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Civ4 Succsession game #4 America

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  • if he doesnt please someone have a go at it
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • I think someone else should go, our people have been stagnant far too long.


      • I finally have the timeto play my turns
        Kermit the frog


        • 160 AD: Nothing

          180 AD: build Philidelphia. Archer stays there to protect the new founded city. Start granary in philidelphia. start a cottage near cleutsville.

          200 AD: Hatshepsut wants us to cancel deals with mongolia I say "NO WAY"

          210 AD: Granary built in boston. Boston starts barracks.

          220 AD - 230 AD: Nothing

          240 AD: Done with mine near New York. Start a Cottage Near New York.

          250 AD: I sign Open Borders with the Romans. Archer done in cleutville. It is set to protect the city. Cleutsville also starts building a barrcks.

          260 AD: Archer reaches Masada. It is set to protect Masada.

          270 AD: This is my last roll. Settler done in New York send him out to find a new home. Send a archer from cleutsville to protect the settler. Worker done with cottage near massada.
          Kermit the frog


          • This is us:
            Attached Files
            Kermit the frog


            • This is the save
              Attached Files
              Kermit the frog


              • Would you guys mind another player?
                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                • No, i dont mind...
                  Kermit the frog


                  • Moonrunner if your still with plz tell us why u havent been able to play your turns.. if not i delete from the list.
                    Kermit the frog


                    • Okay, playing now.

                      270 BC (turn zero):
                      • I know Roads do not give a trade bonus in Civ4. But they sure help you move units faster. I plan to make some more.
                      • Ditto regarding Workers. Too few of these are there.
                      • Cletusville switched to Worker, and told the Governor to "Avoid Growth". It did not have enough Happiness anyway, and why build Barracks everywhere?
                      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                      • 290 AD:
                        • Atlanta built in the south. Starting a Library (or foreign culture will swollow it).

                        Building stuff with Workers.

                        340 AD:
                        • Theology finished, starting Alphabet.
                        • Christianity founded in Cletusville.
                        • Missionary sent to Washington DC.
                        • Worker done in Cletusville, I let the city continue the Barracks, and I let it grow (+1 Happiness due to the religion).
                        • Converting to Christianity (Anarchy).

                        350 AD:
                        • Switching to Organized religion for some wonder building...

                        370 AD:
                        • We meet Saladin (Arabia).
                        • Christianity spread to Washington DC.
                        • Parthenon started in Washington DC.
                        • Settler done in New York, Granary started.
                        • Settler sent to the last remaining reasonable city location.

                        There is a Worker building a Quarry near New York. It will allow Parthenon to be completed reasonably fast, I hope.

                        13 turns to Alphabet, with 141 Gold and +1gpt (80% spending). We are leading on points. Sorry that I did not try to capture that Barbarian city. The next leader might want to try it, though.
                        Attached Files
                        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                        • Demographics.
                          Attached Files
                          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                          • And the 370 AD save, enjoy.
                            Attached Files
                            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                            • Felan or grampa your go....
                              Kermit the frog


                              • Originally posted by kermit_the_frog
                                Felan or grampa your go....
                                I'll go now

                                be back soon

                                10 turns
                                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

