Nothing, actually... I did everything in the same way.
No announcement yet.
PBEM - Virgin
I'm interested, but I now too little about PitBoss...
It seems our game is cursed. Let's do something different, to break the spell!...
Soltz, what about you set up the game? Or NicodaMAx, Forester... Anyone but me!
Maybe it works...
Edited: We may follow the same player order, just starting with a different person.
Didn't work.
But, at least, we know: the problem is with me or Soltz.
So, my suggestion is: Someone else could try to open this file (which is the one Soltz sent to me)...
What do you think?
here is the file:
This has been downloaded 2 time(s). (but I deleted it... Too easy, folks!)
I have an account for my PitBoss and one for me so can play on PitBoss.
It is an internet game so it is in the list when you go into the Multiplayer/Internet/Lobby.
Game pass is "asdfg".
See you there and if anyone grabs your spot then I will kick them.
On the number of players I said 5 but it went 0-5 so we have 6 slots
With me being the server I will try to have PB up 24/7.
Made anew one. with only 5 slots.You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
There is a reason for everything.
Originally posted by ForesterSOF
DL and played the turn fine so it is you Aro.
I tested the save in another computer and worked just fine.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game (twice), but nothing seems to fix this.
I'll keep trying, but I suggest you folks to set up another game without me and play it.
As soon as I fix that stupid thing, I'll set up a new one and kick your a$$e$ off!
About the pitboss, let me figure out what is this. Is it a server or something that allow a group to play online and save the game to finish later...? Something like that? A sort of?
Save sent to ForresterSOF
It worked, after I reinstall the game for the third time!
Actually, I forgot to clean up the unninstall (folders and stuff) in the two first times...
Checking pitboss right now, Forrester
Forrester, forget all about my save right now or I'll have to kill you!
Edited: and the other one who downloaded it too!
Forester, I'm in.
Logged as AroCiv.
But I guess I'll have to wait till the other two folks before me play (I'm supposing you have played already)... I gave my orders, but I'm the fourth. Now, if I quit the game, my orders and my data will be stored and played as soon as my turn comes...
Did I get it?