I am not able to get a successful email sent when I try to PBEM. In the 'Staging Room', I have set my player's name, email address, and SMTP (smtp.comcast.net for me), and then what? Do I also set all the players email addresses up in the Staging room too, and how much information do I need of theirs? Do I leave 'Human' spaces, and then set the email addresses and such up when I finish my first turn and it asks me who to email to? Do I need their smtp, username and password? I can't believe I'd need someone elses email password to PBEM. A stupid-easy walkthrough would be really reeally nice if you could help me out - I'd appreciate it. Im my case, I'm only trying to play with my friend (on a Huge map with 9 other AI opponents) and our schedules don't match up very well, so we really want to PBEM. Thanks!