Anybody interested in a bit faster of a PTBS game, BtS probably, with quick settings and a large team format (something like 4x4 or 3x3x3 or something to that extent)? Basically something to let our warlike instincts push forward without any fear of diplomatic 'repercussions' 
Settings would be:
Team Battleground or Great Plains or something like that (flat, no wrap, no islands)
Smallish land for the player count (not too small, but say small for 6 players, normal for 8 players, large for 12 players, etc.)
Quick speed
Always War
24 hour turn timer
Anything else would be up for debate of course, like random events (probably off?) etc.
Any takers? Any teams?
We can have random teams, or preset ones, or gametime randomized teams.
This would also by the way be expected to include some pretty, erm, aggressive talk remeniscent of Balderdash games in the past
Nobody's allowed to take anything personally, rule #1... 
Non-PTBSers are invited also by the way ... I remember a lot of PBEMers of old who are still here who would be happily invited to this game

Settings would be:
Team Battleground or Great Plains or something like that (flat, no wrap, no islands)
Smallish land for the player count (not too small, but say small for 6 players, normal for 8 players, large for 12 players, etc.)
Quick speed
Always War
24 hour turn timer
Anything else would be up for debate of course, like random events (probably off?) etc.
Any takers? Any teams?

This would also by the way be expected to include some pretty, erm, aggressive talk remeniscent of Balderdash games in the past

Non-PTBSers are invited also by the way ... I remember a lot of PBEMers of old who are still here who would be happily invited to this game
