snoopy: Y-wrapping enables the map generator to create continents that wrap around from south to north. unfortunately the climate/tiles overlay still considers everything beyond 70° (or similar) latitude to be mainly tundra and ice.
so on normal maps you will find tundra along the edges of the continents while on Y-rapped maps you can have a tundra-ice-tundra belt going through the whole continent.... as you said: lots of cold things
from what i can currently see, there's a lot outside my city borders, but it's still too early to say if that's just local or everywhere...
so on normal maps you will find tundra along the edges of the continents while on Y-rapped maps you can have a tundra-ice-tundra belt going through the whole continent.... as you said: lots of cold things

from what i can currently see, there's a lot outside my city borders, but it's still too early to say if that's just local or everywhere...