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[PBEM]Civ4 Succession Game #1: Rome

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  • Darkside: Why don't you take the turn? We might get a turn in a piece before the weekend is out.


    • 1200 A.D.

      Moved troops into position for final assault of Tours.

      Beggining to transition to a peace time economy in anticipation of Rome's victory.

      Tours is ours! The 2 units remaining within the city seemed to surrender whent ehy saw the force we had to take the city. Our units barely suffered a scratch, and needless to say, we suffered no losses.

      With Tours secure, I am not moving troops north to Orleans.

      I am going to call an early halt as I find myself quickly running out of energy, but I did want to pass on one bit of news. I decided to pay a visit to Napoleon to see if I could talk some sense into him and convince him to surrender. Of course he would hear none of it but I felt I had to try. But during our conversation the name of another city was mentioned, one I have not heard of before, Chartres. Could it be that there is yet another french city beyond Orleans? Hmmm.

      On a brighter note though, it seems Napoleon has acknowledged our great power because even as we approach, it appears that his troops have abandoned Orleans early.


      • John's Looking forward to your turn, sir.


        • Save File

          Here it is, g'night all.
          Attached Files


          • Nice capture of Tours!

            I'm sad you didn't get to enjoy enough turns though Sleep tight friend!

            I think I can go for a round now


            • I think that we should allow John to take few more turns than usual his next time around. I wouldn't mind.


              • 1240AD: Roman scholars discover Code of Laws, they work on Machinery next.

                Started the construction of a Forge in Antium and Cumae.

                Looked around for ways to improve our financial situation... we were -14 in the red. I had some cities work more to cottages but most importantly I had our Great Merchant join with Cumae. That alone brought us from -13 to -4. By the end of my reforms we are now -3 in the red. But once we capture 2 more French cities expect more debt!

                Orleans is being investigated by our forward Praetorian divisions
                Attached Files


                • 1250- Market being built in PAris, Switched to worker in Rheims so we can get more cottages faster.

                  1260- Little more micromanagement and we've broken even in finances, but already went back into debt as we had to pay supply for units inching closer to Orleans

                  1270- Survived a French Horse Archer attack on Lyons, began bombarding Orleans form the hills.

                  1280- Units taking positions around Orleans

                  1290- Machinery done, working on Guilds next (Grocers)
                  Captured French strategic horse resource

                  1300- Assault on Orleans! We lost not a single brave Praetorian! Glory to Rome!
                  Attached Files


                  • 1310- Napoleon came begging for Mercy. I asked him if he knew what mercy meant when it came to burning Neopolis down to the ground...

                    Forge built in Antium & Cumae. Antium now working on Chichen Itza, Cumae working on the Colossus.

                    Library in Marseilles, now building Market

                    1320 - Forge in Pisae, working on Library

                    Forces positioning around France's final city

                    1330- Bombardment of Chartes begins

                    How we doing:
                    Attached Files


                    • Ready for the next Emperor!
                      Attached Files


                      • Wow! Great turn!

                        It looks like Napoleon only has 1 city left then we are rid of the troublesome French. I can take a turn after work today. Looking forward to the future...we need to keep an eye on Ghandi. Seems he is getting to big for his britches scorewize.

                        Then there is the aforementioned dishonor done to us by Catherine...

                        decisions, decisions


                        • 1340 : Started final assault on the last French stronghold.

                          With the rising sun behind us, we assaulted the walls of Chartres. I had our Cats attack the walls first. Their mighty swings broke open the walls and I sent two Pretorians into the city. Fierce hand to hand fighting broke out through the winding streets. French Longbows attempted to rain down death our our brave Pretorians. It was a febble attempt. The first Pretorians quickly assumed the testudo formation and snuck a small detachment to the Longbowman's rear. They will pay for this. The detachment crept up silently and took out the longbowman without a single loss.
                          At the center of the city, the French made a desperate last stand with their last defenders...Spearmen commanded by Napoleon himself. Our second Pretorian stared at them from behind their shields from the far end of the City Square. Our commander rallied the troops by saying, "Now is the time for the war to end! Now is the time to remember what the French did to Neopolis! They are swine! Show them what true Romans do to swine!" After a brutal hour long struggle, the spearmen, Napoleon, and the French Empire were no more.


                          • 1350 : Changed our civics to a more peaceful stance to save on gold. Now running at a negitive still but, two new cities are the root cause of that right now...

                            1360 : The Russians are encroaching on our rightfully gained territory! Should we allow this transgression to continue? Must meet with the Senate and discuss options. We do have plenty of troops in the area...must confer...

                            1370 : nothing much happened...senate has yet to convene on this pressing problem...


                            • 1380 : Cyrus come to us with a proposal...

                              we declined. No reason to give a potential enemy access to a powerful unit like Knights.


                              • 1390 : Nothing much to report.

                                1400 : We were beaten to the Colossus! We at least got 200 gold for our efforts though...researched Music...started research on optics.

                                1410 : Russia came to us for a trade of technology. They offered Optics and 80 gold for Music. We accepted. We can now finally build a naval unit of some worth.

                                1420 : moved workers and the Senate finnally convened. Still waiting on their answer...

