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Modificacion de Carpetas Civ

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  • Modificacion de Carpetas Civ

    Pues eso, sin muchas complicaciones, alguien me puede explicar como modifico las carpetas que se crean automaticamente en Mis Documentos/My Games/Civ4

    La idea es evitar que esas carpetas vuelvan a aparecer en ese directorio y que aparezcan en donde yo desee que se coloquen.
    Viajero vagabundo, en busqueda del foro perfecto...
    Matricula PG´s: 0024
    Civ4Elo: Jeje
    "Adaptandome a la nueva cara del foro"

  • #2
    hace una copia


    • #3
      Unofficial Civ4 Tech Support FAQs This is, sadly, woefully lacking in detail. I'll try to keep it updated, so if you have any suggestsions for additions or corrections, then please PM myself or one of the other Civ4 Moderators. The purpose of this thread is to compile a list of fixes for the...

      How do I change where the autosaves are stored?

      The following will actually change where all the save files are stored.

      Find the Civ4 shortcut (for example, on your desktop). Right-Click on it, and choose "properties". On the form that appears, click on the 'shortcut' tab, and find the box that says 'Target'.

      Click in the box, and add the following to the end of it:


      For example, to get it to put the saves in the C:\Games\Civ4_Saves directory, change it to:

      Note: If you want the saves stored in the base Civ4 directory, change it to:

      If you want to set it to a path that contains spaces, you need to enclose the path using quotation marks:
      /ALTROOT="C:\Data\Civ 4 Saves"

