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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 8 - November 2012]

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  • #16
    In response to France:

    Yes English ships and troops are positioned for an imminent return to war. The successful expulsion of French influence over waters near Hastings demonstrates that the English strategy of confronting French cultural aggression with military force is paying off – it will not abandoned without substantial French concessions.

    Should France seek peace, now or in the future, these are our terms:

    -France shall not build any wonders of the world (to include national wonders) so long as French annual cultural output is greater than or equal to English annual cultural output. By my estimate the current ratio is 45:34.
    -France is to pay a tribute of wine, pigs, fish, and clams to England in perpetuity.
    -Both sides will maintain open borders and allow free passage of all units through each others’ lands and waters.

    In any case, war will be declared when practical—potentially before this message is even received in Paris—as such operations have long been planned and shall not be delayed by a slow French response. However, England remains open to peace negotiations at any time that accept our above terms for securing cultural parity.

    As to your message from the Nether. Their agents in no way speak for England nor do they speak on behalf of some imagined Taoist alliance. England’s quarrel is with France and France alone. Should other self interested states join us in repressing France’s cultural aggression, England will welcome their support; but in either case we will continue to pursue our own policies. While the Nether may fear French military capabilities, England remains supremely confident in its military superiority.


    • #17
      Message to France:
      As you mus by now know, River Village does not speak for mighty Elizabeth or the people of England. You imagines some Daoist allaiance but there is no such thing no matter how many you say it. So do not waste breath trying to say that England deeds are part of the Three factions or that our deeds are the same as England. This is nonsense. Your lies make us weary and we wish to have Open borders and peace. Accept or refuse. That is the true test.

      Nether Faction
      Message to Byzantium:
      Your lies make you lower than the half-chewed cud of a female deer. Every nation can see your lies plainly as you claim you were assisting Ottomans but then you backstabbed and tricked them. Were you friends of Ottomans and then betray them, or was the friendship always a lie? Either way it shows to everyone that you Byzantines can not be trusted.

      We never treat to kill your warrior! That is a lie. We only say that we are forced into war because4 you tricked us with taking away open borders. We dont care to explore your worthless desert cities. We oly wanted to see the holy Islam city. True men of Islam would not deny our people to pilgramige to Islamic holy city... When we told you our Axe warriors are near your club warrior, but never did we threaten his life! You are liars to say this! Exagerations and fabrications! You are disgusting liars and all your diplomats are banned from our lands until you denounce and take back these lies and apologize.

      Never trust Byzantine
      "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


      • #18
        We still wish to hear from directly from Greece as obviously Byzantines are liars.
        "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


        • #19
          Netherlands keeps calling everyone else liars and then spouts absurd lies that are easily exposed as such.

          For instance, the Netherlands stated, "you claim you were assisting Ottomans but then you backstabbed and tricked them". Please provide the quote for this supposed claim that I made to be assisting the Ottomans!

          Or another example, the Netherlands said, "Fire Mystics were trapped by tricky Byzantium when we traveling peacefully to find the holy city of Islam. We aks humbly for them to open back their borders so that we can pass through or we have no choice but to declare war only to leave their lands in peace but not to remain trapped." Where exactly were these Fire Mystics supposedly trapped by Byzantium borders? The borders of Wheatfield have not expanded yet so any locations reachable many turns ago are still reachable now but all Fire Mystics came and went long ago!

          The Netherlands is plainly exposed as a liar and whoever lies once is not to be believed twice.


          • #20
            Many moons ago our neighbors the Byzantines come to us with an request. The request was to close borders with the The three factions kingdom. There was fear that war was coming to Byzantium, so our assistance was called upon. We do not take sides, our policy is clear, we will not allow any armed men to cross through our lands to march to war. That goes both ways, greek roads are free for all other purposes. Currently greek elders are looking into recent foreign requests for open borders, these matters are being looked as we write this letter.


            • #21
              We give thank to Greece for keeping an open mind. We do not wish to use you lands to make war. We just want free trade. Thanks to you for you kind responses to us.

              Byzantium says they not assisting Ottomans but they say that their warrior that Fire Mystic supposed to threaten was assisting Ottoman. Now we see they mean to say the Fire Mystic were the ones who assist the Ottoman not the Byzantine warriors. We give thanks to Byzantium for making this clear that they were never a friend to Ottomans and it was Fire Mystics who came to help Ottoman. Thank you for admitting that you are enemies of Ottoman and always plotted to trick them as you now seek to trick the rest of the world with your lies.

              And you did trap our traveling warriors. You liars of Byzantium know full well that there was hordes of Barbarians blocking the so called free path away from your lands. When you trick us with a suprise closeing borders you dumped out our brave men right in front of barbarian invaders to be slaughterd. Only quick action saved us, and with barbarians lurking blocking the path the only safe way home was through Byzantine land, but you refuse to let us pass and trap us. You know full well, so stop all this filth of lies about borders touching nonsense.

              And besides all This does not change that Byzantium has long history of deception and lies and trickery. First against Nether by breaking the long ancient bonds of friendship against the evil France. Now Byzantium does the bidding of France like a lapdog. Then Byzantine diplomats trick Holy Roma, then more tricks to steal land from Ottomans, now again the untrustworthy Byzantine lies and lies against the people of River Village to hide all his tricks. No matter how you talk and talk Byzantine diplomats, you can not distract or hide your tricks from the world. All the world knows you are a master of dirty tricks. All the world knows you can not be trusted. We have founded in the Library of River Village a new group of scientist called the Ministry of Investigations just to investigate all the deceptions of Byzantium.

              Nether Faction does not call "everyone" liars as you say. More lies from you proving what a terrible liar you are. We do not call "everyone" a liar. Just Byzantium and France. The Ministry of Investigations is preparing for your next parade of lies. We will be ready. The scribe is mightier than the Axe.
              Last edited by Netherlands (DoB); November 5, 2012, 11:07.
              "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


              • #22
                We have received a letter from King Louis XXIII in which he asks to close borders with England and Japan.

                Let us make our foreign policy clear:

                Open letter to France and to all nations involved.

                England or any other nation does not have permission to conduct any attacks from within our territory.
                As we have said repeatedly: we are neutral and do not want to be part of any war or rivalry.
                The only type of rivalry we think positive about is economical rivalry.

                You can see from our conduct that we sail a straigth course.
                We honor each and every agreement we make and we trade with who wants to trade with us.
                This has always been our policy and we see no reason to change it.

                Do not mistake this for being weak: we are strong but peacefull.
                That is our choice, and our way of life.

                This war between France and England is a sad thing to behold.
                Countless dead, great destruction, to what avail ?
                We hope you will be able to reach peace.

                Therefore we invite all parties involved to come to the Olónico Peace Summit and discuss the matters at hand.
                Last edited by Spain (DoB); November 5, 2012, 12:21.
                La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                • #23
                  Ocean Faction wish to attend, on behalf of the Factions but France refuses to give us Open Borders so we can not reach Spain unless we travel all the way to Rome and then book passage from there.
                  "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                  • #24
                    Then we suggest you travel to Rome. We will send a galley there and Catalunya will garantee your free passage.
                    And perhaps France is prepared to make a gesture of good will towards the Nether factions?
                    La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                    • #25
                      Symbol for Olónico Peace Summit revealed.

                      “The Just Man” by the artist Pedro Nunjez, symbolizes the bond of trust between two people joining in a handshake to confirm their commitment to each other.

                      A human flexes and raises a mighty form. It is the “Wheel of Life” – the primal symbol of continuity.
                      Nunjez’ “Wheel of Life” does not join in a circular end, it is bisected by “the handshake that obligates”.

                      ”Through an ethical act, human beings contribute and become part of the cosmic order.
                      The sculpture hints that ethical obligation is not a pre-given, but has to be carried forth by each and every human being
                      – again and again and again … "
                      La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                      • #26
                        After reading the letter from Himilce, Koji sent back a reply that his son, Takanami, would attend the Olónico Peace Summit on behalf of the Chasers and Japan. The ship itself would remain at anchor, awaiting reply from the French King.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Shipinthebay.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	74.1 KB
ID:	9094088

                        Takanami looked back to the ship in the bay, before he began the three-day journey towards Olónico with the spanish messenger.


                        • #27
                          England will respect the wishes of our friend Spain and shall not attack into French waters near Freedom Valley from Spanish territory. We shall also limit our current operations to a naval action on the French coast so as to give France an opportunity accept our peace terms at the Olónico Peace Summit.


                          • #28
                            We hope our French friends will attend the summit too.
                            Other nations who believe they have a stake in this matter are hereby invited to step forward as well.

                            Furthermore Himilce has named Don Fernandez "El Pacificador" de la Cruz as prime negotiatior on behalf of the Olónico Peace Summit.
                            La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                            • #29
                              Don Fernandez has commented on the latest proposals of the English negotiator:

                              "It is a good thing the English have made a small step towards peace. This is one, and many must follow.
                              But a journey starts with a first step.

                              That said, it would be better for this delicate process if one doesn't make demands, or sets terms.
                              Peace can come when one understands each other, communicates in an open fashion and if one is prepared to find a compromise.

                              We will do our best to find it here. And it will be a long road, hundreds of years of war cannot be ended overnight."

                              Don Fernandez de la Cruz, El Pacificador
                              La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                              • #30
                                Ocean faction sends Greita who is named after the beautiful pearls we sometime find in the Clamshells we get from Celtia. She will observe for the women of three factions. Fire Faction send Christofoor, who is named after the Christian faith that is followed in the village of Fire Faction. He will speak for the men. This delegation will travel to Rome to the peace meeting. We hope to convince France to embrace peace and Open Borders, and stop sladering our name to the world.
                                "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy

