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Lizzy's rise to greatness

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  • I want us to keep those two Janissaries in the west and for Mz to stop trying to move them away from our border with the Maya. It seems obvious to me that they have their army there for a reason and it isn't for defense (thus all the catapults as well as the settler to rebuild razed cities). We shouldn't be moving armies away from that border and instead should be building up defensive forces for their obvious invasion. With luck they won't invade until after we commit ourselves to a war with RB but they will no doubt continue drafting with abandon and since they have so many more cities with so much more population their army is going to be vastly larger than ours too.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • We will not break the NAP with Maya... that's out of the question so no attack is possible before t180.

      They will not break it either. and even if they would that would be the end of maya. Don1t forget they are facing cfc's army. Btw we are supplying information to cfc about maya's army position. it is our interest that from his conflict cfc comes out victorious. then if we weakened rb we will together attack maya. at least that's the plan.
      Believe me, there is nothing dangerous in the area, and we couldn't start the attack for an other 20 turns at least (till the nap lasts). Rb however can invade our cities if we fail to build up a strong enough army in the east.
      Some other news:
      Golden age ended, our gnp fallen back, but as predicted we will get rifling in t163, we need about 100 more gold from aztec (that's 500 altogether we will have to pay back after rifling).
      We got a great scientist.. that's unortunate.. I was working on great merchants and spy+prophet to get anything but great scientist. still we had about 40% chance for GS (because of the UoS wonder) and 60% chance for the rest. This is the least useful for us, but still there are options:
      -one promising is to try to trade it for aztec's great prophet they got in this turn. A holy shrine would give us 40-50 gold/turn
      -hold it for an other golden age
      -bulb it into chemistry for 1900 beakers.


      • Some notes:

        -In Kayseri instead of building wealth we should be building a library to increase culture to fight back against the cultural take over occuring. This will also improve research. We can make up the money by selling resources or borrowing more.
        -Why build a galley on the inland sea? There isn't much there and there isn't likely to be much there.
        -Ankara is wasting time build research when it could be building either a market or a bank all of which would help research more in the long term.
        -We literally don't even have a single worker working on building a road out west. This needs to change.
        -In Marsin we're building a light house when it is a border city without any defenders which is culturally being taken over by the neighboring Maya city because we're not producing any culture in that city at all. I know you want to work sea tiles to make money but your obsession is seeming more and more irrational. We should be building something which produces culture or failing that a defender is the city could be invaded by knights and taken in just two turns.
        -Why even bother building a spy in Bursa when we spent most of our spy points and since RB knows we're using spies on them they've almost certainly directed most of their espionage points towards us. It seems wasteful when we could be building so many other more useful things (like a worker to build that road to the west or a trebochet).
        -In aurora we could be building the Chichen Itza pretty quickly and given that we're on the verge of war and will likely face invasions from two directions and extra 25% to city defense sounds kind of good to me.
        -We have an extra cow and a fish and will soon have an extra incense while Civplayers has two extra luxury goods we could trade for.
        - For our settler & galley in the north we should settle on the silver resource as it is best to claim luxuries while we still can. Alternatively, settle where we can get the whale or the iron resource but none of them will be any good until we make harbors (or get the whale tech in that resource's case) so I'd really rather see one of our continental city locations built first.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • -None of our cities will produce wealth or research in the end (I just did not finish the turn yet), those were just tests to see how we can get rifling asap, but we will relly on aztec's money.
          -we need that inland-sea galley to do fast trades with aztecs.
          -Actually 3 of the 4 workers in the west will build road either from now or from next turn
          -lighthouse is not for money. it gives food. more food->more production->better culture building capacity
          -We build spy becasue 1, we still have 1000+spy point on RB and more techs to steal, but also those spies can play big part in our military strategy.(making cities revolt, cut roads etc). It doesn't matter if rb spends their spy point on us or not. the ycould run counter espionage mission if they want, but i don't think they would.
          -Chicken itza wonder expires with rifling.. so no point even starting to build it.
          -Everyone has cow or fish, none will trade for those. Also I think we have every type of luxury aztec has.
          -that new settler will claim the silver so we can avoid unhappyiness.


          • Good to see you guys are still in it. Looks at a bit scary with those power graphs, though


            • Originally posted by DNK View Post
              Good to see you guys are still in it. Looks at a bit scary with those power graphs, though
              check back in 10 turns Our powergraph will be near to the top dogs' .


              • There is a very hard bargain between us and the aztec about their prophet.. they know how valuable it is to us and they ask a lot. I offered them 50 gold/turn for 50 turn (2500gold), or 8-10rifles, not in once, but in a longer preiod of time..
                however they were asking for our great scientist, 500 gold and 10 rifles asap. I told them that it's out of the question, we will not give as much.
                Their next offer was this:
                we share the shrine income 50-50% till t220 then we give them a great person and from then the full income would be ours. and we also give them 5 riflemen till t170

                The problemwith this isthatwecan't really give up on riflemen during this time period.. we need them for our own war efforts, yet we shouldn't give up on the big economic boos the shrine could give us. without the riflemen this trade looks fair.. we trade agreat person for great person but only later, and untilthat point we share the income of the shrine. Yet we will get other benefits too: better passivespread,decreased spyaction cost,and about 6beakers/turn since it's a religious building. So I'd rather not pass on this trade.. I will try to decrease the number of rifles we shouldgive, and also the timeframe we shouldvdeliver them.


                • No, we can generate our own great prophet so we don't need to make a devil's bargain. They can either accept a more reasonable price or we can do it ourselves. I'm willing to bet they would benefit from a reasonable exchange as well so they can either be reasonable or we do have the power to say no. You seem to emotionally invested to walk away when the deal is obviously a bad one so it is up to the rest of us to make you walk away.

                  They'll either come back with a more reasonable offer or a deal won't get done either way I can think of a lot of things to do with those 10 riflemen and 2500 gold. Half of the gold generated by the great shrine and a great scientist sounds fair to me but anything else is robbery and we can do better without it. Let's reformulate our plans based around that reality.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • I'm realist, no need to worry about me. At this point we can't count on getting a prophet in the game unfortunately. A shrine could give up to 100 gold per turn later, this is such an economic boost we can't let pass. also Aztecs is not really our rivals, but could be an ally.. now against egypt and later even against maya and cfc.
                    So we will not give them 10 rifles, not even 5, but we should not let this chance pass if it's only about some units.


                    • 5rifles till 170? They just want to borrow them? And why not just take our great scientist now? Why wait till 220?

                      And would it be half of the base income or half the modified income?

                      The second offer isnt all that bad. I wo
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • those units are not just borrows, I meant they need to be delivered by t170. But we can't send them as many so soon anyway. One point though: they would be used against egypt.. I will try to get it to a more reasonable number and timeframe then we will see.
                        (they don't want our scientist..or at least they think it doesn't worth more than 6-700 gold,and i strongly disagree.. so they instead will take something random, but later.. don't ask what is the logic in this.. this part is actually good for us. and after we gave them the whatever GP the full income will become ours.


                        • Just a quick statement to report that I have indeed been granted access to the forum, and a thank you for the trust you guys show in me.


                          • Isn't Caledorn a CFC poster?
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • I demand a full vote before Mz goes and just does what ever the hell he wants yet again. This needs to be aired in a democratic manner and not letting his personal desires once again run rough shod over what everyone else wants.
                              Try for discussion and debate.


                              • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                                Isn't Caledorn a CFC poster?
                                Yes, but I am no longer part of Team CFC (nor any other team), as I am now both the host and admin of the game. I just wanted to let you guys know that I am here, so if there is anything you need to ask me in private in regards to rules, or anything, I am available to respond in private. And I also wanted to thank you for the trust that I have been given, since I participated on a team up until this point.

