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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 13 - April 2013]

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  • #31
    In the throne room of one of the mighty World Leaders, a strange bird appears... As the mighty Ruler looks upon it, it suddenly changes into a even more mysterious Sorcerer!

    The Sorcerer delivers a warning to the Ruler... A great change is coming. The dark forces of Barbarous the Expelled have gained strength and their reach has gone farther than any could have predicted or anticipated... No one, no nation is safe... Drastic measures must be taken... The World will soon be on the brink of War, like none before seen...

    The Warning has been given...


    • #32
      He listens to the winds of Qiyamah, gazing across the desert..

      Jafar, anointed as Caliph, leader of a strong and truespoken family, now rules Persia after a brief discussion among the stronger family descendants of Peli of Awan. Calling back all military forces after hearing the Warning, he prepares his people for the unknown.


      • #33
        I heard many reports the first days after becoming Caliph.

        Most disturbing I found the news from the Nacitav of Mecca. No Grand Ayatollah had been elected, even long after all Imams and Ayatollahs had arrived. So I set out to find the true reason for this unusual delay of such an important election. I began by sending a query to Emperor Leopold I of Byzantium

        ---personal journal of Jafar, third day of second cycles second moon, AD 935---


        • #34
          King Christiansen had reached the end of his numberless days. Ancient and wise though he was, strong though he was, even he could not resist the ravages of time.

          After hearing the warnings messengers were repeating from all over the world, the Kingdom waited to hear what King Christiansen would do. Especially now, being without his twin sister, the Queen for so long. He had began to lean heavily on the advice of Minister Selashen of the SoJ. Some felt it was the whispers of Minister Selashen that truly controlled the Kingdom as the mind of King Christiansen slowly failed him.

          This new news, reports of old friends being taken over from within by dark forces. Once proud peoples becoming mindless drones, leaderless nations succumbing to the influence of evil.

          Hearing the latest report, Minister Selashen whispers to the King, "Majesty our neighbors have lost themselves to this new darkness. We are all at risk. We must destroy them before they destroy us!"

          The King is barely able to respond above an imperceptible whimper and a shiver in his throne.

          Minister Selashen stands "The King has ordered our ships bound for Quebec to land further south instead. We must wipe this menace from our midst before it spreads out of control!"

          The Admiral, head naval adviser looked at the King with a pained expression but Selashen snaps at him, "You heard the Kings wishes! Carry them out!"
          "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


          • #35
            For years I became involved in the policy of preachers and practicioners, Ayatollahs and Imams. Several travels to to holy city of Mecca and the Nacitav bore more words upon the winds than actual water on the ground. From the leaders to the people no straight line was cut, always meddling and always discussing it once more.

            This influenced my ability to lead, and one day I was told to make the Hajj, but not into the center of the Nacitav, but to where my heart would go. For Allah speaks through his followers in heart and soul. Thus listening to your heart brings you closer to Allah.

            To begin a long journey, one step is all, and the first step is to praise Allah. So doing I found myself on a pilgrimage to a mountain outside of Mecca, lonely and deserted by miners, without fruit or trees, barren as a dead woman long buried.

            There I had my vision, there I found the strength and resolve, there my prayers were finally answered.

            ---personal journal of Jafar, first day of seventh cycles last moon, AD 940---


            • #36
              Queen Elizabeth felt uniquely confident after hearing the prophecy of the barbarian resurgence. Her troops had yet to lose a single battle to the barbarian rabble in the New World and such Epic Heroics were inspiring a surge of interest in those seeking to join the mighty English military forces. At the same time England had asserted itself as the undisputed leader of the Taoist faith and with the constuction of the Sankore University in London a new explosion of English research was underway. None were more prepared to meet the new challenges of this prophecy!


              • #37
                Franz Kafka was one of the gretest writers in Netherlands history. His works, such as "Die Verwandlung" ("The Metamorphosis"), Der Process (The Trial), and Das Schloss (The Castle), are filled with the themes and archetypes of alienation, physical and psychological brutality, parent–child conflict, characters on a terrifying quest, and mystical transformations.

                Upon reding his works, nearby peoples are convinced to embrace the Netherlands way of life. The shadow of the barbarian plague is broken. Truth and light remains.

                Franz dedicated his latest work "Das Boot" to the brave Captain Eriksen and his men, who finally perished to the ruthless barbarian ships who chased them all over the Pacific Ocean. It was his bravery and sacrifice that allowed the Netherlands navies to become some of the most skilled in the world, and propel their ships to unheard of speeds.

                People flock to the Netherlands banner to read this work and see the memorial to this Great man of the seas. Native born North Americans are especially inspired by his feats of bravery, and his legend makes them all want to join the Netherlands.
                Last edited by Netherlands (DoB); April 29, 2013, 10:19.
                "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                • #38
                  In that place, removed from all influence of those who would vie for themselves and garner power to rule another, or bring injustice upon a fellow faithful brother, I was given a way to keep all Muslims to the consequences of their actions, to bring forward their intent behind the action. It became known as Sharia, and took me almost ten years to completely spread to every Persian settlement.

                  The Sharia regulates all actions and puts them into five categories:

                  Obligatory - Forbidden.
                  Recommended - Disliked.

                  Obligatory actions must be performed and when performed with good intentions are rewarded. The opposite is forbidden action. Recommended action is that which should be done and the opposite is disliked action. Permitted action is that which is neither encouraged nor discouraged. Most actions fall in this last category.

                  The ultimate worth of actions is based on intention and sincerity, as mentioned by the Prophet, who said,
                  "Actions are by intentions, and one shall only get that which one intended."
                  To keep this from the temptation of the Imams and Ayatollahs, special judges with the title of qadi is given the responsibility to judge the actions of every Muslim seeking help or guidance. In matters diverse by their importance, from simple arrangements of housing and family matters, to insults and grave acts of violence against those unable to defend themselves. The jurisdiction of the qadi extend only to Muslims, as non-Muslim populations keep their own way of judging matters by bringing it before the village elders or city council. The qadi is to reside in a special building, a Courthouse, where all matters are heard and settled.

                  Already I am content that the lives of my fellow Muslims have in this way become easier, with guidelines more often directly adhered to. From the keepers of counting the results came from an increase of treasury as effective rulings increased the happiness of the people. With the Sharia complete, my foremost prayer these days are for the Nacitav to agree on a Grand Ayatollah Insha'Allah.

                  ---personal journal of Jafar, sixth day of first cycles fourth moon, 950 AD---


                  • #39
                    Nether's cultural aggression surpass that of even France. The dark works of Kafka surpass any evil broughth into this world by the Oracle or Henge of Stone. Is it not questionable that this new age of barbarism is brought forth by such depraved writings. England hereby terminates all past agreements with the Nether peoples.


                    • #40

                      With great sorrow I announce the death of Gran Duquessa Himilce de Olónico de Catalunya. The people of Catalunya is in deep mourning as we all mourn the loss of the mother of our nation. Himilce was a role model to the world, ever striving to maintain balance and peace for her people, never involving the Catalunyan people in any conflict, except as mediators to mediate peace and cooperation between rivals and enemies. Her death came as a shock, as she was killed by an arrow fired by barbarian marauders from France while riding on a routine inspection of the lands outside Olónico. Her body has been put to rest in a secluded area in a grove near Olónico that she used to frequent alone when contemplating the wisdom and gifts of God.

                      As my first act as the new Gran Duquessa de Catalunya, I have ensured the safety of the Catalunyan borders by invading and razing the barbarian cities of Nimes and King's Crossing, formerly under control of the marauders of France. It is my wish to keep Catalunya free of conflict, following in the wise footsteps of Himilce, but the rise of the barbarians among former civilized nations must not be allowed to endager our people, and I call for action from all the civilized nations against these brutal people. I welcome all rulers and envoys from the civilized nations to visit Valencia, formerly known as Olónico, the capital of the Ducado du Catalunya where you will be cared for most hospitably.

                      Gran Duquessa Catalina de Valencia de Catalunya
                      La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                      • #41
                        On behalf of his Majesty King Christiansen who has fallen ill in his old age I speak for the Kingdom of Netherlands. We praise the actions of Spain in finally taking decisive acts against the ancient and terrible evil French. We believe that it was the French King who has released this plague on our world and that it was he who created a nation of unnatural unholy barbarian zombies in his evil immortal likeness.

                        This so called "advisors council" of France was merely a pretext for an upstart band of unholy immortal blood fiends to take over for the one they deposed. This is the evil that the French has unleashed by building all the unholy monuments to darkness in Paris. Netherlands and England have long warned that the evil of France would consume us all if unchecked.

                        We call on the nations of the world to invade France and burn Paris, the most unholy of all cities to the ground! This evil must be purged once and for all!

                        -- Minister Selashen of the Kingdom of Netherlands
                        "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                        • #42
                          I recieved news today that the Nacitav was surrounded and put to flame. Now, after many hours of ceaseless planning, the way is clear. Byzantium is completely under barbarian rule. All of Byzant is nothing more than a Kafir people. A lost tribe, a lost people, a leadership on the brink of destruction. There may be true Muslims among them, but after conferring with the qadis, the way is clear. A Jihad must be taken up to reclaim the holy city of Mecca and the Nacitav therein.

                          ---personal journal of Jafar, third day of first cycles third moon, AD 955---

                          Statement released by the Caliph of Persia to all tribes:

                          "Byzantium gives no regard to the true way of Islam and has looted the Nacitav, spreading the token gifts and alms to the poor to the four winds and back to the Emperor himself. For this the ruling qadis declare him, and all men who take up weapons to defend him kafir in the eyes of Sharia law, to be killed on sight for turning away from Islam and for the burning of the Nacitav."

                          "I, Jafar, intend to make the Sharia law binding to all Muslims, and those Muslims not following Sharia to be named kafir. To be hunted down and prosecuted until Sharia is accepted by all Muslims. Non-Muslims are not bound by the Sharia. So for them the only threat is their own behaviour towards Muslims, of any tribe, and against friends of Persia and the Persian Empire itself."

                          "To this end, I ask all true Muslims to join Jihad Abdus-Salaam against Byzantium to claim the city of Mecca."


                          • #43
                            French spies that had infiltrated the New World have taken control of Hudson after corrupting the minds of the city's English inhabitants.

                            Many question though... does not the metamorphosis described in Kafka's depraved writings describe a similar debauchery of a human soul into barbaric darkness? The parallels to the Oracle of Death and Henge of Stone are uncanny and leave many in England questioning the intentions of the Nether who seem so quick to praise such degenerate filth as "literature."


                            • #44
                              I found myself holding a copy of Der process as a gift from some long time friends abroad. It was freshly made, the leather soft and the binding full-colored. However, as I read it, thoughts came back to the doubts professed by the Queen of England. The light of qadi rulings and the dark, confusing paths of the book was a contrast in which I felt a most dire threat. I had not yet finished the book, and resolved to make it through, to fully understand what was meant by it's writer.

                              Meanwhile, several important victories were made, and a new ally stepped forth, to my great joy.

                              ---personal journal of Jafar, seventh day of fourth cycles second moon, 960 AD---


                              • #45
                                Reports poured into London of conflict breaking out across the known world. Elizabeth spoke at length and often with her advisers to try and ascertain which tribes had been corrupted by the curse of barberous and which had not. But with so many new conflicts and the deep rift in the Muslim world it was near impossible to tell who was in the right or in the wrong. Many a late night Elizabeth looked out over the dark waters of the English Channel to see the distant glow of fires as Portuguese troops attempted to surround and lay siege to Paris. It was a powerful reminder of the importance of remaining ever vigilant to attack.

