OK folks, looking to start a WARLORDS PBEM up on the Highlands map
Looking for upwards of seven players, any spaces not taken by real people will be taken by AI. Enthusiast players valued over experienced ones. Would like to get this up and running as soon as possible and rotating as quickly as possible!!!
Looking to play at anything between Noble and Monarch. Barbarians will be raging mad so look out for them!
Highlands : Looking at long dense ridges of mountains interspersed with lakes and seas for a bit of naval fun. Obviously mountains will channel the action and create choke points so should throw up some interesting tactics!! Just to spice it up we will be playing a Toroidal wrap around map so you can go off the top edge of the map and come on the bottom, or go off the right hand edge and come on the left!!!!
So you people who start in the corners watch your backs!!!!
Looking for upwards of seven players, any spaces not taken by real people will be taken by AI. Enthusiast players valued over experienced ones. Would like to get this up and running as soon as possible and rotating as quickly as possible!!!

Looking to play at anything between Noble and Monarch. Barbarians will be raging mad so look out for them!

Highlands : Looking at long dense ridges of mountains interspersed with lakes and seas for a bit of naval fun. Obviously mountains will channel the action and create choke points so should throw up some interesting tactics!! Just to spice it up we will be playing a Toroidal wrap around map so you can go off the top edge of the map and come on the bottom, or go off the right hand edge and come on the left!!!!
