615bc sent to Sabrewolf. The deactivation of Canuck seems to have worked. Finally we're rolling again!
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PBEM: On the Waterfront
Hi, guys - I'm back.
Sorry about that. Things have been really crazy at work, and with our interminable wait, I didn't think to check back here.
It's worth noting that nobody sent me an email telling me the game picked back up at all - Claus may have sent the turn itself, but I didn't receive it. Nobody sent a followup email or anything asking where I was or anything (as was the case with Vovan) - if I had received an email, I would have remembered to check back.
I didn't log on, so I received no PM.
I'm sorry that the game didn't work out with my participation. I'm a little disappointed in Claus's statement about me not notifying you ("naughty") that I didn't want to continue in the game, as I don't think that was really fair (since it wasn't true, and I was one of the most active posters when the game was active).
Indeed, I mentioned that I *wanted* to continue playing, but asked that we reset the game rather than picking up with a new player. I never said I would not resume with a new player, though - I've done it numerous times. Dropouts are kind of the cancer of MP games.
My Civpoints were, indeed, last - only due to the fact that I had a large number of Axemen about to invade the Chinese capital. (Hi, Corossol!). The game was about to change in a notable way. You're welcome to load my game file and confirm that, since it apparently no longer matters - 7 Axemen, 3 on galleys about 2 turns away from making landfall. I had a weak starting position, and actually had to fire up a Settler, move him (over water - I had coastal waters joining two landmasses, fortunately) to found a city on a second landmass (where there was copper) and pump out from there.
You're also welcome to discuss with Velocyrix, who gave me some advice in the last couple of turns before I was booted out in my planning.
I wish you all the best of luck in the game.
well, great timing
i vote that we go back 2 turns and let canuck continue... not much time lost therewith!
as for emails: yes, i sent at least one.
and as for PMs: you can set notifications- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
I seriously didn't get any emails from you. Can you give me the date and time from your sent mail? I need to check my server logs to find out what happened, if that was the case...
As for the game - no, but thanks for the offer. I'm kinda pissed about the way this went down - you'd be better off without my involvement in this case. Regardless, I already told you what it was I was doing.. I found two human civs already (one who knows about it, and one who does not), and the blitz would be far less effective against the one I was going to hit next (the one who didn't know I found him).
Maybe we'll see each other in another game in the future. I do appreciate the offer, though.
Edit: Again, thanks for the nice words (Corossol - you weren't the one I was going to hit..), but seriously.. it's just better off if I bow out and let the game continue as you'd planned.
Hi Canuck, what a surprise.
I'm really sorry if I hurt you with my 'naughty' comment. It wasn't meant that way. I know that you were one of the most committed players here and very reliable in doing your turn, and it was fun, too, having you in the group. But after all that stuff with Vovan disappearing without a single word, I was just frustrated to see the same story happening again (as we all thought, I think). To my defense I have to say that we didn't hear from you for weeks, and in a multiplayer game it's in each player's responsibility to check in from time to time to see if something important has happened. I myself am very, very busy these days but I get an automatic notification whenever a new posting in sent here.
But again, I'm honestly sorry for hurting you. I should have chosen a different language. Please accept my appologies.
I sent you my turn on April 19th. However, I'm not able to verify if the mail was really sent away, but I strongly suppose it was. It has always worked that way, and I didn't change anything in my settings nor did I have any network trouble.
If you change your mind and wish to rejoin our group then there should be no technical problem - we played only one turn without you.
now come on! you came back just in time, we've apologised... and your sneak attack can still be effective, even if it isn't a surprise...
i mean... considering you have asked vel for advice, you've got the game bagged anyhow- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.