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KAC Cup 3 - join third edition of our international tourney!

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  • KAC Cup 3 - join third edition of our international tourney!

    Dear Spanish Civvers! We organize for the third time KAC Cup. In previous two editions we had players from almost whole Europe, but there was no Spaniards... it's time to change it! Please join us in third edition of our tourney - we start on 5th December, registration period lasts till 3th December. We count on you!

    KAC Cup Rules

    This is the third edition of KAC Cup. First two editions of our tourney was a huge success.

    First edition summary: there was 35 participants from 7 countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, UK, Ukraine. Results of KAC Cup 1 (first 8 places) were as follows:
    Nr Nick Club, Country, Prizes
    1. [GOD]DeviousDevil C4P UK Galactic Civilization 2, Europe Universalis 3, Blitzkrieg Anthology, Cossacks anthology (part I, Art of War, Return To War), Microsoft Train Simulator
    2. Vox[SU] UKR Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Warlords, CivCity Rome, Mafia, Cossacks anthology (part I, Art of War, Return To War)
    3. Peter KAC POL Sid Meier's Civilization 4, Microsoft Filght Simulator 2002, Prince of Persia Warrior's Soul
    4. Penny BEL Sid Meier's RailRoads, Thief Anthology (part I, part II, II Deadly Shadows)
    5-8. Bombel KAC POL Microsoft Train Simulator
    5-8. LDeska KAC POL Prince of Persia Warrior's Soul
    5-8. Martinpol KAC POL Prince of Persia Warrior's Soul
    5-8. Uncle Givi RUS Microsoft Train Simulator

    Second edition summary: there was 43 participants from 12 countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, UK, Ukraine. Results of KAC Cup 2 (first 4 places) were as follows:
    Nr Nick Club, Country, Prizes
    1. uralis UKR Civilization 4 BtS, UFO Afterlight - Battle for Mars, Commandos Strike Force, Age of Empires 2
    2. Nemesis666 LCA AUT Civilization 4 BtS, Stronghold 2 Deluxe, Rise of Nations Gold Edition
    3. ot4e RUS Civilization 4 BtS, Age of Mythology
    4. Ascendancy - NOR Civilization 4 BtS

    This time we want to organize a tourney using second add-on - Beyond The Sword and let you win complete edition of Civ4 and The Witcher - game based on Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy books.
    To all those who participated in first or second KAC Cup - rules are changed slightly: turns limit is 180 (not 250 turns) to balance it games ar started with advance start (300 points).

    1. Game settings
    All games will be played in pairs (1 vs 1) using following settings:
    Map: LD_Mirror_Inland_Sea2
    Size: tiny
    Climate: temperate
    Sea level: medium
    Era: ancient
    Game speed: normal
    Level: prince
    Options: advanced start - 300 points, no barbarians, no technology trading, always war, no tribal villages, no random events. Rest of options disabled.
    Victories: conquest (if no one will win by conquest, count of points at end of game decides)
    Separated turns (simultaneous turns disabled)
    No AI overtaking
    Anonymous leaders
    Turn timer: medium
    Game turn limit: 180
    City elimination limit: 0

    If both players chose the same leader, host should uncheck 'anonymous' option and start a game with the same leaders.
    If both players agree, game might be played with simultaneous turns.

    2. Tournament prizes

    Prizes for the tournament where sponsored by KAC -

    Winners will get following prizes:
    I place - Civ4: Complete, The Witcher, Medieval II + add-on Kingdoms, Prince of Persia: Warrior's Soul
    II place - Civ4: Complete, The Witcher, Prince of Persia: Warrior's Soul
    III place - Civ4: Complete, Prince of Persia: Warrior's Soul
    IV place - Civ4: Complete

    3. Tournament system
    Tournament will be played using single elimination system - loser in each game is eliminated from tournament. Players eliminated in semi-final will play to decide who gets third place in tournament.

    4. Games dates
    Each tournament phase lasts for one week - from Wednesday till Tuesday. Players will set up dates for their games in separated forum. If players will be unable to find a suitable date for their game during the week, game has to be played on mandatory day - Tuesday 19:00 CET (Central European Time). First round of tournament starts on 5 December 2007.
    If one player will not show up in mandatory date, player who waits in lobby should post on forum in their thread 'I wait in forum'. After 30 minutes game is won by walk-over.
    If both players won't show up, they both loose by walk-over. Then player who should play in next round with the winner of this game wins his next game by walk-over.
    If both players won't show up for the final, they both end up with second place in tournament.

    5. Technical stuff
    Player listed as first in pair is host of game and he is responsible for all game settings. Games should be set up using lobby. If players can not connect to each other, they should use hamachi - network interface emulator. Game should be set up in lobby and second player should enter this game using option 'Direct IP' and supplying IP address of host, which is emulated by hamachi.
    If one player suddenly quits the game, the other player has to wait 15 minutes. If quitter will not come back, he is considered as loser of that game.

    6. Saving and reloading
    If game is not played on mandatory date, then on request of one player game has to be saved and continued later when both players have time, but not later than on mandatory date. If game is played on mandatory date it cannot be saved and finished later. Player who has to suddenly finish and quit (during mandatory date) is losing the game.

    7. Games reporting
    Games should be reported on forum in the same thread in which players set up for that game. Winner should post information who played and who won. He should also at least briefly describe how the game looked like - which nations they used and how he won.
    In case of conflict players have to send via email save made at the end of game to tournament administrators - this will be the only prove that game was played and how it ended up.

    8. Setting of tournament pairs
    Application period lasts till 3 December 2007. Applicants must use their nicks from civ4 lobby and should be sent to . This is an individual tournament, however civ clubs members have right to apply as a representation of their clubs and/or countries (logo of club and nation flag will be displayed next to player's nick). Clubs have right to seed their players. Players applying individually will not be seeded. When application period will be closed a tree of players will be build up - players will know with whom they will play up to the final of the tournament. While building the tree of players we will consider all existing players' rankings to make sure that best players will meet at the end of tournament.

    9. Other issues
    Every aspect of tournament not described in those rules will be arbitrated by tournament's administrators: LDeska i Peter. Correspondence address:

    CET - Central European Time. Valid in most of Europe, from Spain in the west to Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Serbia in the east. Portugal, UK and Ireland has time CET-1h, Russia has CET+2h
    Official forum of the tournament: posts should be posted in English or Polish.
    Last edited by ldeska; November 27, 2007, 16:09. - petition to add Poland as a playable civ in Sid Meier's Civilization - Polish club of Civilization players

  • #2
    en apañol

    KAC Cup 3 - join third edition of our international tourney! Inflate your Upload Space

    queridos hispanicos. estamos organizando la tercera copa KAC. bla bla bal Comeinza el 5 de diciembre y se peuden inscriibir hasta el 3.

    KAC Cup reglas


    bla bla de queines jugaron y ganaron

    esta vez sera con bts. y el ganador se lleva la edicion de civ4 y "The Witcher - game based on Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy books."

    1. seteos de la partida:
    All games will be played in pairs (1 vs 1) using following settings:
    Map: LD_Mirror_Inland_Sea2
    Size: tiny
    Climate: temperate
    Sea level: medium
    Era: ancient
    Game speed: normal
    Options: advanced start - 300 points, no barbarians, no technology trading, always war, no tribal villages, no random events. Rest of options disabled.
    Victories: conquest (if no one will win by conquest, count of points at end of game decides)
    Separated turns (simultaneous turns disabled)
    No AI overtaking
    Anonymous leaders
    Turn timer: medium
    Game turn limit: 180
    City elimination limit: 0

    2. premios: espoziriza

    I premio - Civ4: Complete, The Witcher, Medieval II + add-on Kingdoms, Prince of Persia: Warrior's Soul
    II premio- Civ4: Complete, The Witcher, Prince of Persia: Warrior's Soul
    III premio- Civ4: Complete, Prince of Persia: Warrior's Soul
    IV premio- Civ4: Complete

    3. sistema del torneo

    el torne se juega 1 vs 1. el que pierde queda fuera , el que gana sigue a la sigueitne ronda.

    4. fechas de las partidas

    cada ronda dira 1 semana. de miercoles a martes siguente. cada pareja se las arreglara para fijar una fecha y hora . Si no se ponen deacuerdo se juega a las 19Hs hora del centro de europa (que supongo que es GMT+2)
    La prioemra ronda arranca el 5 de diciembre

    si un jugador no se presenta a la hora determinada, se postea en el foro.. si en media hora no aparece, ganas por ausencia del rival.

    5. cosas tecnicas

    el priemr jugadro en la pareja de 1 vs 1 sera el host y responsable de los seteos d ela partida. si los jugadores no pueden conectarse deberan usar hamachi - network interface emulator.

    si un jugador se desconecta, el otro debera esperar 15 minutos. si elq ue se salio no regresa, pues ganste.

    6. salvadas y reloading
    Si el juego se salva para continuarlo mas tarde.. y no logran ponese nuevamente deacuerdo para continuarlo, pues se debe jugar el si o si ese ultimo dia.. sino, el que no lo haga pierde.

    7. reportandose en el juego
    los juegos se deberan reportar en el foro (el polaco) en la misma thread en la que se organizaron. deberan postar quien gano. y contar algo de como fue la partida, naciones y demas detalles...
    si hay prolbmeas, se debe enviar el sav de la partida al administrador para que este decida quien gano.

    8. seleccion de parejas para las rondas
    tenes hasta el 3 de dic. le tenes que mandar un mail a con tu nick en el foro. El torne es individual, sin embargo los clubs tiene derecho a presentarse como representacion de sus clubes. el logo y el club se presentaran junto al jjugador.
    Luego arman un arbol de encuentros donde los jugadores mejor rankeados se enfrentaran al final...

    9. otras

    LDeska i Peter en decidiran de cualquier cosa que surga en el torneo


    pues si.. el horario es GMT+2

    el sitio oficial del torneo es y debemos postear en ingles o polaco


    • #3
      ¿Y esto que se supone que es?, ¿pitboss?, ¿pbem?, ¿online?. Parece interesante el formato 1vs1.

      ¿Postear en polaco?, supongo que será un chiste

      Edito: perdón que maleducado, se me olvido traducir para nuestro amigo polaco.

      ¿And, what demons it is this?, ¿pitboss?, ¿pbem?, ¿online?. It seems to be cool the 1vs1 format.

      ¿Posting in polish?, I supossed thats a joke

      Last edited by monozulu; November 23, 2007, 16:57.


      • #4
        Hello ldeska. There are several good multi players here. Unfortunately most of us used to play long term PBEM and massive pitboss games, but I'm sure that some people will play the Cup. Thank you very much for inviting us!
        Campeón 2006 Progressive Games
        civ4 mods: SCSCollateral GrayAgainstBlue ProperCrossings
        civ3 terrain: Irrigations Roads Railroads Borders Multimine Sengoku Napoleonic


        • #5
          Ola! We play Pit-Boss games too - such lasting for 4-6 months with 18 players from whole Poland. Now we want to launch new one with 40civ mod made by our clubmate anion (his nick on civfanatics is dj_anion). If some of you would like to join - feel free to contact us by registering on our forum (there is English or Polish interface - you can switch it in option panel).
          About the tourney - it's typical 1 vs 1 cup - we hope that some of you will apply. Thanks for translation to Spanish!
 - petition to add Poland as a playable civ in Sid Meier's Civilization
 - Polish club of Civilization players


          • #6
            Monozulu just send email at to Leszek if U want to played in our tourney.

            List of players can find on this thread :

            Just send email and that's all.


            • #7
              Pues yo podria representar al foro, las partidas son online.....lo que pasa es que no toengo el hamachi ese y mi ingles es muy basico.


              • #8
                @lordchema We have to communicate somehow... so English is neccessary. It would be great if you would apply.

                Tenemos que comunicar de alguna manera ... Inglés es tan necesario. Sería genial si se aplicarían
       - petition to add Poland as a playable civ in Sid Meier's Civilization
       - Polish club of Civilization players


                • #9
                  hi ldeska .. speaking for me, 1vs1 online doesnt look atractive.. my expirence is that you send more time trying to play , than playing

                  but will be a nice idea to play a pitboss... XvsX or something like that. X polish vs X spanish...

                  traduccion: pues 1v1 onlien paso totalmente... pero lo estoy retando a jugar un pitboss de X polacos contra X hispanicos... chicos! no me dejen solo, he?


                  • #10
                    Pues yo le voy a jugar.....en el nombre del club pongo spanish civers o spaniard team?


                    • #11
                      Magno_uy - I'll post in our forum a question about it. It would be probably a teamer, not FFA... sounds intresting. How many players you may provide? Maybe let's create a separate topic for this pitboss game, ok?

                      lordchema - great, you're in! Send me an email to cup (at) with your nick, country and club. I put for now: lordchema, Spain, Spanish Civers. Usually you will not speak English with your opponent - simply host a game and play, then the winner reports.
                      lordchema - Grande, que está en! Mándame un email a la taza (a) con su alias, y el club de país. Someto por ahora: lordchema, España, Spanish Civers. Por lo general, no hablan Inglés con su oponente de acogida simplemente un juego y el juego, entonces el ganador informes.
             - petition to add Poland as a playable civ in Sid Meier's Civilization
             - Polish club of Civilization players


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Magno_uy
                        hi ldeska .. speaking for me, 1vs1 online doesnt look atractive.. my expirence is that you send more time trying to play , than playing

                        but will be a nice idea to play a pitboss... XvsX or something like that. X polish vs X spanish...

                        traduccion: pues 1v1 onlien paso totalmente... pero lo estoy retando a jugar un pitboss de X polacos contra X hispanicos... chicos! no me dejen solo, he?
                        Pues a eso del pitboss yo me apuntaba!!!

                        Así que ya no estás sólo, Magno...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ivanm_082

                          Pues a eso del pitboss yo me apuntaba!!!

                          Así que ya no estás sólo, Magno...
                          vamos! vamos!! el polaco pico!! cuantos somos?


                          • #14
                            Para el pitboss contad conmigo tambien


                            • #15
                              Mwhahaha buena idea Magno, yo me apunto. (Al pitboss)

                              Sólo con Magno y Chema tenemos la victoria asegurada mwahhahahahh

