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  • [SG]Warlords!

    (Intro Copied from Vovan's SG)

    This is a succession game. That means, that several players take turns to play as the same nation.

    This game is also free for all. That means anyone can pick up the save any time and play their turns. (With reasonable restrictions, of course, as outlined below.)

    That's the gist of it. More specifically, here's what you do:

    1. You open this thread.
    2. You find the post with the latest save, and download it.
    3. You post a message here saying you are playing the turn (so that while you are doing so, somebody else doesn't get the same idea).
    4. You play 10 turns in the game.
    5. You post the turn log here (that is, what you did, and hopefully an explanation of why you did it). In addition to the post log, it would be great if you posted a screenshot with the globe view of the nation, and the contents of the F9 screen. This way, people can see what's going on without necessarily downloading the save.

    Additional rules and suggestions:

    * You cannot play two turns in a row.
    * Please treat this as you would your own baby SG. So, don't get the save and do something stupid, like declare war on everybody in a clearly losing situation.
    * Use common sense and follow the general style of play set by previous players. For example, if you get a turn with a war going on, and the previous player was about to capture four enemy cities, don't just sign peace. Finish what has been started. While change of policy can be good for a nation, we don't want to tear it apart with conflicting decisions every ten turns.
    * Don't fall prey to the one-more-turn syndrome. 10 turns is all you get.
    * Noobs and settlers welcome. Don't lurk. Play! This is why this is a free-for-all.

    I think this should provide a good learning experience for all.
    Last edited by Smellycowsquid; August 2, 2006, 22:27.
    "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
    Check out my Blog!

  • #2
    Civ: Vikings
    Speed: Epic
    Land: Cont.
    Size: Standard
    Civs: Normal number(6?) +2.

    New Civ to try out, so why not?

    Below: Surronding area around our Capital.

    Surronding area after our Scout, Lewis, explores a tad.

    Log: Popped a few Huts, got two maps, some gold, and Mining.
    Lewis fought a Panther, and was victorious. Built a workboat, and fished one of the Clams with it. Finished Archery, and started on a Archer for Defence.

    I played thirty turns, to get us started, 10 turns, I believe is a good number hereafter. Since the Upload service does not allow Warlord save files, Zip them up. Here is the Save.

    So, who is up next?
    Last edited by Smellycowsquid; August 2, 2006, 22:29.
    "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
    Check out my Blog!


    • #3
      I'm willing to join, however I need to know if perhaps you added Mehmed II in the game.

      Got a slower laptop here, so can't play anything beyond standard size, and Mehmed II diploscreen crashes the game.

      In any case, I'll play the next ten turns.
      He who knows others is wise.
      He who knows himself is enlightened.
      -- Lao Tsu

      SMAC(X) Marsscenario


      • #4
        Starting out...

        The lions are hunting our scout, time to look for another hill.

        Found a village, and rooted it. Our scout managed to pillage 84 gold from the fleeing villagers.

        Nothing much...


        Some action now, our first archer is trained, and the capital grows. Size 4 now, is big enough to start a worker in my opinion.

        If nothing else he can start constructing hamlets once trained.
        It will take 12 turns. I also balanced the plots worked for best production/commerce income. Research is a turn faster now.
        We met the Arabs. Saladin seems quite annoyed with our presence so close to his future gemfields.

        I let our archer scout the dark area southwest of our capital.

        oops, a wolf attack on our archer... he survives (of course) and presses one. 2.4 hp left. In other news, our scout discovers where the Indians hang out.

        Nothing new...

        The last of my 10 turns.
        I've put our archer in a forest. The next player can decide whether to return it home, heal it there or whatever else.
        I have let our scout circumvent the Indian territory, and next turn a nice hill due north should be a good vantage point.
        Last edited by GeoModder; August 4, 2006, 12:08.
        He who knows others is wise.
        He who knows himself is enlightened.
        -- Lao Tsu

        SMAC(X) Marsscenario


        • #5
          And here is the blessed save.
          Last edited by GeoModder; February 13, 2010, 15:51.
          He who knows others is wise.
          He who knows himself is enlightened.
          -- Lao Tsu

          SMAC(X) Marsscenario


          • #6
            Wotcher Cocks

            As long as there are no objections I'll give it a shot (well ten of 'em actually)

            See ya later

            I do not live in London, I live in South London. South London is different, a warm melting pot where everyone can become a bona fide South Londoner by virtue of two things. One: living in South London, and two: having no aspiration to live in the Cotswolds.

            Mark Thomas


            • #7
              The Rumpos' first term in the service of the pointy headed one.

              Exploration seems to be the name of the game here so that's how I'll play it.

              turn 1 - 2770BC - Meet Geordie Washington of the Americans,

              And he seemed like such a nice old gentleman

              doesn't seem too pleased to see us. - Sid (our archers) have located a hut, we'll pop that next turn. -

              turn 2 - 2740BC - Discover Sailing. That's more like it. A life on the open waves and all that. - Do we go for Writing or Bronze Working? I'm going to go for Writing unless circumstances push us towards bloodshed. It'll speed up our research generally when we have built a library and it puts us a step closer to being able to trade for cash. - Sid pops the hut and the locals introduce us to mysticism.

              - Lewis climbs various hills but can't see much further into Gandhi's lands -

              turn 3 - 2710BC - Not a lot to report. Sid continues south west. Lewis continues north, north west. Neither find anything exciting.

              turn 4 - 2680BC - as above

              turn 5 - 2650BC - Sid turns westward and finds another village, we'll have that next turn. - Lewis continues north, he's decided to turn east next turn to fill in some of the gaps towards the English.

              turn 6 - 2620BC - Sid's villagers give Sid 72gp to go away. Lewis is being stalked by Grizzlies, but its alright, he can outrun them.

              turn 7 - 2590BC - The sneaky villagers loose their attack wolves on Sid who deals with them easily and receives experience into the bargain. Sid takes Guerilla 1 (most useful in his current role) and goes into the hills to recover. - Lewis continues eastward and has found a hill of gold!

              turn 8 - 2560BC - James (our worker) is employed in Nidaros. Put him to work building cottages in the NE. Also rearrange plots a little to speed up production. - Started building another archer to send with settlers (next build). - Sid healing for a turn. - Lewis continues to explore towards the English.

              turn 9 - 2530BC - Lewis has discovered the western border of England along a river they call the Mersey, he'll go into the hills NW of England to see if he can get a better look. - Sid continues westward. - Gandhi is now top of the leaderboard, that can't be right.

              turn 10 - 2500BC - Sid comes face to face with a pack of lions (have fun with that one) - Lewis gets a good look into England and it is his opinion that Vicky will be one of those monarchs who wipes her backside on solid gold toilet tissue.

              That's (probably) FIVE flood plains and one gold hill that we know about. - Anyway thats my last turn, I'll leave it to the next player to hit the next turn button.

              James will finish his cottage in 6 turns. Nidaros will complete its archer in 4 turns and Writing will be researched in 5 turns.

              Some stat screens

              Our score

              Cities screen - bit dull as yet

              Demographics - could be better!

              Well we seem to have made an impression on this lot.

              What have we done to upset them?

              Our home

              As things stand with us now I think we're going to have to get a move on to avoid being left behind. My plan would be to build our second city ASAP, possibly in the directions shown below

              then beef up our armed forces(with Bronze Working) and our research by making full use of the library which will soon become available. Then we look to currency and sell everything thats not nailed down to Vicky (after all, the old moo's rolling in it). Oooh, I've just had a thought! We could simply take it all off her. Anyway, none of that is my problem. Here's the zipped save file so that you can make it your problem.

              Have Fun

              I do not live in London, I live in South London. South London is different, a warm melting pot where everyone can become a bona fide South Londoner by virtue of two things. One: living in South London, and two: having no aspiration to live in the Cotswolds.

              Mark Thomas


              • #8
                Looks good guys! As for the Ottoman, I am not sure, I chose random leaders... Who is up next?
                "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
                Check out my Blog!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Smellycowsquid
                  As for the Ottoman, I am not sure, I chose random leaders...
                  The fix is out, so that's not a problem anymore.
                  He who knows others is wise.
                  He who knows himself is enlightened.
                  -- Lao Tsu

                  SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                  • #10
                    Does no one else have Warlords?
                    "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
                    Check out my Blog!


                    • #11
                      Taking my turns...


                      • #12
                        Before start: Renamed leader to "Free For All".

                        -2470: Archer defeats lion.

                        -2440: Nothing happens.

                        -2410: Nothing happens.

                        -2380: The archer is built. After much thought, I decide to start a settler right away.

                        -2350: Researched Writing, started on Bronze Working. Sid kills a lion.

                        -2320: Sid kills a wolf. A hut is built.

                        -2290: Started working on a mine.

                        -2260: Sid kills a lion and a wolf. We find Washingtons Realm in the ice.

                        -2230: Nothing happens.

                        -2200: Nothing happens.

                        Well, a lot of Nothing happens., but truly, nothing happened for a long while. The next player, should he chose to carry on with the settler, will have no build choices to make, but the discovery of Bronze Working will dictate the next city site, and thereby probably also road building process.

                        Or will it not? It's up to you to decide!

                        We are 5 turns before Bronze Working and 13 turns before the settler. Current political situation:

                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
                          Check out my Blog!


                          • #14
                            If no one has picked this up by tomorrow night, then I'll do so - don't have time tonight!
                            I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


                            • #15
                              All right I'm picking this up here.

                              First time in a SG - so apologies for anything I miss out.
                              I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.

