players


                      • #26
                        Hi Ldeska!

                        I'm considering playing this cup. My biggest issue is that I have not enough multiplayer experience. Indeed, I haven't played a multiplayer game ever I don't even know how to set this kind of game, and of course I have never played with those settings...........Is it neccesary to tell that hamachi is an completely unknown concept for me?

                        So i don´t know if I'm capable to be someone close to competitive right now. I'll try these few days some multiplayer games, just to check how my connection works and to familiarize with the game on the net. I'll write after that.

                        I'd also like to know how long does a game last, so I can organize myself and be sure I can take part in the cup.




                        • #27
                          Today is the last day to subrscribe to KAC Cup 3! Please send an email to cup (at) with your nick, name, country and optionally club if you want to register.
                          Tomorrow I will create tourney table and the KAC Cup will begin
                          Currently we have 56 participants from 12 countries.

                          @3ghanaka - KAC Cup is like Olympic Games - participation is most important, not the result What you have to do is to send me an email to cup (at) if you decide. Put in this email your nick, coutnry and club (if you are in a club, if not - it's OK).
                          About the games - we shortened turns limit to 180, so it should be normal to finish the game in maximum 8 hours (if both players are at the same level). But it's also very possible that game will last 25 minutes if one player will be much better.
                          Hamachi is needed only in case of network problems - 95% of games will not use it (it's a network interface simulator).

                          If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I hope that you will decide to play
                 - petition to add Poland as a playable civ in Sid Meier's Civilization
                 - Polish club of Civilization players


                          • #28
                            KAC Cup 3 begins!

                            Seeded list of players:

                            Tourney table:

                            First round forum:

                            Please check the table tourney and find your opponent. Each game has a separated thred in "First round forum" ( ) - find your game there and post when you can play. Please try to play as soon as possible. This is the first round, there is almost 30 games played and we can not postpone the tourney. Mandatory date is on Tuesday, 11th December but please play your game sooner to avoid technical walk-over.

                            Good luck to all players!

                            Players from this forum and links to your games:
                            lordchema - Boix
                   - petition to add Poland as a playable civ in Sid Meier's Civilization
                   - Polish club of Civilization players


                            • #29
                              ¡Go chema!


                              • #30
                                ¡Ánimo lordchema! ¡Aquí todavía hay mucha peña que te anima! ¡Tu puedes el 11 de Diciembre! ¡Duro con ellos!

