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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 16 - July 2013]

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  • #31
    (OCC: I will do better story posts as my health improves)


    Peace has been agreed to between Japan and the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans have been asked to assist Japan in destroying the last Northern Anarchist holdout of Olmec before the final signing. A long-term friendship treaty is expected by the end of the decade. The Japanese welcome relations with their Muslim brothers, and are currently applying to membership in the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Peace is also close at hand between the Japanese and Persians, though territorial disputes still plague Sino-Japanese relations. The 1st and 2nd Japanese armies hope to force a ceasefire soon before non-Muslim reinforcements are brought in to assist in the matter. "We'd like to keep this all in the family," Meiji said, "but an abusive family is no place for Japan."


    • #32
      China has accepted terms as laid out in private dispatches from Japan.

      Japanese families/workers in China have agreed to return to Japan now a noble king has returned to the throne.

      Originally posted by DNK
      Here is our suggestion for final borders with China and the Ottomans. Persia has been cc'd. Please accept or decline. If you decline, propose an alternate. We feel we have been excessively fair, howeve,r in how much we have given up for peace.

      The blue squiggle near Nish/Seoul is still TBD between China and Japan.

      The yellow line indicates where the cultural borders should resolve; the green lines indicate non-settlement zones along those borders.

      We find that Japan sacrifices much of its pre-war borders for this agreement, as well as to allow Nish/Seoul to undergo foreign conquest and partial destruction to resolve the cultural issues in the northwestern Yellow Sea region.

      The areas to the northeast of this map are to be Japanese by right, though they may be traded for at a later date.


      • #33
        King Lothar thought, one of the great compatriots wrote, "we did a lot of good Christians, but they do not reciprocated but God sees everything, and God judges"

        Originally posted by Portugal (DoB) View Post
        "It must be rainy there days, all kind of worms have crawled out of their holes in the earth. All who was soft and unctuous back when Portugal was in its peak and who swore their allegiance and eternal friendship to Portugal have now broke their words and promises.

        Well done, Catalunian witch, you who call names and fight the absent fighters, but raze our capitol with all its citizens who were on the barricades. I was not pleasantly impressed back then when you were sobbing and whining for how Portugal was treating you, nor was I impressed by how you launch war and fight kingdoms without rulers lately, nor am I now impressed for you doing your disgusting deeds and have the eyes to stand tall and tell jokes about your shameful deeds.

        But this I can understand, such is your audience - liars and cowards, honor-less word-breakers who were deafening us with their pleas and praises when Portugal was in its former glory. Now their eyes are threatening to explode from largening out of greed. They enslave our people, raze our cities and hustle each-other in the hurry to cut another piece of our body with their smelly scavenging beaks. Their pathetic reasoning are not heard well by all the hissing and slurping while they feast and shamelessly encouraging each-other, forgotten any fear of people and from God."


        • #34
          Military aid in the form of iron has been extended to Portugal. This is not meant as an insult to our close friends Spain and Greece but only to restore some semblance of balance after devastating Portuguese defeats on the field of battle. We call for a ceasefire against Portugal and frank discussion amongst belligerents on terms for a lasting peace.


          • #35
            From the forward command post of Arteshban Ilderim to Portugal navy, 1370 AD:

            General Silva,

            It has been ten years of war between us, and since the last peace offer in 1360, the settlement of St.Julien has given itself over to Persian rule. They are so happy to live under leadership untainted -by the blood of 3 million souls needlessly slaughtered- that they have decided to forego all their taxes returned, and only ask 1000 gold to repair the temple that was so long neglected by your greedy inquisitors. They look forward to continue their daily life at peace and in good health. There is silence from the leadership of Portugal, and it is hoped that you have been able to expunge Ricardo from his position and look for terms with both Spain and Greece.

            If you have a counter offer to the coin requested, I am willing to listen.

            On behalf of Sultan Arsalan,
            Arteshban Ilderim.


            • #36
              In the far east, Arteshban Sahhak of the 2nd Persian Boltmaster Army walk through the open gates of Nishikyo. Leading a small vanguard to greet the local warlord. As they come to the place where his head rests on a spear, they nod in greeting and continue onward to meet with the head of the Meiji family, known as Shogun Meiji.

              All around them are signs of struggle, overturned marketstalls, houses and storehouses burned to the ground. Brown stains on the ground and in streaks crisscrossing walls and doorways are visible reminders of the carnage that must have taken place here. This was no soft and peaceful agreement between friends. The Meiji family meant business, and had the stomach for it. It would not be easy to get out alive should things go wrong. Somehow that was a good feeling, knowing that the man opposed to you knew what he was doing and was true to his word.

              Coming up to the temporary housing of the Shogun, Sahhak left his men and walked alone past the guards, noting their subtle difference in the stance and how their swords looked, sleek and fast. Into the white courtyard where the Shogun sat, Sahhak performed the bow appropriate to the leader of a nation and began their talk.


              • #37

                A slight, barely perceptible hint of sulfur caught the nose of King Karl as he sat in his private study, poring over numerous scrolls, charts and something new, detailed maps. The King looked around in the dark room but the only light was on his candle-lit desk. The scent was so slight, perhaps he imagined it.

                So at first he just dismissed it... Not only was he in a locked, stone-walled chamber with only one door and no windows, but his personal bodyguard, 2 of them, fully armed, were guarding the door.

                "Impossible" he thought... "Just my imagination" he murmured to himself

                But still, he did smell it, the scent of rotten eggs was unmistakable, no matter how faint, or brief, the scent was so rare and so easy to recognize. This was exactly the reason he had chosen this particular odor. So that they couldn't sneak up on him. They were always sneaking up on people.

                They made his skin crawl. "Guard!" he called out and the answer came quickly, startling him "Yes sire!" the voice rumbled in a low but attentive growl.

                The King opened the door and addressed the Captain of the Guard. "Did you see one of them here? I sme.." The King halted, realizing that the secret tell was known only by him and for his benefit alone. He could not divulge it, even to the most loyal of his guards or else they would not be able to do his bidding effectively.

                "Ack! never mind" the King said, with obvious annoyance in his voice "They are like wraiths you know," he paused, then continued "No, worse than wraiths, they are like shadows. You think they are there, but they aren't. You shine a light on them and they just disappear"

                "Oh them" said the guard, with a nervous waver in his husky voice. "No way to tell if they're ere. Dey jus poof here and the pfft! gone a'gin sire"

                "But I know" the King thought, and he turned to go back to his chair.

                Upon assuming the throne, King Karl had decreed that all Sons of Johannes operating within the Capital were required to carry sulfur on their persons so that the King would be able to detect their presence. No one knew of this decree but the King and the SoJ.

                The King was smiling to himself at his cleverness, when he suddenly became aware that his Shadow appeared twice as large as it should be. Before he had time to be startled he heard a whisper, so sharp it was almost like the hissing of the wind. The voice and the giant shadow could only belong to one man.

                "You were looking for me your Highness?"

                "Amazing that such a large man can speak so quietly, and MOVE so quietly" the King thought... "Yes Atlas, I summoned you. I have need of your gift for seeing that which others can not"

                "I shall be your eyes" Atlas replied in a sharp hissing whisper

                Sit at the desk, and look at these maps. Tell me what can be done to accomplish our goals" the King instructed

                "Let's... see" hissed Atlas a small smirk on his face

                "As usual" the King continued, pouring two glasses of wine and handing one to the black-robed giant... But when he reached into the darkness, the SoJ officer was no longer there. The King wheeled around, stunned to see that Atlas had seemingly floated over to the other side of the table and was already seated, reading the maps.

                "Atlas" the King continued, regaining his composure "It is imperative that you are not captured."

                Atlas smiled, his eyes narrowing and sharpening in their focus "I go... unseen"

                Atlas Titanus came to Netherlands Kingdom as a young refugee from the besieged Roman lands. Many refugees were arriving through the south, but most chose to remain near the Alps mountains near their ancestral homelands, which of course are in the hands of Holy Roma now.

                He was soon nicknamed "The Titan" because of his freakishly large size, nearly seven feet tall. But he was as nimble as a deer with the reflexes of a wolf. He was always intrigued and gifted in the arts of stealth and so it was no surprise when he joined the SoJ. He soon rose to the height of their ranks until something remarkable happened.

                His teachers began saying that he had surpassed all that they could teach him and was developing new techniques of his own. He was instrumental, albeit unsung, in the final victory over the Vikings. He covertly raided the Viking strongholds and repeatedly robbed them of their treasuries, which prevented them from developing any new weapons or recruiting any mercenary soldiers. Without him, the defeat of the Vikings would never have been possible. And he was never detected or captured. Many have already dubbed him the greatest SoJ who ever lived.
                Last edited by Netherlands (DoB); July 27, 2013, 01:09.
                "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                • #38
                  To Portugal from the Greek citizens,

                  We come forward to offer you peace. We hope you will consider our offer. Until you make your decision we will continue to defend and neutralize any threats.

                  Last edited by Greece (DoB); July 27, 2013, 23:25.


                  • #39
                    "There is no silence in principle from the Portuguese leadership, it is only not wanting to spend words to the twice proven word breakers as the lying Persian dogs."


                    • #40
                      In the journey between tents, settlements and recently connected borders, the Sultan was never long in a single place, so it took some time before he returned to the city where a package was delivered to him. The man carrying it was at first halted by the guards, fear of some illness being brought to their leader who was now a man beyond his prime. With everything in order, the package was delivered. It was a simple reply, similar to what Persian rulers long ago got from attempting talks with Russia after the barbarian renaissance. A rotten head whose ownership would be in dispute even by his own mother, but stated as being the remains of General Martin de Silva. Former General of the Portuguese navy. Ricardo the Butcher remained in power.

                      "I thought he was a gentle man?" the low baritone voice belonging to a man painting in the balcony corner.

                      "I thought so too, before Lisbon." said the Sultan, resting in a chair, shaded by the doorway to the balcony.

                      "Betrayal, rage, distrust. He gives so much of this to those who trusted him." Halting for a moment in his painting, he looked up at Arsalan. "Are we wrong to show compassion to him? Should we go by the words of his own faith, an eye for an eye? Demanding his head in supplication and as prize for peace?"

                      Watching those eyes with his own, gaze unflinching, Arsalan replied. "Why? All he does bring him deeper in the net of his own devising. Casting blame on us, on Greece, Spain, is just a product of his fear, my son. This is a lesson of such strength that you must never forget: Power corrupts, faith manages."

                      "Insha'Allah." Said Astrakan.

                      "Remember this also" spoke the third man present, General Gaius Marius: "Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”" and he bowed to the Sultan, offering a letter to him.

                      "I often wonder how mad the Romans became, to shut you out and leaving you for dead." Arsalan stated, while reading the letter. "A fortune for me, and for my son as well. Come here, both of you. Read this, and share your thoughts."


                      • #41
                        War is declared on the Nether in the year 1376. Their efforts to smuggle units into the New World have been thwarted in another great English Naval triumph.


                        • #42
                          Official statement of the government of the Holy Roman Empire:
                          King Lothar is dead today around noon his Majesty was in the bathroom and then it is not the answer to the calls of his servant guards rushed in and welded great king dead. Pope Celestine XXII will lead the service in memory of King Lothar
                          After the service will meet the Great Council of the Empire in order to determine the new ruler. May Almighty God face to respect the soul of our victorious King.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	king richard lionheart .jpg
Views:	1
Size:	763.2 KB
ID:	9095888 the king tomb


                          • #43
                            To Holy Roma:

                            We are saddened to hear the news of King Lotharius Rex, known affectionately as Lothar. All of Netherlands will mourn his passing. Although our Kingdoms have had conflict during his reign, he will be remembered as a skilled and wise diplomat and who at last brought our two countries together into the bonds of friendship and brotherhood. May almighty God give rest to his soul.

                            I hereby give Netherlands official support of Pope Celestine XXII to lead Holy Roma until the new ruler is crowned. Our representatives hope that Netherlands will be invited to attend the coronation of the new King.

                            -Karl, King of Netherlands
                            Last edited by Netherlands (DoB); July 29, 2013, 14:17.
                            "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                            • #44
                              To England:

                              Smuggle? How can you say that we are smuggling our own ships through our own territory to the open unclaimed waters in the northern Baltic, and then once again through our own waters out to the open Atlantic ocean in route to our own lands in the Americas? What contraband can we possibly be smuggling in our own official vessels to and from our own lands? And who's authority or edicts do we violate by sailing through our own wateres to and from our own lands?

                              Are we to understand that England now considers themselves master of the entire Atlantic Ocean? Now we are not allowed even to peacefully sail ships to and from our own cities without fear of them being sunk by English pirates?

                              Smuggle you say? Naval Triumph you say? Ha! What has happened is once again in a despicable (OOC Doublemove) sneak attack England has sank Netherlands vessels with no provocation. Your attempts to characterize it as some great triumph are pathetic. All that has happened is that England does not want Netherlands to be able to reach our American colonies and so you take any opportunity to sink our ocean-faring vessels, hoping that we will not be able to get more. That is all this was, just like the last unprovoked attack. England is just trying to keep us from being able to sail to the Americas.

                              The irony is that if England was paying any attention, you would see that Netherlands has been in the process of a phased withdrawl from the North America. The ships you foolishly sank were being sent to pick up our people and bring them back to Europe in preparation for the transfer of the colonies, even England was to be offered a chance to bid or trade for the colonies. However, now it seems that this will be impossible, or at a minimum severly delayed because of England's piracy.

                              Minister of Colonial Affairs, Kingdom of Netherlands
                              "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                              • #45
                                Council composed of generals and bishops of the Sacred Roman Empire had its sovereign Charles the Bald, a senior official in the last two monarchs. In his first statement the new Christian ruler said he would respect any arrangements made ​​by his predecessors.

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Council_of_Trent_by_Pasquale_Cati.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	570.6 KB
ID:	9095890

