Originally posted by Beta
Yes - that was a good game. But it was handicapped by the Statue of Zeus. Now in this game - you get the Praetorian, which many folks think create an unbalanced game. For that reason, many MP games exclude Rome.
But being new to civ4, my Mon felt you needed the advantage.
Yes - that was a good game. But it was handicapped by the Statue of Zeus. Now in this game - you get the Praetorian, which many folks think create an unbalanced game. For that reason, many MP games exclude Rome.
But being new to civ4, my Mon felt you needed the advantage.
Oh and the handicap was that I got it before you could. Not that it really helped me. By the time I took you on I had 40 cavalry to your 2.
What really handicapped you was that I plied the AI with friendship while you tried to be a hardass. They liked me enough that I was able to completely shut you out of trading with everybody and you had to research everything on your own from about Feudalism on. That's why I got so far ahead in tech and was building cavalry by the dozens.
Fond memories.