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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 16 - July 2013]

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  • #46
    News of King Lothar's passing brought grief to the Sultan, sending this message to HRE:

    A good King is dead, and all of Persia mourn him, remembering a man who brought friendship between our people and our two faiths, a builder of great temples and strong bonds. The Imam of Aachen was present at his funeral on behalf of Persia and has told of a ceremony worthy of such a great King. Your grief is ours.

    Rising from the ashes of sadness with determination and the blessing of your Bishops and Generals is your new leader Charles the Bold. I welcome him and look forward to future good relations with him and the people of the Sacred Roman Empire.

    Peace be upon you.

    -Sultan Arsalan


    • #47
      "If you meet a single greek outside their fortifications, ask them where their galleons are. You can also ask the other cowards - the spaniards where their fleet is."


      • #48
        The Nether underestimate English naval strength. Since our last conflict English fleets have patrolled the entire North Atlantic to ensure Nether carracks could not resupply forces in the New World. No subterfuge was involved in our assault on your ships. When your ships were sighted off the coast of Iceland a force 3 times their size was already waiting within striking distance, when they sailed further west they were doomed.

        On both land and sea the Nether armies stand no chance in the face of overwhelming English might. We have offered just terms for peace in the past and had them rejected. We again make a peace offer that will secure a truly lasting peace. As promised these terms are less favorable than after our last conflict.

        Until such time as terms are publicly agreed to England will assume Nether has refused said terms.

        Terms for peace

        • Non aggression pact lasting until the year 1500. After 1500 years, non aggression pact (NAP) may only be canceled with prior notice equal to the length of time involved in a DMW ritual (10 turns).

        • Open borders lasting full duration of non aggression pact. May only be canceled upon notification of non aggression pact cancelation.

        • At signing of ceasefire England shall trade Uppsala and 1,000 gold for the Nether cities of Nijmegen, Hudson, and Middleberg. Nether may evacuate all units if it so desires. England will turn over Uppsala’s garrison. If England captures any of these cities beforehand the deal remains unchanged.

        • At signing of ceasefire England will give Nether 3 caravels to ensure Nether’s remaining carracks are not easily waylaid as they transport units out of the New World.

        • Should Nether choose to further reduce its New World holdings (north of Victoria Island) Nether will notify England and give England a period of time equal to a DMW ritual (to turns) during which England may trade Nether 1,000 gold for each city Nether seeks to vacate. If England is not able to pay the 1,000 gold during that time frame Nether may trade away the city to other nations as they see fit. Nether may evacuate all units if it so desires.

        • Nether pledges not to settle additional cities in the New World (north of Victoria Island) for the duration of the NAP.

        • Nether pledges not to capture barbarian settlements in the New World (north of Victoria Island) for the duration of the NAP.

        • Both sides agree not to settle Great Artists (or use them to create great works of art) in New World cities that have overlapping spheres of influence (cities must be at least 5 tiles apart). England agrees not to settle Great Artists (or use them to create great works of art) in any cities on the English home island.

        • Both sides pledge not to enter the other’s land with explorer units for duration of non-aggression pact.

        • Both sides pledge not to allow espionage levels to exceed 150% of the espionage level of the other side for the duration of the NAP.

        • Both sides pledge not to use a Great Spy to target the other side for the duration of nonaggression pact.

        • Both sides pledge not to enter each other’s land with spy units for duration of non-aggression pact.

        • Terms are subject to revision upon agreement by both parties. If either party violates the agreement all terms are considered null and void unless both parties agree to an exception or an extension.
        If Nether does not accept these terms England will also accept an immediate cease fire. But know that England will continue to strike at Nether forces until our cultural border issues in the New World are fully resolved.


        • #49
          A letter is dispatched to the Portuguese court. Surely they must realize this war is madness.


          • #50
            Official release of King Charles the Bald to friends and enemies of the sacred Roman Empire: Myself was elected king of this powerful nation without it wishes. But once I gained the confidence of the elite of the kingdom I will manage and protect from external and internal enemies. Thanks to everyone who sent their congratulations to my climbing the throne, their messages will not be forgotten. My heart cries when I hear of wars that rocked Europe, but obviously time is. To protect my country I will begin the creation of a large and modern army, which will serve only to protect course.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	KaiserKarlV_presse.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	613.5 KB
ID:	9095897 Kaiser Karl (hair is added by the artist)


            • #51
              Letter released by Karl, King of Netherlands

              My country was once bowed and tyrannized by the evil French now we are persecuted and violated by the pirate state of England. We have seen the road that giving into threat leads to. The threats and intimidation and force just grow and grow. We have asked many times to deal with England peacefully, but England only wants to use force and threats. We can not negotiate with pirates who threaten our lives. We did not ask for this conflict, we wish to end hostilities, but this can only happen at the negotiating table to achieve lasting peace. Until then, we can only offer what meager resistance we can muster, with our modest defensive force simple ships and outdated weapons.

              I have sadly ordered my governors to make preparations for the conflict. I have outlawed the spread of any further English Taoism influence and told my people to trust only in the one true God. Already there is rioting and violence in the streets as the government transitions back to the old life of endless war. Perhaps this is the only way to survive. Perhaps our faith in God will give us the strength to resist this evil that seeks to imprison us in our ports and attack our peaceful colonies. Perhaps we will all die. But if we die, we will die with our swords in our hands and our bows spent, and our quivers empty.

              If England truly wishes to trade with us, then England must trade , not dictate as a master does to a slave. We are not your slaves. We are the Netherlands, Nation of Fire, Nation of Water.
              "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


              • #52
                A Greek Knight met with a Persian footman on the road. "Where is your ship, sir Knight?" spoke the footman.
                "At sea, where all ships belong." replied the Knight.
                Wishing him a good journey, the Knight moved on.

                The Persian footman met a Spanish Maceman on the road. "Where is your ship, sir Mace?" spoke the footman.
                "Plowing the waves and kissing the wind where all ships love to go." he replied.
                Wishing him good fortune, the Maceman moved on.

                The Persian footman continued his journey and brought this tale before the local qadi, who in turn sent a letter to the Grand Ayatollah, who in turn summoned a man to reach the Sultan to tell him this story. When Arsalan finally heard this tale told in full, he knew that this was the way all ships go and where all fleets belong and it was true. The answer was written out in many copies, and sent with hidden messengers to hide them in plain sight of Portuguese officials. They found this letter, but fearing the obvious answer would kick Ricardo the Butcher into another rage it was for a long time hidden away and not spoken of, until the day when a servant who had enough of his master's ravings left it in plain sight to be found when he woke up. Whereafter the servant left his master to seek his fortune elsewhere.


                • #53
                  Nether chooses the path of war and so war is brought to its cities. Middlburg is fallen, captured without a fight as its cowardly defenders are cut down attempting to flee the city.

                  You may call our peace offer a trade or an ultimatum, your choice of words matters little for it is without a doubt the best offer the Nether people will receive for its doomed New World colonial adventure .


                  • #54
                    England has chosen war. Netherlands had no choice. Netherlands has never declared war on England even once. England admits to slaughtering Netherlands soldiers even as they attempt to evacuate. You call them cowardly for standing and fighting to their deaths. They could have retreated earlier, but they chose to stand and fight in the woods of Middleburg, where they trees offered at least some cover from the catapults of the English horde. They died valiantly fighting against a foe who outnumbered them 5 to 1 with far superior weapons. Songs will be sung of the brave defenders of Middleburg for ages to come.

                    The English are nothing more than pirates and butchers.

                    - Netherlands Foreign Minister
                    Last edited by Netherlands (DoB); July 31, 2013, 21:27.
                    "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                    • #55
                      After the war many found themselves on a side all of their own. The armies of Persia, China and Ottomans were on their way home, but many warriors in Japan, following family and clan were now alone, masterless and leaderless yet unwilling to join the new Shogun due to a matter of honor.

                      The head of the Meiji family served as Shogun, following a swift and brutal fight in the streets of Nishikyo where all the major families gathered to discuss the war. Meiji made no mistakes in leaving any enemies alive, and was successful in peace talks that followed with the three great nations that had attacked Japan.

                      For many, this peace meant an end to their service as a soldier. Arteshban Sahhak of the 2nd Persian Boltmaster Army had observed some of these men, and fought a number of them before the war ended. Most of which preferred fighting with double swords, with a lesser number screening them with war axes and war bows.

                      Seeing their potential he came to the Shogun with a proposal:

                      Any masterless ronin would be permitted to seek work as part of the Persian army. Accepting this would bring them under the leadership of the Arteshban Sahhak who in turn served his master, the Sultan Arsalan of the Persian Imperial Family. They would once more belong to a family, they would be outfitted, fed, housed and their skills would be put to good use. For the dedicated service given, the Japanese treasury would be given payment for all training and outfitting recieved by these soldiers before joining Persia.

                      The Shogun agreed, with a stipulation: These men were never to be used against Japan, and they had until the end of the year to seek employment, after which any masterless warrior would be treated as a simple barbarian, unless performing the honorable death of seppuku.

                      A temporary camp was set up near Stone Hill, where those who wished to join came to seek employment and were arranged according to the preferred weapon they used. Chests of gold were sent to the counters in Nishikyo along with reports of the manpower gathered there.


                      • #56
                        The winds that cut through the desert bore down on them with a brutal power that would bend the knee of the strongest man. They marched on. 40 days and 40 nights they marched without rest. Now, finally the hills were in sight. They raised a cloud of dust visible for miles around. They are here. They must be. But why do they not attack? Here on the desert floor we are vulnerable. If we reach the hills we have a chance. A small chance, but a chance. These questions must have haunted the troops of Ricardo as they marched on through the south african desert, the scouts reporting lands abandoned for miles around. No population, not even desert nomads with their goats and cattle. All was silent and the roads empty. A single scout watched them move forward.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	desert4.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	36.0 KB
ID:	9095900


                        • #57
                          The English soldiers surround the small and defenseless village of Middleburg and set the town to the torch, murdering innocents and raping the dead bodies of the women. Even Taoists are not spared by the murderous English. Obviously the English have no regard for their faith or for their fellow Taoist bretheren.

                          A little Netherlands girl clutches a sword hoping to defend her home from the English butchers, but she is saved by her sister, a Christian Nun, only to watched as her sister is murdered and her dead body raped by filthy English marauders. All as her village is burned and her people enslaved by the English.

                          Only watch this English butchery if you have a strong heart and stout constitution. This barbarity will make your blood boil! This is what the English do to those who dare to not bow to their evil English boots on the neck!
                          Last edited by Netherlands (DoB); August 1, 2013, 22:02.
                          "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                          • #58
                            There were no soldiers there. Only civilians. Barely a thousand survivors of the Roman Empire, set loose from their barbaric rule and feeling contentment in a hard days work. It was a small place they named the Golden Coast. Some created fine works of art through goldsmithing from the raw gold found in the hills which named the place. Others farmed or spent their days at sea prowling the local fishing grounds.

                            But to the soldiers of the Butcher, they were heretics. Fortunate were those who died by simple swordcut or arrow. For Ricardo had given orders. His soldiers were permitted their own form of extreme carnal payment. Shrieks and howls of men, women and children who were systematically raped and mutilated were beyond description. As heretics they would burn. But not before suffering through what surely was hell on earth more vivid and real than any promise spoken by vile and wicked men. The flames must have been counted as a release after all they experienced.

                            A single scout could do nothing but report this act of unmitigated, pure evil to his superior.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Netherlands (DoB) View Post
                              The English soldiers surround the small and defenseless village of Middleburg and set the town to the torch, murdering innocents and raping the dead bodies of the women. Even Taoists are not spared by the murderous English. Obviously the English have no regard for their faith or for their fellow Taoist bretheren.

                              A little Netherlands girl clutches a sword hoping to defend her home from the English butchers, but she is saved by her sister, a Christian Nun, only to watched as her sister is murdered and her dead body raped by filthy English marauders. All as her village is burned and her people enslaved by the English.

                              Only watch this English butchery if you have a strong heart and stout constitution. This barbarity will make your blood boil! This is what the English do to those who dare to not bow to their evil English boots on the neck!
                              Laughable claims of atrocities in the New World. All wars are ugly business and dealing death is the trade of conquering armies. But Christians and Taoists massacred in Middleburg? Perhaps the Nether are confusing the Buddhists of Middleburg with Christians? The Buddhist culture of death does seem to align with the fringe sect of rabid Christianity the Nether appear have picked up from France. But even that mental stretch does not account for the claims of dead Taoists in the Buddhist city or the erroneous claim that the city was razed.


                              • #60
                                The news from London was shocking. Nether infiltrators had ransacked the palace stealing England’s most sensitive documents. That Elizabeth had already moved her administration to the New World was some consolation in that it had at least precluded any attempted assassination.

                                The war in the New World at least continued to go well with additional heavy Nether loses at both land and sea. With siege engines moving into position in the hills outside Nijmegen and the capture of thousands of Nether workers war is brought to the core of Nether’s New World holdings. Will the Nether counterattack is the question English tacticians ask themselves? Will accept heavy losses now (knowing they cannot rebuild armies as fast as England) in an attempt to break the siege or rescue captured workers or will they withdraw to safety behind strong city walls in the hope that they can force peace before they are doomed? With copies of English military deployments and production capacity stolen from London the Nether must surely realize their cause is lost given tremendous English advantage in production and economic capacity.

