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Civ4 Succsession game #4 America

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  • 480 AD - 1
    Peter the Red Eyed offers us Gold for Bacon. I decided to negotiate to make sure I wasn't giving away our last source of the King's Bacon, but Peter broke down into a rant saying "We don't like you enough"

    Our archers were completed in New York and we opted to start building the Sistine Chapel.

    490 AD - 2
    Mansa Musa offers to exchange Sailing for our Polytheism. We accept.

    We discover the Alphabet, how did Mansa know before us! We start researching Mathematics.

    Trade Alexander the Alphabet for Mathematics. Trade Mansa the Alphabet for Monarchy. Trade Juilis Caeser Polytheism for Priesthood. Trade Frederick Polytheism for Mediation.

    Start researching Calendar.

    Rename Settler's west of Boston, "Boston Refugee's". Sending them back to Boston where I plan to build a ship.

    Worker near Atlanta completes cottage, moves west to build a winery.

    Shuffle an archer from Cletusville to Boston to escort the Settler once a ship is completed, after the worker in queue (4 turns).

    500 AD - 3
    Granary completes in Cletusville, start a Library.

    Worker completes cottage east of NY, moves SE to build another cottage.

    Worker north of Washington DC completes mine, moves to cut down a forest north west of the city.

    510 AD - 4
    Granary completes in Philadelphia, start a Library.

    Mansa Musa has seen the wisdom of our people and converted to our holy teachings.

    520 AD - 5
    Numidian savages have appeared to the southwest of Boston. We taunt them from the walls.

    Workers near Boston complete a mine and start cottages.

    530 AD - 6
    Worker completes in Boston and we start a galley. Send worker to help chop down a tree near Washington DC.


    • 540 AD - 7
      Mansa asks for Monotheism. We decide to give it to him as he trails us by quite a bit in score.

      Frederick offers to trade us Gold for Bacon. We agree.

      Frederick demands we stop trading with the Greeks. We decline.

      550 AD - 8

      560 AD - 9
      Alexander demands we stop trading with the Germans. This little fued of theirs is getting old. We decline.

      Library completes in Atlanta, start building a Monastery.

      Worker west of New York completes cottages, starts road

      570 AD - 10
      Attached Files


      • Culture map
        Attached Files


        • City screen
          Attached Files


          • Game save
            Attached Files


            • time to play my round
              Kermit the frog


              • 580 AD: The Parthenon gets built in washington DC. I start a monastary. I also start a road on a cottage near DC.

                590 AD: Kublai Khan offer gold for bacon, i agree. Hatsgepsut wanst monarchy, i say that she does not get free techs from us. Then i build a road on a cottage near boston

                600 AD: Washington DC builds Monastry. I set in to build a missionary. I start a cottage near washington DC. I also Start building a Cottage near New York.

                610 AD: Calander Reaserch is Done. I start the litrature reaserch. I also Start another cottage near washington DC.

                620 AD: Libirary done in cleutsville. I start a archer. Numedian barbarian city is captured by the Arabian empire. I also start a cottage near cleutsville.

                630 AD: washingtons builds a granary. I start a libirary. I also start a planitation near Cleutsville.

                640 AD: Nothing

                650 AD: Christian Missionary is built in washington DC. I leave the missionary there for the next ruler. Washington DC continues making Missionary.

                660 AD: Littratur reaserch complete. Start the reaserch music. Cleutsville is done with there archer. They also start a missionary.

                670 AD: Galley finally done in boston. They start a work boat so we can bring in the crabs. then as final order beafore my turn is over i send the archer and settler into the galley.

                This is us now.
                Attached Files
                Kermit the frog


                • The save.
                  Attached Files
                  Kermit the frog


                  • I understand a patch is available (a newer one)

                    I havent patched yet just seeing if the community as whole is gonna?
                    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                    • yay, a new patch... downloading and installing
                      Kermit the frog


                      • Originally posted by kermit_the_frog
                        yay, a new patch... downloading and installing
                        same here

                        I have d/l and now it is installed
                        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                        • Already patched. Who's turn is it, by the way?
                          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                          • No specific who went first but for now

                            Grandpa Troll


                            Kermit The Frog


                            Jump in Modo and thanks
                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                            • Thanks.

                              670 AD (turn zero):
                              • I see an idle Missionary in DC. I send him to Philadelphia.
                              • Great Library added to the queue in DC.
                              • I have no clue where the Galley is supposed to go. I guess I will send it along the coast.
                              • New York set to emphasize production and to prevent growth. The second part is a trick, it allows the Governor to add even more production. Sistine Chapel not in 12, but in 10 now.
                              • Ditto in DC (as it should not grow now -- no more happy population available).
                              • 110 Gold from Peter for Meditation.
                              • Open Borders with Kublai Khan signed. I would rather be on the good side of Mongolia.
                              • Cranking up research to 100%.
                              Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                              • 680 AD:
                                • Missionary done in DC, Great Library started
                                • Missionary sent to Heliopolis (Egyptian).

                                690 AD:
                                • Isabella (Spain) wants some technology. We ignore her plea.
                                • Christianity spread to Philadelphia using our Missionary.
                                • Christianity spread to Neapolis on its own.
                                • 101 Hammers went to DC for a cleared Forest. This shaved some turns off of Great Library. It says 12 now.

                                700 AD:
                                • Christianity spread to Numidian (Arabia) on its own.
                                • We have un-freakin-connected Iron near New York. I tell a Worker to make a Road to it.
                                • Our Missionary fails to spread Christianity to Memphis (Egyptian).

                                710 AD:
                                • Missionary done in Cletusville, Christian Temple started. It is needed for growth, unless some luxuries come our way.
                                • I send the Missionary to Timbuktu (Malinese capital).
                                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.

