Portals of time are mere slices of pie, and when all said and done to the Victors go the Spoils.
On this day, our World as we know it has been shaken and yes stirred, with all the rumblings of a massive war to sort things right!
Chancellor Troll of Germany, President Roosevelt of the United States and Paddy of the Vikingsof the former Scattered but now United Viking Nation, seeking not revenge, but a Day of Reckoning.
We button up our Hatches, hunker down in the trenches, mount up our Wings of Warriors, for this venue does not entertain speakers of the house, delegates or diplomats. We speak loud and we speak clear, stand fast Mates, for through the trevails of ages, let no man question who stood up and took control.

On this day, our World as we know it has been shaken and yes stirred, with all the rumblings of a massive war to sort things right!
Chancellor Troll of Germany, President Roosevelt of the United States and Paddy of the Vikingsof the former Scattered but now United Viking Nation, seeking not revenge, but a Day of Reckoning.
We button up our Hatches, hunker down in the trenches, mount up our Wings of Warriors, for this venue does not entertain speakers of the house, delegates or diplomats. We speak loud and we speak clear, stand fast Mates, for through the trevails of ages, let no man question who stood up and took control.
