1. Start "Beyond the Sword" 2. Choose "Multiplayer" 3. Choose "Direct IP connection" 4. Choose correct settings to play this game: a) Type in player name (Giwi) b) Type in Game name (Full Frontal Nudity) c) Type in IP address to connect to (bigfree.game-host.org) d) Type in game password (Alba) e) Click on "Connect" and wait for the game to connect. 5. Choose your Nation/Leader; You are Player #3 (Ghandi) 6. Enter in your own personal Password for the game (It will ask for you to enter it twice) 7. Wait for the game to upload game data to your computer. 8. Wait for your computer to set the game up. 9. Play the game 10. Make sure you hit the red button that says "End Turn" just like in a regular game.
1. Start "Beyond the Sword" 2. Choose "Multiplayer" 3. Choose "Direct IP connection" 4. Choose correct settings to play this game: a) Type in player name (Giwi) b) Type in Game name (Full Frontal Nudity) c) Type in IP address to connect to (bigfree.game-host.org) d) Type in game password (Alba) e) Click on "Connect" and wait for the game to connect. 5. Choose your Nation/Leader; You are Player #3 (Ghandi) 6. Enter in your own personal Password for the game (It will ask for you to enter it twice) 7. Wait for the game to upload game data to your computer. 8. Wait for your computer to set the game up. 9. Play the game 10. Make sure you hit the red button that says "End Turn" just like in a regular game.