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  • Originally posted by mzprox View Post
    I have spent an other few hours trying to figure out what to do: We have 3 captured cities right on the mayan border. We could defend one or maybe two, but not 3. however if we let them retake cities that will cause border pop and other cities will be in danger and if we fight with divided forces that means that our losses will always be much higher. there is a serious risk that they will recapture most if not all the cities we got from them..
    Eventually we will destroy maya, but the cost of this war will be very high (ofc it is still much higher for maya, who can at least no longer help aztec with science)
    It's a shame we can't destroy those cities instead of letting them be taken. Of course, we must slave every last citizen possible and leave them with empty cities. We should also consider destroying buildings if possible.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • Originally posted by mzprox View Post
      Right now aztec is the strongest and maya though they are not that active can be considered as their allies. It would be an easy pick to join cfc against aztec&maya, but there is uciv too which with cfc has good relations. So I think right now we should stay neutral in the cfc&aztec conflict, hoping that the war will cost both of them a lot.
      The problem with that is it leaves us without a dance partner so we seem isolated and when it comes time to stab someone we seem like the weakest party.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • I was skeptical of culture victory from the start. With the talent of everyone in this game there is no way anyone would be left alone to go for a victory condition. There is nothing left but war.
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


        • New turn, quite uneventful. Maya has retreated to heal up their army. I try to reinforce our cities at the border.
          We stole 3 technologies in this turn: physics, electricity and military tradition (the latter from maya, the other two from aztec). I will write more deatils later.


          • maya again has skipped their turn.. possibly we need to reload or i don't know.. I'm considering dropping from this game.. with current speed it will last for years..


            • I'dhate to see you go after you've done such an amazing job with it so far. But I just recently got a laptop which gives me more availability to play while traveling. As long as you or Herc could be a regular back up, I could take over the turn playing. A super slow pace works out great for me.
              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • I'm quite mad at the mayan turn player and when I suggested we should look for a replacement he showed up and told me to keep quiet and just play.. well i'd love to, but the game pace is very slow and it is not good if a still mayor power just keeps missing turns.. or spend one minute on his turn and usually in the last hous while he got 2 days.
                Anyway, i don't think i'd quit.. I'm too addicted to civ , but I'd like if you jump in even play some turns, but more improtantly we could discuss strategy.

                btw new turn..
                Aztec took two more cfc cities, i'm quite dissapointed in cfc's efforts to stop aztec. I worry a bit that cfc will accept the peace with aztec and then aztec will turn on us, and while our army is occupied with maya the rest of our cities are not well defended. To be on the safe side we should try to extend our nap with aztec (and cfc too) to at least t245 (from t240), but then we would abandon cfc even more. Maybe the logical course of action would be to pledge ourselves against aztec with cfc, but then there is uciv which is apparently very close to cfc and together they are dangerous.

                The mayan front is silent now. I think if we can hold our cities for 3 more turns then we will have enough culture there to focus only two cities' defense. Once we produced enough tanks we can resume conquering more cities.


                • new turn, uneventfull.
                  I think our position in maya land is secured, but i don't want to risk an other invasion before we get tanks. I think we will have the technology in 5 turns, then sending 10 tanks into our invading stack will guaranteee our victory over maya.
                  Meanwhile we are mostly building factories+coalplants and espionage buildings, also we need groceries and hammams because pollution causes problems (even in our small cities).
                  At this point we have the most cities and biggest land (mostly thanks to aztec's conquest in india), our gnp is also no1, population and production is very low compared to the others. I will work on to increase production even on the expense of commerce. for example I had to realize that watermills are better even than matured towns. I'm producing workers too (3 new wil lbe ready by next turn) and they will rearrange each tile to watermills where they can. As I can see aztec does the same. This also means our commitment to stay in state property and nationhood for the rest of the game. 8I made some calculations btw and found that even if we don1t draft at all nationhood is better than free speech, provided we don't go for cultural victory which we won't.)
                  I also started to work on having a modern fleet.


                  • Awesome about things looking safer for us. There is definitely one benefit to invading an inattentive foe.
                    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                    • Things are still quiet for us. Next turn we get a great person in Aurora then in the following one we will get an other in apolyton. Then if we are lucky and have 3 different type ( 60% chance) we can start a golden age. I couldn't talk with cfc for a long time, soon it needs to be decided if we want to extend our nap with either cfc or aztec or both and in case we can't we need to be prepared to slave a lbig army fast.


                      • Apparently the civfr turnplayer was kicked out and someone from RB takes over their civ. The game was reloaded to previous that We have to face a competent player things might change for us...


                        • Is there no one else from civfr? It doesn't seem fair to let RB back into the game with a new civ. They had their chance.
                          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                          • There is an unofrtunate drama going on in the game recently. Me and some othes have complained that maya was neglecting the game (I think it is not rigth to skip turns during wars). Now admin took action and asked for a sub, and when one was found he kicked current maya player. This was not liked by uciv who thinks the action was too harsh and they said they might boycott the game...Now the new player doesn't want to take over, because of this drama, the current/former mayan player is pissed off by this action.. I'm not sure he would come back.. So i don't know what will happen. :/
                            Last edited by mzprox; March 26, 2014, 10:57.


                            • I read through the thread. Ugh. I don't like the idea if RB taking over a civ now, but if CivFR is negligent there isn't really any good option. The game suffers one way or another, but at least it would move forward with a sub, so I agree that'd be an acceptable solution. I'm glad though to offer them a two week chance to continue as is. Hopefully this will spur them to step it up.
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • Do you guys have a link to the thread with all the drama in it?
                                Try for discussion and debate.

