I want that China dude, with maybe that Roman dude as the comp.
No announcement yet.
Us and Them Pbem Setup Thread
Julius for me, and Eygpt for AI
Good choices Grandpa Troll. My other civ random thank you.
1st game is in production... the game thread is at:
1st game
Seven players required... yeah so may not be a super fast game
the goal is to have reliable players, who will post that turn sent, and if they going to be away etc
each player will be teamed with an ai...
everyone gets to pic their civ, and the ai civ, and yes you can have both of the same nation if ya like
Huge map... for a Huge game
Custom Continents
Raging Barbs
Cultural and Space Race Victory
Paddy - Kublai and Lizzie
Masuro - Asoka and Ghandi
Modo - Aztecs and Washinton
Gramps - Peter and Catherine
EPW - Qin and Julius
Ruby - Roozevelt and Ghengis
James - Eygpt and Incans
2nd game
Eight Players
Paddy - Kublai and Lizzie
McMeadows - ???
Chris - Julius and Cyrus
Gramps - Catherine and Peter
BigFree - ???
Platypus Rex - ???
Ricityclik - ???
Ruby - Ghengis and Roozevelt
Originally posted by Paddy the Scot
1st game
Seven players required... yeah so may not be a super fast game
the goal is to have reliable players, who will post that turn sent, and if they going to be away etc
each player will be teamed with an ai...
everyone gets to pic their civ, and the ai civ, and yes you can have both of the same nation if ya like
Huge map... for a Huge game
Custom Continents
Raging Barbs
Cultural and Space Race Victory
Paddy - Kublai and Lizzie
Masuro - Asoka and Ghandi
Modo - Aztecs and Washinton
Gramps - Peter and Catherine
EPW - Qin and Julius
Ruby - Roozevelt and Ghengis
James - Eygpt and Incans
Originally posted by Paddy the Scot
2nd game
Eight Players
Paddy - Kublai and Lizzie
McMeadows - ???
Chris - Julius and Cyrus
Gramps - Catherine and Peter
BigFree - ???
Platypus Rex - ???
Ricityclik - ???
Ruby - Ghengis and Roozevelt