PBEM was the best part of my later civ3 experience and this time i'd like to be in there from the beginning 
who'd like to join in a PBEM using the new cooperation team mode (i which you profit from the other player's wonders, resources, etc and share his/her line of sight)?
i'm thinking of a 2vs2 game but could also be convinced to go for a 3vs3 game.
condition for your participation: you'll be getting civ4 asap and you'll feel dedicated to play the turns efficiently
so, who up?
ps: that being said, i would not be surprised if some bugs exist that make the savegame unplayable soonafter. we saw this several times with new patches in PTW and C3C. i such a case we can always restart, if it's early enough
edit: so far following have shown interest:
* sabrewolf
* Platypus Rex
* MFCamillus
* snoopy369
* smellymummy
* Mickeyj
* jshelr
* Lord Nuclear
(* ChrisiusMaximus who will might join later)
edit 2: my current proposal:
based on snoopy's proposal
TWO games
GAME ONE: large pangaea
team black (Snoopy369, Sabrewolf, Jshelr, MF Camillus, AI)
team white (PlatyRex, LordNuclear, smellymummy, Mickeyj, AI)
GAME TWO (uncertain)
team yellow (Snoopy369, smellymummy)
team red (sabrewolf, jshelr)
team green (MF Camillus, Mickeyj)
team gray (2 AI civs)
GAME THREE (uncertain)
some combination of:
Lord Nuclear, PlatypusRes, mickeyj, ChrisiusMaximus
+ maybe 2 players for the 3rd game
+ maybe 2-3 AI player to even out the teams
like this everybody should be at least once with every other player. players within teams can ofcourse be switched around, as well as the team names of course

who'd like to join in a PBEM using the new cooperation team mode (i which you profit from the other player's wonders, resources, etc and share his/her line of sight)?
i'm thinking of a 2vs2 game but could also be convinced to go for a 3vs3 game.
condition for your participation: you'll be getting civ4 asap and you'll feel dedicated to play the turns efficiently

so, who up?

ps: that being said, i would not be surprised if some bugs exist that make the savegame unplayable soonafter. we saw this several times with new patches in PTW and C3C. i such a case we can always restart, if it's early enough
edit: so far following have shown interest:
* sabrewolf
* Platypus Rex
* MFCamillus
* snoopy369
* smellymummy
* Mickeyj
* jshelr
* Lord Nuclear
(* ChrisiusMaximus who will might join later)
edit 2: my current proposal:
based on snoopy's proposal
TWO games
GAME ONE: large pangaea
team black (Snoopy369, Sabrewolf, Jshelr, MF Camillus, AI)
team white (PlatyRex, LordNuclear, smellymummy, Mickeyj, AI)
GAME TWO (uncertain)
team yellow (Snoopy369, smellymummy)
team red (sabrewolf, jshelr)
team green (MF Camillus, Mickeyj)
team gray (2 AI civs)
GAME THREE (uncertain)
some combination of:
Lord Nuclear, PlatypusRes, mickeyj, ChrisiusMaximus
+ maybe 2 players for the 3rd game
+ maybe 2-3 AI player to even out the teams
like this everybody should be at least once with every other player. players within teams can ofcourse be switched around, as well as the team names of course
